Things that improved my Dudley

This forum has been sadly quiet the last few days. And so I have decided to give it a good one-two.

I wrote this for myself a while back, since I kept picking up little tricks that I always kept forgetting to incorporate in my play. These are in no particular order.

  • Fake moves after knockdown to bait throw, harrass, or just block to bait wakeup move. Specifically you can do a UOH, then strike low, you can fake a c. short then strike with an overhead, you can just plain walk forward or use toward-MP which walks you forward, then either throw or backswing blow when they get up.

  • Wait a second to backswing blow after attempts to bait throws; this is a major reason why backswing blows get blocked or parried. I saw a vid with Kal el where he did the ducking forward, then backswing blow a lot, and his opponent blocked it every time. In these situations, you need to wait a split second after getting close (i.e. within throw range) so that your opponent’s brain can digest the fact that you are close and that he should perform a throw. If you rush up close then immediately backswing blow, he’ll still be thinking about what to do, so when you start moving again, he will instinctively block. At this point you can also throw – you see good Dudleys do the duck forward in your face, then throw – that’s why this works so often, b/c their instinct is to block. And you can’t block throws :-).

This sounds a lot like theoryfighter but I started hitting a lot more with backswing blow fakeouts after I waited that crucial split second. Alternatively you can start performing the backswing blow immediately if they wise up.

  • When jumping to the other side of an opponent, be sure you either immediately perform throw or backswing blow --> super. You can avoid this altogether by jumping so you land too far away from him on the other side for him to make a throw attempt.

  • Use early toward-RH, early UOH and max distance jab MGBs to bait attacks for parry and counter. If you are up close, opponents will usually use high or mid attack, if you are farther away, they will use low attack. Prepare to parry accordingly.

  • When fighting an almost-dead opponent with a wakeup move
    DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM ON WAKEUP. Walk close, then block. Then kill him. Everybody and their mother knows this, it’s simple psychology – he’s almost dead and is feeling desperate, so all you need to do walk close and bait a wakeup move. Still, if I had a quarter everytime I died to a wakeup shoryuken from an almost-dead shoto, I’d be playing 3S free at the arcade for a few weeks.

  • After a slight pause, follow standing short + standing forward chains with toward + forward and prepare to link super if it connects. At the very least, if it hits finish the chain with toward + strong again then toward + fierce.

  • If you have a meter of Corkscrew blow, watch for lower jump-ins, then duck under xx Corkscrew. Mad l33t, plus he has no real defense unless he was expecting it and also somehow manages to have the catlike reflexes to parry it, in the opposite direction.

  • Use standing forward to tick throws, fake backswing blows, etc. This is another one of those moves that appears to take longer to recover than it actually does. Capitalize on that.

Now I know this is all well-trodden, familiar ground for most people, but this place was looking dead and I was tickled to find this cute little document I wrote for myself a ways back, it sure helped me get better to memorize and incorporate those into my play, so discuss away!

EDIT: fixed some typos the goose pointed out.

Dudley 101 baby!!!

A few things.

C. forward has crazy recovery. You can Shoto sweep him if u block it…that’s how laggy it is.

Second, u can’t link super from f+strong…it’s f+forward.

Third, most opponents don’t do wakeup when they’re almost dead. The psychology is actually backwards. Ppl are afraid to die, so they play as safe as possible when they’re almost dead. Most likely, they will watch for a throw, or try some evasive maneuver to reset the match and hopefully get the winning blow in.

Oh yeah, forwad doesn’t have any recovery. It’s neutral on block, and doesn’t push back, which is why it’s a perfect 50/50 throw/ssb setup.

Yes, you’re right – I meant to say f+forward for the link.

What’s this about crouching forward? I don’t think i mentioned using Dudley’s crouching forward. Its fucking slow to recover, as you said, the only real advantage is that it comes out reasonably quick and knocks down. I am trying to ditch my habit of using that move.

I dunno about the third point, a lot of players do go for the wakeup, particularly if you are walking towards them, possibly whiffing toward-forward or c. shorts to make it look like you’re gonna do something on wakeup.

We can argue that forever, but I sort of tend to fall back on my experience. Who knows. a lot this game is based on guessing anyway.

lol my bad…

“At this point you can also throw – you see good Dudleys do the duck forward in your face, then throw – that’s why this works so often, b/c their instinct is to block. And you can’t block throws :-).”

I confused u saying ducking forward with crouching forward. Say forward Duck…cause the move is “Duck” and the version is “forward”. Just a thought.

That split second he talks about is crucial stuff.

is only positive on hit? i know you can link super from it on hit.

things that made my dudley better? practice, dedication(i practice every day) improving my execution, learning matchups(this helps the most, probably), patience. use UOH more, i know the UOH range like the back of my hand now, and its really good to go over predictable lows or bait parries, or beat throws when you dont wanna ssb. toward+mk over people scares them. throw/ssb/overhead accordingly.


I read in the SF:AC strat guide that Dudley can combo into SA1 or SA3 from a Dart Shot on crouched opponents but I can’t get it out for shit. I see that these two supers have one frame of start up, but it doesn’t say how much advantage you get from a Dart Shot on hit. Why is linking it so difficult? And I’ve been trying to buffer it(qcf+HK, qcf+P) but that don’t work.

Dont buffer it. What I do is just do the overhead and see if it hits. If it hits, input the super right away. You should be able to make it in time if you anticipate it.

You can do it either way, of course. I find the buffering is easier and more reliable personally – the timing must be spot-on if you just hit with dart shot then manually input the motion.

i find that doing the motion after u see it hit is easier. I just do the super really fast after it hits lol… ghetto style.

theres a topic on this, so dont clutter the thread. people dont call it dart shot, just f+rh. i and several others posted how to do it in there.

dart shot is qcf+k->p i think

No, dart shot is Dudley’s command overhead (F+rh).

One thing that improved my Dudley a lot is patience. I find that I win more often if I just play it safe instead of trying to rush down all the time.