Now I’m not sayin tier every single character putting WW Guile at top and HF Zangief second or whatever. Tier each character by themselves putting which version of them is the best. Put ya reasoning in why which version is better/weaker etc. Remeber the character versions so this should help.
Ryu, Ken, Dhalsim, E. Honda, Zangief, Chun-Li, Guile, Blanka (World Warriors, Champion Edition, Turbo, Super, Super Turbo)
Balrog, Vega, Sagat, M. Bison
(Champion Edition, Turbo, Super, Super Turbo)
Cammy, Fei-Long, Dee Jay, T. Hawk
(Super, Super Turbo)
I’ll start…SUper Turbo is the best version of Akuma to use…hehehe not just joikin, now everyone share ya shit.
Champ Bison clearly is the best character in the game. He has a 3 hit dizzy, a 7 hit re-dizzy, does great damage, fast, can rush the shit out of u, he’s just too damn good. I don’t see how he can loose. Only character that can take him out is a good gief, cause bison fights up close, and Chun Li. Anyone else, it over.
Yeah CE. Bison is good for the resons that TAZMATIK stated but bison clearly has a big weakness. Tick throws Bison cannot get out of them. You can repeatedly tick throw Bison because none of his special moves get him off the ground in time. Other then that I would say he pretty much number 2 on any tier list because Dhalsim still got that game on lock down.
CE Bison can get out of tick throws using his lk scissors. Getting out of tick ochios is a different story, that’s why ST E. Honda is his worst matchup.