Tiny question about Rolento d.mk (air)

This may sound like a noob question but you know that little poke he does when you’re in the air and you d.mk?Well how do you get it to bounce repeatedly off the ground?I know in A3 you just kept repeating the d.mk it doesn’t work in cvs2 and i still see other people using this technique,so,teach me!It won’t even take a minute of your time to tell me =.

i KNEW it had something to do with 2K…i kinda like this new change from A3 :smiley: .anyways,thanks!

you can stick out a move in between each hop, but if you do then you can’t hop again.


is that D + MK move any good?? My friend says it has good priority in the air…but on the ground I just don’t see any use for it…

It changes the trajectory of your jump. Instead of flying forward, you’ll drop straight down. I use this to bait my opponent’s anti-air attacks, and then sweep them when they whiff.

-qcb+K, (fly off wall), d+MK in air, jiggle around all crazy

-Jump forward at half screen when you think a fireball is coming. If you see the fireball, hit j.HP and hit them with the tip of your fierce. If you don’t see the fireball, do air d+MK move to save yourself from a dragon punch.

d.MK xx KKK, air d+MK can be used as a pressure pattern as well, but I don’t know if it’s safe or not. It can be countered by jump back HK for one thing (which your Rolento KKK, j.LP counters). Kinda iffy on the block or hit though, but it is something you see quite often from Rolento players.

A Rolento players like to use the dn+j.forward as a random activate “setup” all the time… since it looks fairly unsafe on block (probably is) but random CC beats out stuff.
You can use it as a crossup fake during CC, watch the SBO2 vids and see Kichinii do it to Togawa.

I like this move. And it does have lots of priority. Scouter jump xx d.mk if done deep is very unsafe as it can be thrown. but, there are tiems when it cant be thrown… you can probably punish with a super, but imo its pretty hard to react and do the motion in time.