Things you just don't understand about ST

Scenario: hawk/gief vs sim… sim manage to knock down his opponent, sim executes a normal like st.fierce/strong or st.forward/roundhouse at medium range, is it possible to hawk or gief to reverse with a spd or super from that distance ala o.gief magic grab?, i know i can punish sim with a reversal dp/upkick/flashkick,tatsu

The same goes for Honda vs sim is it possible to reverse with an ochio?

Prolly no.
You can allways test that with the hitboxes images in the wiki tho, download gief’s spd hitbox and dhalsim’s active hitbox normal, put them in paint, with the distance you have in mind, and analyze if SPD has enough range or not. I doubt Hawk can grab him from medium range though…

Dhalsim’s limbs aren’t grabbable, if that’s your question.

I have a question about getting out of throws. The wiki says go through neutral as often as possible. Does pushing a button while going through neutral actually do anything?

I assume you mean while you’re in a grab-throw? Like Ken’s knee bash, or Dhalsim noogies, or Blanka’s bite.

You want to hit up-back into down-forward, and up-back, down-forward, etc etc, as fast you can, while passing through neutral each time. The game reads corners in order to see how many inputs you’ve made in order to tech out of the throw asap. Mashing buttons helps it a little bit, but it’s primarily dependent on your joystick inputs.

Pushing a button actually doesn’t seem necessary, it seems like it is just a habit players do (including myself) when breaking out of hold throws.

It does make a slight difference, but takes timing to get it down properly. The guy doing the hold can get an extra hit or two out of it, and sometimes the opponent can wiggle out of it completely before the first hit even lands.

what about the “impossible grabs” glitch? the wiki doesnt mention it, or even better, what causes it?

You mean like O.Gief’s magic grab? Or which glitch are you referring to? Zangief’s st.RH into SPD? Honda’s whiff cr.RH into Ochio?

no, but how u cannot grab a dizzie opponent if a grab made him dizzie, does the game remove the grab box during the dizzy?

No, I noticed that with sim also, you cannot throw twice, because the second time it will go into a punch.

not sure how it works but its just part of the engine afaik

How come when I’m DJ, and I do crossup forward kick, low jab, standing strong, to roundhouse upkicks…why does it reset the dizzy meter? That combo hardly ever dizzies and I’m curious why it resets it…

is it because the hits are not fast enough? doesn’t being dizzied depend highly on how fast all the hits connect?

if for blankathe slide in slide > ball for positioning > > f+mp/st.hp still counts towards the dizzy there is no way that dj combo issnt fast enough. thats not the answer.

how come sometimes when you do blankas super, after it hits, he just stands back up instead of bouncing back? is there a way to make that happen on purpose or is it random?

If the opponent is in the corner and you do fierce ball into super and time it properly so that the pop up part hits on the way down blanka will just recover instantly. This gives you a 50/50 between bite and xx blanka ball

I suppose upkicks just naturally have a lower stun value whereas Blanka’s command mp does a ton of stun (Many headbutts in the game do).

afro, if you want a fancy combo that is more likely to stun, do the same sequence but replace the roundhouse upkick with machine gun upper. That’s one of the DJ’s best combos imo. Though it can be tricky to pull off, it’ll connect for 7 hits on the whole cast if you do it right and a guaranteed dizzy for most of them (especially Claw) not to mention like 50% damage.
Hell, it even works on Blanka who is notorious for being a weird character to combo. The only way to combo into upkicks on Blanka is after the super near the corner, I think. Roundhouse upkicks pretty much whiffs on him most other occasions if he isn’t airborne.

I can attest to this. Whenever I play Muffin Man, he always goes for MGU for full connect, and the dizzy. God I hate Deejay.

I think most anti air specials like DJ’s Upkicks, Guile’s Flashkick and Ryu’s Shoryuken don’t do much dizzy. I know it’s very rare to see a combo ending in Shoryuken that dizzies, except for Ken’s Fierce. But even Ken’s Jab Shoryu doesn’t dizzy too often.

I guess it’s cuz they have invincibility that their dizzy factor is low IMO.