"They like me, they really really like me!" (The Ryu Thread)

i’m horrible with inputting directions so i cant do two qcfs off cr.mk into super for the life of me (is it even possible to do it that way?)

i have to buffer the first qcf before hitting cr.mk. using numpad notation, the input would be 2362MK 36P.

oh yea, that two-hit mp overhead > cr.mk link > super never works right? i was trying it earlier and it wont combo since there’s enough pushback for them to block the fireball. probably can work as a chip-death move i guess

It is impossible, you must use the other motion you’ve mentioned (2362MK 36P).

Yeah, it does not combo, even on corner. The tried and tested combo is to just sweep the enemy after the overhead for a guaranteed knockdown. The two-hit fierce will allow you to combo the super more often, as it advances your character while he attacks.

That’s what I used to do in ST. Now I start in between Back and Down Back into Hadoken, works like a charm, and I don’t telegraph my intention or lose any momentum.

Gutter Trash, if you’re on PSN, add me. I’m in Ottawa so we should have great ping speed.

I find the Fake Hadoken doesn’t work as well against higher level players. Even when I’m using another character against a good Ryu player, I don’t fall for the fakes and/or good Ryu players don’t throw out the fakes as much as they probably feel the same way about it as I do.

Ryu’s still good though, and doesn’t need to rely on the Fake Hadoken to win.

I don’t think any normals can hit Torpedo cleanly. Try Standing Jab or Strong. I prefer to pressure Honda from far so that I can guess Torpedo coming and Shoryuken it.

Try this: spam the Jab Hadoken from 3/4 screen distance to bait his Jab Torpedo and then Jump combo him or walk up sweep. If he jumps, sweep or counter jump attack. If he Buttslams, Shoryuken.

thx ill give it a shot

I always end up doing a shoryuken every time I try to link c.mk super, it’s costed me matches big time (timing presents its own difficulties for me). I need to figure out more stuff with fake hadoken, I don’t often use it if ever really. But I wanna start too :smiley:

The fake fireball is so fucking good in this. There’s a lot of cool shit you can do when up close. Blocked crossup, cr or st fp xx fake then walk up throw, sweep into whatever or overhead. Canceling normals into the fake fireball is really good but you just have to watch for people that like to press shit especially against grapplers like gief and hawk.

It’s possible to combo that shit vs. a crouching Gief in the corner. Not sure vs. Hawk

Do like 2 fake fireballs in a row then a jab one people don’t know when to jump.

this is probably old news to a lot of you guys but i just saw an xmania (regular ST) match with ryu (daigo iirc?) doing wakeup super against some guy who did unsafe jump-in, then followed up with forward jump mp for added combo damage. just thought that was crazy and worth sharing :stuck_out_tongue:

Im having so problems with t-hawk. Not that I can’t win its just I don’t know anything I can highly take advantage with Ryu. However it always seem vice veras on T-hawks side.

edit: cured

Make sure you focus on that down when doing the first qcf, especially if you’re trying to combo it from a jump-in. I had the same problem at first and that solved it. Just hit up that training mode

need strats vs claw!

fake FB theory.

not preaching how this should be use but more along the lines of how I use this as a player.

personally, my ryu is A LOT of zone. I like to fight from the outside with proper FB’s and long footsies, c.mk, c.rh. By nature, I can get away with fake FB’s because of the zone. Throw enough of them, they’ll eventually start reacting off them and then the fake one is free. Meaty FB, fast FB is a very good simple option tree because fake FB can be used on the 2nd one or after it.

with the fake FB, I play 1 layer. After I do it, I immediately read whats going on and remember it. If they do nothing I apply pressure, most players jump so I DP them right there.

there’s a lot to make to make this work right. You have to take into account how someone is reacting to FB pressure and use it accordingly. Spamming forces a reaction but it may not be one you can take advantage of. I feel like setting it up is the best use of it as it adds an extra layer to your game.

The footsie layers where you cancel into FB are also a good idea to use a fake FB. If you do a lot of c.mk, FB, you should be able to start utilizing, c.mk fake FB and walk back into CH footsie distance.

gotta read how they react off it because they’ll eventually show what the do vs it and w\e that option is, you can apply some type of reactive pressure right there.

