Tick Throwing


Since PSN doesn’t keep track of DCers, neither party takes a win or a loss.

So DCers can’t give you a loss over here.:rofl::rofl:

Our netcode sucks though.:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

ok 2 happned to me alot! number 3 wud be useful…but Akuma over-powered? I hav’nt got a problem with Akuma players…but thats the way akuma is in this? OR shud akuma be less over-powered? I dont understand lol

Akuma has a good blue hado, along with his air hado, completely invincible dps that have one frame startup and the ability to start a juggle, his tatsus can also create a juggle with his dps. He has no landing frames on his air hado, his super is completely invincible and doesn’t seem to have any recovery(not sure about this), and theoretically the way the game processes events on each frame akuma is capable of trapping you with a supposed 75% guaranteed chance of landing a raging demon if you block his air hado crouching. He also has invincible startup on his hados or something like that.

The problem with akuma, is that all he needs is vulnerablity on his dps, maybe nerf or simply remove his blue ground hado, and possibly give some vulnerablity either at the beginning of RD or at the end. As well as get rid of the possible RD traps.

His air hado does very little damage, and if you can force a trade with it, it always benefits the other person. Hell, I believe that Ken at the very least is a full counter pick to him, because of ken’s mp shoryuken.

Akuma’s mostly show up in ranked anyways, although they are slowly encroaching into player matches.

Meh that’s not half of it.

His normals are ridiculous.

His :uf::hk: is on the level if not above chun’s :uf::mk:.

I’m surprised this thread is still up.

[quote=“Coth_X, post:83, topic:72404”]

He also has invincible startup on his hados or something like that.

Yeah, Ultra David commented on this (might have come from someone else, though. The start up of ground fireball has at least one frame of complete invincibility (why?) then after that only the back part of his sprite has a defensive hit box (so weird). It’s easy enough to test in training mode. It made me laugh when I saw it. For the most part it doesn’t matter, except when you play boxer or something and you’ve wiffed through the Akuma’s hands more than once. Then again i could have been off on my timing so it’s might not be Akuma’s fault.

Ugggggghhhh. I agree with the whole trading thing, but sometimes it’s just so hard to even get a trade.

I <3 hp shoryu, too. It doesn’t have the same invincibility, but it has so much range that it’ll catch Akuma a lot with just the very tip or something. It’s awesome to see that man go down in flames like the flaming hetero he is.

Yeah, he shows up everywhere. It’s annoying at best.

As you can tell, we’ve gotten pretty far off topic.

True, but its a valid problem. Especially as more and more people start to join HDR’s ranks for the first time.

I wonder how many new generation players might be playing this, and how many hate tick throws?

Sometimes I can handle Akuma players cos I mainly use Blanka & E.Honda, didnt really become an issue for me…but its not really that difficult for me once you learn to beat air hado. Which player is most lacking/vunerable against Akuma?

So anyway thanks Coth_X for the info of akuma

St. forward and basically every other normal he has are retarded too. A lot of his shit cleanly beats DJ’s j. jab (the move that beats about 99% of normals in the game)

I wonder of the quality of your akuma opponents then or the level of your honda then. Honda loses to fireball characters, primarily the shoto types, if they zone you properly, then they should be beating you bad.

Do they just jump air fireball all day long against you?

As for most vulnerable? Gief and Dictator probably, Sim if his teleport doesn’t get him out of it, most characters can do something about the air fb, except for no super dictator, but if the akuma plays like a ryu/ken combination and also uses air fb for retreating, offensive pressure, and jump checking then most characters are gonna have a bitch of a time doing anything to him.

I think him having an air fireball is ok because it builds almost no meter and does very little damage. The problem stems from having that (which the game wasn’t built around in the first place) and having retarded hitboxes, and all of that other nonsense with his special moves.

He’s not unbeatable, just a whole lot of bullshit.

Yeah so now we are about 500 miles off topic, but its nice to have some nice conversation sometimes. . .

Wait, and then there’s the fact akuma is allowed to tick throw.

DISCUSS :rofl: :rofl:

Luckily most people who chose akumer suck at using him, they mis time the air fireball and dont know how to exploit akumas many advantages, for instance the red hit box on his standing fierce kick is rediculas. His airball can nullify other fireballs that are nowhere near it.

Its when you have to play a good akuma player who knows how exploit akuma, then it becomes a one sides story. Why do you think akuma was banned evo…cos he’s over powered

the air fireball is broken too, the angle at which it comes down means you cant even walk underneath it. Plus it can cross you up too. If an akuma player knows how to time the air fireball then it beats most AA’s moves in the game…including guiles flash kick…which is just stupid. So in most instances akuma can jump without any risk.

Well, at least it’s promoting discussion which is the whole point of a thread anyway. Additionally, I’m surprised at the number of people who have voted. The outcome is exactly what I had expected.

aslong as most akuma players are like this:


then we’ll all be fine.

It really depends on a whole load of factors for me:

  1. Am I on the offensive?
  2. Are they in the corner?
  3. Will I die if I get counterthrown/ reversal’d?
  4. Are they expecting it?
    5 Are they good at counter throwing?

And depending on my strategy at the time, whether I want them in the corner or out of the corner.

A few exceptions:
me playing bison = tick throw all day!
playing against honda = tick throw all day!

but yeah, it really boils down to whether a block string will be sufficient to put them where I want or not.

That’s why Ken is definitely one of the few characters that has a definite shot against him.

What character do you use to tick throw honda? That screams reverse stored ochio me please.

Well I guess he is over-powered, but its a special - unlocked character which is probably why capcom did this…

**I will probably read more on akuma being broken…

but thanks for the info people

thanks for the info people




All things akuma, great reads, good for late night too.

it was a joke…

my sensei said he would cut off my hand if i ever used turbo…

btw, since some folks brought up akuma, heres a vid i made while testing out capping software/hardware…
