Throw Ranges and Normals Knockback Distances?

Back on the Hyper Fighting thread on the XBL forums, one poster put together this nice image of Throw Ranges and Normals Knockback Distances:
(I had saved the image and have reposted it there on imageshack since I don’t have the original link)

You can use it to see what combination of moves each character can do from set positions to control distances and exploit or avoid throw ranges.

  1. Does anyone have this data for ST/HDR?
    Can you specify both blockstun and hitstun pushbacks? (and specials/supers if you can)

  2. I know that characters have different starting postions after specific distance set-ups. What are the starting pushbacks in these instances:
    a. walk into or slide into opponent as getting up from knockdown (point blank?)
    b. jump on opponent, land on their front with no attack (point blank?)
    c. jump on opponent, land on their front with attack that hits
    d. jump on opponent, land on their front with attack that is blocked
    e. jump on opponent, land on their backside with attack (cross-up) that hits
    f. jump on opponent, land on their backside with attack (cross-up) that is blocked

Just bumping this thread, in the hope that somebody will answer it or give a source for the info. We need to have a record of this kind of stuff.