Spamming Hadoken against Claw is dangerous, as he is so fast, he can simply walk, jump over your Hadoken and hit you on reaction alone. It’s also dangerous to jump on him when he’s crouching as you’ll eat a Flip Kick.

I basically cr.Jab or Jab Shoryuken to hit his pokes, keep an eye out for quick jump attacks, Wall Dives or Rolling Claws so I can Shoryuken them, and use the Hurricane as a surprise attack or to get in range (while at the same time, keeping out of range of his flip kick, as that beats the Hurricane clean).

I also rarely use Hadoken and Air Hurricane (super high and super far to stay out of range of Flip Kick) to keep him off balance. I basically want to bait him into using his Wall Dives so I can Shoryuken them.

When he’s knocked down, I go for the cross up, throw or overhead shenanigans.

Oh, and I’m extra careful of using Hadoken or Super Hadoken when he’s in point blank range, as Claw’s hitbox is so thin that they will miss him cleanly. Basically, when he’s in your face, Shoryuken or throw.

Any Advice vs. DeeJay? I had a hell of a time zoning him. Some of his aerial normals trade with his DP and C.FP so continuous scrubby jumping when he was inside was really hard to control, if your reactions skills aren’t perfect he seemed to even straight out beat some of my AA attempts. And of course he has those incredible normals and his own fireball to help bait/bide time.

Most Deejays get your fireball timing down and take advatage of that by jumping in at the right time. best thing to do is to mix it up and toss fake fireballs and diffrent speed fireballs. get them afraid doing this won’t allow him to jump in as easy. and he can’t time his max outs or his AA as well.

I find most Deejays are looking for that jump in quick damage and not the max out, let them fight for it id say.
Don’t forget that slide sweep

Any staple stuff against Blanaka though? Hardest match up for me.

Fireball, cr. rh. If he’s close, DP. And rapid jabs to stop his roll. Don’t throw too many fireballs when he’s close because of his slide, which is pretty obvious. You have to maintain the proper zoning distance on him so he could land on your sweep when he jobs over the fireballs and not beat your attack with his jumping roundhouse or fierce (one of those seems to do pretty well against sweeps, can’t remember which one).

I like to out FB any character that isn’t ryu\sagat. Making sure he can’t take advantage of his max out all the time is pretty vital in the fight. No one likes that chip damage which forces either a jump straight up or jump towards ryu. Either of which can be easily anticipated. I just make sure I gain the life lead off chip and force him out of his comfort zone.

He’s got god like air priority. If you go air to air, air tatsu him but I don’t like to do that all that much. C.fp won’t beat him clean on most of his normals iirc. you really gotta be good @ DP-ing super late to take advantage of your invincibility. He can’t trade with you then. You have to be able to DP from all angles. During stand, walking fwd, crouching DP’s, dp buffer outside of footsie etc…

DJ’s c.mp\c.fp will beat your c.mk, c.lk and c.rh. W\e that move is where he sticks out his elbow. Smart dj’s will use it in anticipation for shoto footsie. However, c.mp happens to stuff that move pretty good from the right ranges. I find that most DJ’s like to use c.mk and c.rh both of which can be hit by ryu’s c.rh for easy CH. Put DJ players in that range where it will barely wiff and see if they throw it out and counter hit it with c.rh. If they’re chilling, possibly throw a fireball or footsie.

Its really hard to xup DJ because of c.rh. It’ll slide away from your xup angle and iirc, it’ll duck a xup tatsu as well if timed properly. Sometimes players freeze up and you land the xup but it can easily backfire. Outside of KD, xup, I probably wouldn’t go for it.

I find that my best distance vs DJ is probably my max low fwd range. Its hard for him to anticipate red FB’s, I can walk in and out of my range and I can bait some of his better normals out as well. Even from this range, DJ can’t jump @ you because you’ll be placed right @ the end of his jump angle which for easy DP’s.

^That about sums it up =[ There really isn’t that much DeeJay can do against a smart, patient Ryu. Ryu easily out zones him. Here is a good example of this matchup. For reference, these are two of the best Japanese players.


After the first knockdown at 0.03, it is pretty much Ryu’s round.

I know this is Vanilla ST, but the core of this match up is pretty unchanged.