on DC? what are you talking about? im confused
I see No problem with 3rd Strike for the Ps2 It’s a little better than the DC Version and matches alot/better to the arcade version I wonder if Next’s Year EvO They Might Include this version In… :dp: :rolleyes:
Is there an XBOX version of 3s? If so, is/will that be arcade perfect?
That Im not Sure It should be and it’s “Live” Compatible Can’t wait to get the X-Box Version
I’m not sure but I’m pretty sure Xbox version will be practically the same as PS2 version plus online support.Hopefully,they decide to give us an arcade perfect port.
Capcom, ptf
If Capcom had any sense they would go an fix all the bugs that are discovered in the PS2 version of 3S in time for the Xbox release.
that would probably mean delaying xbox 3S a few years
Bugs? Can I get a list please.
Like what everyone is saying in various forums.
No one AFAIK has discovered bugs, Rockefeller specifically said what he noticed was not a bug, inaccuracies you probably mean.
on the differences Rockefeller found with his unblockable setup; didn’t Emphy test a number of setups and find that arcade and ps2 unblockables were identical?
Gouki’s toward strong seems throwable on PS2.
could someone test Yang’s unblockables for PS2?
Hey look, I used the search tool :tup: . Anyway, I haven’t played the arcade as much to know the difference between the two versions and I also couldn’t find the thread that talked about the differences between DC and PS2 versions…
Anyway, what I have noticed that when I play Yun, I can combo his Genei Jin combo a lot easier on PS2 than on the DC version. What I mean is that I can do lp, lk, mp, dp+lp, Genei Jin, mp, f+fp. I had a huge problem on the DC version (where Genei Jin followed by mp, f+fp). I think it is possibly frame rate that helps on the PS2 version.
Also, I am not sure if its just me, but I swear that the Genei Jin lasts a lot longer in 3rd strike match videos and on the DC than it does on the PS2. The cycle that I usually see is (in corner only): qcb+p, f+mk, f+mk, qcb+p, f+mk, f+mk, qcb+fp, dp+fk, then ending with non custom dp+lp, f+fp, qcf+lp. On the PS2, however, I can only do qcb+p, f+mk, f+mk, qcb+p, dp+fk, and ending…Maybe I am just doing something wrong or perhaps I have seen the videos wrong?
The above problem of faster draining custom mentioned has been bothering me, that is why I brought this thread back to life.
sorry for asking. ntsc japan version game plays on ntsc north america console? or need ntsc japan region console?
PS2 has region locking, so you’ll need the correct region console to play it.
big thx for the answer!
It would be cool to make some sort of master list for every version just for record keeping and reference. I’ve seen a similar list on Japanese sites before but I forget where.
Did div really just flag a post from 9 years ago as off topic? Good god. Raise the walls, they’re dribbling in.

sorry for asking. ntsc japan version game plays on ntsc north america console? or need ntsc japan region console?
get a dreamcast…