Thinking of adding C-Iori to my team


My team:


I’m thinking on trading Chun with Iori since I’m confortable with Iori. From what I’ve read I know this:




I really only need to know this since I’ll get on the supers after I get confortable with the normals.

Anyway, any kind of advice or something you think you should say about him ?


Read Buktooth’s FAQ on N-Iori to play Iori at his full potential.

command grab is your BEST friend with iori. i also like to c. lk, s. hp to any super/special. if you’re not good at that timing,,c.lp, is what i usually use to link everything. a good way to get the command grab down is to rush in, to the grab

This is just a quick runthrough, im sure i missed some key points but for specifics readBuktooth’s Iori FAQ General things to know:

Learn how to RC his rekkas this is a MUST. it has long range and is an easy combo/knockdown.

His sweep has decptive range, but recovery sucks and can leave u open…ONLY use this when u know it will connect AND it is at the very max distance in case its blocked.

If u ever have a reason to jump in, mp usually gets priority in the air, but Ioris game is good on the ground as it is so try to keep it there.

Iori’s man anti-air is cr.hp; hits at a 45 degree angle and is very fast, making it hard to parry or JD…however not too useful vs. blanka/bison probably others. fierce DP has the best priority so always be ready to use it and look/wait for jumpins.

Whenever u are up close always use st.lp to start your combos. This is one of the fastest jabs in the game and usually comes out before the opponents does.

lp, lp, x rekkas
lp, hp x rekkas
lp, cr. lk, Fierce DP

Focus on these mostly, combo into rekkas for damage, and use the DP combo if u sense the opponent will become dizzy.

when u get a lvl 2 use it when u get the chance, preferably lp, lp, st. lk xx super, and cancel the very last hit into a DP. Level 1s are a waste, so are lvl 3s…dont bother with the pillar super unless u wanna be flashy but we all bizness for now.

Also dont abuse his roll too much, its best to use when the opponents waking up so they have to guess what side youll be on.

Here are some useful links:

Cr.LKx2, Cr.MP, QCB+HPx3
Cr.MP, Cr.MP XX Whatever
Cr.MP, Cr.HP XX Super

I Usually play him in A/N, but when I do play C, I like to cancel into his Drunken Grail super, for extra flash, plus it dizzies opponents if hit them with a extra combo.


Heres a pillar super combo u can use:

st. lp, cr, hp xx lvl2 rush, cancel to lvl1 pillar on 11th hit, j.hp, st. hp x hp DP…does roughly 63 stun, and all of this started off a 2 frame jab.

you actually want to cancel the level 2 into the level 1 as soon as possible if you’re going to get them dizzy. If not the high number of hits on the super will scale the damage on your post-dizzy combo to all hell.

Ok ok good point…with that taken into consideration, j. hk, hp xx hp DP after the quick lvl 1 cancel does about the same damage as the entire lvl2 iteslf. So yes its totally worth cancelling the lvl2 immediately…But then u dont have time to check your cell phone during the lvl 2…anyways never thought about that, thanks Buk! :tup:

I hardly face any C-Ioris so I was kinda impressed when I saw this the other day… after L2 Maiden Masher, cancel it with a Jab DP and you can walk up (or maybe he rolled, I forget) and easily punish any safe falls. The easy counter is to NOT safe fall if you see the Jab DP, but as a one-time trick it’s pretty good. Probably old stuff, but hardly any real good Iori players use him in C nowadays…

I have been wondering how to you guys link the three hits: s.lp, s.lp, cr.hp consistently. It hardly ever works for me. Even if it does, only 15% or 30%. In fact, I have been practicing for quite a while. :clap:

You don’t need to do that combo. You have to be at point blank range to do it anyway. close s.LP, s.LP, d.LK and d.LK, d.LK are way better combo starters than any kind of d.HP link. Try practicing those instead.

If you want the fierce added for damage, then do the easy one. It’s s.LP, s.HP xx whatever.