Three Mysteries

The reason to bother is to make the familiar unfamiliar. You can’t enjoy a good magic act or a movie without a healthy sense of disbelief. Is the explanation suddenly sour grapes? You mad?

Against Honda, stand LP is good enough, but Id do it against Dics Psycho Crusher, bait him to do that so I can headbutt it.


I agree with XSPR. BTW, those chain cancels into super were assumed too hard, and now Mars gets them going any time he wants to. As for cr.strong, a full knockdown (from the headbutt) is almost always better then an air reset. Not that Boxer needs any more help, lol.

This is genuinely one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen in ST. My jaw dropped.

Yeah, that st.strong variation is pretty disgusting. Rare to see though, as it seems much easier (and about as practical) as a st.jab whiff into super.