Well, I was just looking for a recap of why you think you lost as I couldn’t really pin point it, so thanks for the details. The match didn’t seem like your typical Claw Vs Ryu match, locking him down with pokes ect… I guess Futachan has plenty of tools to deal with top claw players that I’m not familiar with. Seeing a Ryu player take down really good Claw, Sim, and another Ryu player is an impressive sight.
The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.
But seriously, I guess you just have to make a thread in your local region subforum and have an open invitation, see if anyone bites.
Nice write-up, Ganelon. Hopefully I’ll also get to experience the Japan ST scene firsthand someday as well.
I remember Brian posting about last year’s X-Mania event, and how high the skill level was. And apparently you guys randomly encountered Brian whilst wandering Akihabara?
Interesting discussion from last year: Brian’s X-mania log :karate:
Yeah, we encountered Brian randomly along the streets of Akihabara and since I had never met him before, I thought he was just a random guy. Nobody even introduced us until I put 2 and 2 together. He was also at the Mikado weeklies too (although I didn’t get a chance to play him). As for the discussion from last year, I stand by what I had said then.
Good stuff, much respect bro.
Great writeup Ganelon, and congrats on a strong showing!
Excellent post.
Any clue on what type of Seimitsu sticks were used? Or reasoning for them over the Sanwas?
I have been saying for the last year that I was done with arcade ST, but damn, I really wish we could go back.
LS-32 of course. They never had shaft covers and there were no funky mesh balls either. I wonder how many kids would just steal the balltops if these sticks had been used in the US. I’m not positive but certain arcades seemed to favor one brand over the other. A lot of machines at Hey seemed to use Seimitsu’s LS-32 and a lot of machines at Club Sega seemed to use Sanwa’s JLF-TP-8Y-SK (with shaft cover).
I know Seimitsu sticks are slightly cheaper but I’m not sure if that’s a primary factor for using them. My main beef against them is that I don’t like the soft plastic gates, which feel more awkward to me when performing diagonal motions. If you ever look underneath a Seimitsu stick that’s been well worn but not cleaned, you’ll see a lot of plastic shavings from rubbing against the gate.
capcom designed sf2 around the LS-32, that’s why they use it
THx for the write up…
I’m a failure for getting to the last chance qual late :(.
I knew the sign ups were 7-8am, and when I arrived at 8:30, the tournament had already finished… damn Japanese scheduling…
Anyway, the Wednesday nights at Mikado are a total blast. 8 machines, like 50 players, and freeplay = win.
Against the good players I can do somewhat ok with Rog, but with Guile I’m getting raped. I feel like I play Guile in a fairly algorithmic way, and the guys here have long ago solved this algorithm… I’ll see if I can make adjustments tonight…
jealous. you gonna stay in japan for a while? I see NKI doesn’t even play very often, maybe he knows whenever he wants it is just a train station away from the arcade…
BTW please do share how you fare this time. Always interesting to read about the arcade scene in japan.
I’ll be here for 3 years, heh. Plenty of time to play some ST :P.
I didn’t win a whole lot more last night, but I feel like I can see some important areas where I can improve. It’s the shotos and chuns here that are giving me the biggest trouble relative to what I would usually have. And these are easily the most popular characters here.
Ganelon Quote:
Team USA didn’t have problems with the majority of players. For the most part, I personally sandbagged matches (since I didn’t want any tactics leaked out, and also wanted to practice pokes more), going without or limiting wall dives and other moves, and was still able to perform fine.
end Ouote:
Sure Ganelon you don’t want Japanese pro’s to figure out your tactics so you held back in casuals…sure…so full of yourself when those cheap ass tactics you copied are originally from Japan’s Mao’s Vega and Noguchi’s Vega. Dude remember something Ganelon you qualified for SBO by winning a tourney in the U.S. using “Vega” where it was waaaaay easier to do compared to Japan where its very difficult to make it past the qualifiers where even the average ST players are better than the good players here in the U.S…so please stop while you are ahead before your ego gets too big…relax you beat a bunch of T hawk players and got 5th as result. Don’t start saying that you held back and I seriously doubt your claims. Graham Wolfe made that mistake after placing at AE SBO as well and started making claims on ggpo that he couldn’t back up.
Really? from what I remember not too long ago on GGPO you said that guile sucks so you decided to go top tier and play Rog to get the job done(which I ve seen you play mostly)…hypocrite! you say you have no problems playing guile vs rog but yet you went top tier whore…also I remember you said “well if I knew that guile was only mid tier ahead of time when I started playing ST then I wouldn’t have wasted my time with him and I would have originally played Vega instead”.
But know you are going back to guile…good luck with that, but whats with the false ego…sorry but you will never be on Kurahashi’s nor Muteki’s level dude those guys have been playing near since the game came out. Dude you even lost matches against my scrubby bison so I wouldn’t say that Ryu and chun are your only problem…
Realize your connection sucked with latency frameskip issues on GGPO and 2df, making you look better (to people spectating matches) than you really are …reversal fk or super fk safe jumps kicks that were bad late timed on your end it seemed, but on your opponents end of the connection were perfectly timed and there never miss a safe jump with ryu online) ggpo many people including some of the best players from U.S. outside of (ganelon who likes to di** ride you) on there which I will keep unanimous complained about your connection being crappy so its not just me. Sorry but had to do keep it real here since you were such a smart ass jerk online last time I talked to you.
Wow, funny stuff from someone with an apparently huge inferiority complex who’s never played in Japan directed towards 2 people who have. Brian wasn’t perhaps the best US Guile because of online; he also proved himself when he participated offline (including wins against top players). As for me, you’re free to believe what you want, although you probably could have just politely asked my teammates to confirm my play style.
I’m not sure why you’re talking about tiers when the only reason you know of me is through GGPO and you also had considerable trouble against some of my casual characters there, such as Honda. If you’ve read my HDR thread on the same subject, I’d say you seem to have a lot of conviction in your beliefs for someone blindly wandering the caves. I sympathize with you though; there have been a few others before you who had similar bitterness in their souls before they played offline more and achieved results. Maybe you’ll learn some decency with time.
Dude you are top tier whore especially in tournament play so don’t try to pull honda out of that hat …just admit it you couldn’t win with a mid tier honorable character in a Tourney…lol I have proof on Youtube of that watching you pick “Old Sagat” who is top tier to counter DSP’s deejay for most recent SBO qualifiers…thats 2 top charcters you had to play…sorry but you lost my respect there bro.
I don’t why you and everyone always is giving Brian all this credit…Brian is very smart and good but not the best US guile offline nor on…He has never won a major ST tourney or high placing in a vanilla ST tourney using guile where John choi, Afro Legend, etc was there to compete against him in the same tourney…so there.
I play claw exclusively, and used him against DSP’s claw on route to the initial spot at SBO quals. I don’t play o.Sagat or any other character in tourneys, even in matchups where my chances would be higher with other characters. I’m pretty sure you’re mistaking me for Ghaleon, who played o.Sagat later on in the quals. Though to be fair, the majority of players I’ve met seem to get our handles confused.
lol i’m one of them.
Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon Ghaleon Ganelon