This character embodies all that's wrong w/sfv

Yeah, it sucks; and Abi’s tard bait.

Sorry you are a goddamn nub idiot retard scrub fool bitch son!!!

Abigail owns your sad life for free, sorry you had to live this long!!!

Delete this damn thread and gtfoh

Can we spend a minute to think about this guy who registered an account just to troll in this subforum

There’s some guy in the Marvel thread who’s decided to post once every 2 minutes about how bad Capcom is after not posting much at all for the last 7 years. These guys are attacking from every front it seems.

Russian bots bruh. They have infiltrated srk.

This thread is fake news. Vroom vroom.

Abigail is our savior. Kneel and praise the vroom vroom.

I stands correctedah! Abigail is NOT the problem…PEOPLE who like Abigail are what’s wrong with SFV.

Nothing but tard bait.

The only tard trying to bait things I see here is OP

Do you even syntax, punctuation, or subject-verb agreement?