This weekend - Morristown, Tournament of Legends Qualifier @ East Coast Throwdown 4 (June 9th, 10th)

Hyatt Morristown
3 Speedwell Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
(973) 647-1234
[]Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Tournament of Legends Qualifiers (1 Saturday, 1 Sunday)
[]Being played on Japanese cabinets with Japanese parts
]American parts CAN NOT BE USED
[]Matches are 3/5 games, Grand Finals 4/7 Games
]Entry Fee is $20
[]Payout is 60%/10%/5%
]20% goes to the EVO Main Event Pot (will be around $3000 after all qualifiers)

Both tournaments are Saturday, and payout is missing 5%.

Payout is supposed to be 65/10/5.

Is someone recording the matches?

no stream for this one?

I recorded. Ganelon qualifies!

  1. Damdai
  2. Ganelon
  3. Mars

Next qualifier will start soon.

Are the brackets available online? How many entrants?

  1. I took pic of bracket. Riz, Howard, and nohoho didnt enter even though they were here. Send them hate mail.

Good job, Ganelon! Now it’s Marsgatti’s turn so we can have a solid Guile player in the ToL!

Mars takes 2nd qualifier! 9 entrants.

  1. Mars
  2. Mike Idge
  3. Tecmo

NICE! Great job Mars, and good on MikeIdge and TSB for a strong showing! Any vids…?

Good shit Mars. About time we see a Guile represent in ToL.

Congrats, Mars! So good to see Guile taken to this level.

I heard he took out Wong’s o. Sag :o

Oh yeah, I got paid!!!

your fight money!

Get Em B.Rabbit!

Aren’t you missing $5