lmao, people still complaining about playing against top tier in ST? you’ve only have what, like 15 years to figure out the match-ups?
Figure out the match-ups uhh you say? Figuring out the match ups isn’t the problem when the match ups like Vega and Rog are extremely difficult for Guile…nearly lopsided
Dude ok you were once a guile player then went top tier whore just to win with scrubby easy mode vega that takes no skill…but you need to deflate your ego…you were only qualified for SBO in Japan cause you placed in a decent american tourney, but I assure you would not have qualified for SBO had you try to in the Japan qualifier matches…and whats your secret that you claim you don’t want to give up…wait I know what it is…
YOauuu …Youwww…youuwww …youwww
Guess you’re mad coz guile gets no love, instead of Ganelon being better than you @ ST.
I agree with what you said but if you sub Ganelon with John Choi/Alex Valle/DGV or whatever, it is still a true statement. So you said nothing.
The last chance qualifier is a mini SBO by itself. Every team is a killer. If there are 16 teams, your chance of winning is approximately 1/16. It doesn’t help that it is also single elimination.
It is SBO’s choice to give a spot for USA. It’s their decision, not ours.
I gotta give you props there, it got me a great laugh after a long boring day at work
Stop hating. You know what, mirror match Ganelon if claw is cheap. If you can win consistently, talk all the trash you want and no one will challenge you.
lol I really don’t even play ST and never will so it’s even more confusing people confuse Biron and me, evidenced by that DSP video
P.S. There is no honor in fighting games because we aren’t samurai; there is only who you enjoy playing and who you feel comfortable winning with
I don’t think most claw players would put much $$ on a mirror match because that garbage is coin flip
nice report
just wonder what speed in GGPO equivalent to Japan arcade version? speed 1?
Here are basically the equivalent speeds for the most used ST versions:
Japanese fixed turbo 3 offline. This is the standard for Tougeki (SBO) and X-Mania. And most cabinets for SSFIIX in Japan are fixed turbo 3 by default.
American fixed turbo 2 offline. In the past in American ST arcade tournaments the standard was U.S. turbo 3, which is one speed up from Japanese turbo 3. Now that everyone wants to erode the differences between various regions, and solidify an international standard for ST, the U.S. speed of turbo 2 fixed was adopted as the new standard.
GGPO free select turbo 1 online. Most of the Japanese players I see on GGPO exclusively use free select turbo 1. Free select turbo 1 has the least amount of skipped frames of animations and, because of online adding input delay to the game, the speed feels closest to Japanese fixed turbo 3 offline. Over longer distances on GGPO, overseas connections especially, I use free select turbo 1. However for people on the east coast of the U.S. I still prefer free select turbo 2 on GGPO because the lower latency means there is less input delay added to the game.
Japanese fixed turbo 3 = American fixed turbo 2 = GGPO free select turbo 1.
Most people on GGPO will use turbo 2 as the standard. Some argue that turbo 1 should be the standard for GGPO but honestly I don’t mind free select turbo 2 at all.
Sounds like this dude been a fan of Ganelon and Brian for years.
Ganelon, that was a nice writeup. It’s always nice to read about what ST in Japan is like. And congrats on making it out to Japan and on OCV’ing Toutanki’s team. Many peeps on GGPO thought that Team USA would get OCV’d in the first round. ??? ? ?? FTW!
Ok, moving on, Battosai Brothers, feel free to tell me that I am wrong.
You say that all the time to Ganelon and Brian, but how come you don’t say that to Afrolegends? I mean, he did play deejay at first right?
Oh, what about your boy Mike Watson? doesnt he play the top tier chars in every SF?
ce: bison and guile, hf: ryu, guile, and sagat, nc: ryu and guile, st: rog and sagat and don’t give me that o.guile crap because he has used him to counter gief. alpha 2: ken, alpha 3: akuma. sf3: yun and ken. sf4: sagat
jeff schaeffer, also, after CE, became a tier whore in every game he played:
hf: blanka and sagat, nc: sagat, st: rog, a2: ken and akuma.
in japan, EVEN in America as well, chun li and vegaplayers have been to the promiseland more times than moses.
thus, what’s the point when we all know that a 1992 style guile can’t win at ST.
sorry battosai bros, you will never be on tomo nor thomas’s level. and even if you do manage to get to their level, there’s no point because you guys don’t live in hong kong, korea, chile, or mexico.
Do you really have to constantly plead to everyone that you two have the best guiles in the US? None of you have ever won a legit non-mickeymouse tourney. Now since merit is based off of tournament results (as well as who you have beaten in those tournaments), as of right now Paul Eath has the best Guile in the US. The only argument against it could be that his tournament victory happened in HDR. But still, there will never be another US Guile player who can take out Choi and Wolfe in one tournament.
Getting props for being a good (guile or sf player) is like getting sex from a girl. the MORE you ask for it the lesser the chance is of you getting it!
Just to clarify, speed 0 is which has the least one.
Right and you’ve known this forever. So what’s the solution? Ask your opponent to not pick these characters against you?
i put up some of my pics from the sbo stuff in nashville and tokyo. check em out if you like JohnRamboPresents’ photosets on Flickr
Nice pics. Mattsun looked like a boss lol.
Hey Rambo/ganelon/damdai, if you don’t mind, could you break down the cost of your trip?
I went to japan in 2005 (tour trip) but I haven’t got back into fg yet so I didn’t even go to any arcade (nor they gave us any free time to roam the city).
But I’m planning to go next year maybe during the xmania or sbo week. So it would be nice to have a general idea. Thanks
so is hyper fighting just non-existent over there as well? I always figured more people would prefer it over Champion Edition.
Me too. Seeing Ghaleon makes me feel dyslexic because I always think it’s Ganelon until his name comes across again and I think Wait, what?! and I scroll back up to the first time it appears in the article (or whatever i’m reading) and go… oh…
Consistently means the majority of the time… Heck, considering how much time Ganelon put into Claw, I’ll let Shinobi continue saying claw is cheap even if he can win 1/3 of the time against Ganelon in a mirror.
random point:
I love chun yap! yap! yap! (I know it’s not exactly what she says, but I saw people type that somewhere a LONG time ago… and I liked it, and i’m keeping it =p)
Laura Bailey is fucking hot. Not because of her look but her personality. She’s so fun to be around.
huhh Sabin you are welcome for my expert advice…?