Timing Snapback After Using "Viewtiful Godhand"

Sorry if this is Unworthy Of its own topic or if i should have put it in an Existing Thread.

Anyways, I Cannot Get the timing down for the snapback After using his Slow-mo Super. Is There Any Advice I can Get to help me with my timing. Ive only been able to do it when I mashing the assist button While continuously Doing the QCF motion.

You can do that normally? I always used to do the bomb glitch when I had this game

Visual cues usually help with thing likes this. Practice inputting the :qcf::a1: / :a2: immediately after the cinematic hyper background fades away (when the screen is no longer dark). That’s usually what helped me get the timing up until it essentially became muscle memory.

I have Tried That but It just seems to Come out late. I guess I just need to hit training mode more.

I’ve only done it accidentally.

Stopped trying since it definitely won’t work in Ultimate, at least.

It’s really easy to do in the original MvC3 I used to do it all the time but I can’t get it to work in Ultimate. It says according to the guide that its +3 but I just can’t get it too work. It have 4 active frames so I was wondering if you could make it hit meaty to have more advantage to allow it to work.

I’ve concluded that the frame data is wrong. Not only can I not snapback my opponent but I also can’t detonate the bomb to combo after slow like in the MvC3. >=( Makes me mad. All of the changes Joe got to his bomb would have made it possible for me to do double slow combos with Amaterasu but now I’ll never get a chance to test it because Joe can’t combo off of slow. I hope someone else can prove me wrong.