This weekend - Seattle, Tournament of Legends Qualifier @ Northwest Major June 2nd-3rd

Northwest Majors 4, a Road to EVO event, will be on June 2nd and 3rd in Seattle WA.

Highline Community College
Student Union Building
2400 S 240th St, Des Moines (Seattle), WA 98198 (Building #8 is the one we are in)
6000 Sq Ft of Room

Register on the site starting March 25th
Tournament Registration Fee:

Forget to mention that there is a $200 (TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS) pot bonus for ST at NWM
That’s bigger then most of the other qual’s pot!

Attend if you are in the area!

That’s not true ;p
Quals only need 10 people to equal that pot (with the exception of UFGT which made other arrangements), and all quals have had more than 10.
Would be nice if they all had $200 bonuses tho :slight_smile:

I thought Texas Showdown had 8 people?

It had 10.

The top 8 for NW Majors is scheduled to be streamed on Sunday at 12:30PM PST.