Hi guys, just a quick question about akuma’s reset from lk tatsu into s.fp into mk demon
when im doing this it isn’t crossing up, what exactly is the timing? im pretty much pressing K again at the top of his flip. im doing this vs sagat i dont know if it makes a difference, but i’ve only made akuma cross up like twice.
On characters like ryu it’s all about spacing depending on how far away you hit them before lk tatsu will depend on whether on not mk df will cross up. c.LPx3->lk tatsu->cl.HP reset->MK dF kick will almost always not cross up because of spacing. Go to training mode and learn your spacing
Edit: tested it is also about when you kick during the dive kick. Against ryu in training mode if I waited to press kick during dF just a little longer I had abetter change to cross up.