I wish more players online were as intelligent as you are.
Agreed. Anyone complaining about tick throws is playing the wrong game. My first ST tourny I lost to Sim’s Yoga noogie trap. I didn’t complain or get mad, it was irritating lol, but a win is a win. I just took the loss and practiced dp’ing that shit.
Good points. My high reward low risk statement was meant for mid to low level play. At the highest level it’s assumed that both fighters know how to react to tick attempts. So as you said they are used less often.
Ticks are a part of the game, personally I still find them annoying, but if I get caught it’s ultimately my fault so I hold no grudge.
Well I guess this would be a decent place to ask.
How do you effectively reversal a tick with a charge character? This bugs the hell out of me as I play mostly charge characters these days - Chun-li/Rog/Dee Jay/Honda/Blanka/Claw - all their reversals require me to charge DOWN, but then I’m setting myself up for a throw by charging d/b in the first place. I agree 100% with whomever said its soemthing thats setup from a previous mistake, but when trying to correct it, I almost always ‘eat’ it.
Say I’m on Dee Jay and I’m fighting a Chun-Li player with a good space game. Kikous mized w/ j. lk or mk and random mp/mk pokes. She throws a kikou, I can either try:
- Jump over it foward which will get me ‘got’ by a counter of hers
- I can jump straight up losing all charge advatnage I had, and putting me in a predictable path of coming back down
- I can jump back which is never a good thing unless agaisnt a wall
- I can block it high which will prevent an up-kicks charge, but will keep my hit box as slim as possible and allow me to block high on a follow up j. lk, but then I’d eat a c. lp tick
- I can block it low which will charge up kicks, but with good spacing I’ll at best ‘trade’ with Chun’li on a jump-in, possible lose and eat a meaty/throw because I don’t have my charge up
I mean thats sort of an ‘exotic’ scenerio, but something I’ve had alot of concern with. I’ve had Giefs try and rape with body splash, and because I’m blocking high for the splash, I lose all charge for reversal, same goes for Thawk’s splash and j lp. So any help on reversing ticks with charge toons would be GREATLY appreciated.
- :bluu:
As a chun player I’ve given up on reversals out of tick throws. I just improved my timing on throwing first.
As far as command throws I try not to get in those situations. If you do find yourself in one, I think sbk has some invicibility frames. Would that work to get out of them?
Don’t know, Iv’e done ‘reversal’ with it before, but I’ve also been THROWN out of it before.
- :bluu:
If you are in the diffacult position on having been hit at close range for the tick - you gotta try and reverse the throw or do short upkicks to reverse the throw.
It isn’t easy, but it’s better than getting thrown. Just practice your reversal timing. Barring that, just mash the hell out of the throw button once you’ve blocked the tick.
The best is to stop the tick hit, use short upkicks.
Getting around the kikouken is another matter - don’t be afraid to use the vertical jump - the kiko recovery and the fact that you don’t really advance can keep you safe - if Honda can get away with it, Dee Jay can.
Use maxouts against the kiko’s he’s like Guile you can cancel a kiko, then jump over the next one, stuff like that.
Empty jumps are also good - some jumping attacks extend the hitboxes in front, making it more likely one will land on a counter if one attacks without hitting.
Chun Li is a problem for Dee Jay players even for Pro’s - you just have to out-play her to a degree.
One thing I’ve noticed is that after canceling some kiko’s with maxout, chul will often make a far-jump to get in - just block then and jump in yourself afterwards - won’t always work, but something worth trying.
I don’t really play Dee Jay, but those are my thoughts.
i tick throw much as possible because i like to make people mad
Throws open up the blows.
Ken’s throw is especially cinematic - it’s like a tender story about a knee and the face that loved him.
Let’s not even talk about Cammy’s kick throw.
LOL! made my day