This is mainly towards Thelo but can also act as an explanation to a lot of the flame-hate I was posting on the now deleted Team Tournament thread.
During the recent 2 v 2 tournament you screwed both me and my partner Prodigy over. First you DQd Prodigy when there was already an agreement in place that would allow Prodigy some time to come online. Then you DQ’d me when I was due to play GJ for reasons I still do not know.
I don’t know whether you read the hate-mail or whatever that was posted in the thread but here is what I have to say:
Firstly, I am sorry for hating on you and calling you this and that because of DQing Prodigy, it is apparent you did not know he had an agreement with Lights Out that would give him some time to come online and play Cvital so you can not be blamed for that. You did what you felt was right and best for the tournament at that time and now that I have cooled off I understand that. Though really if Cvital knew what was going on like he claimed then he should have just conceded the match because it was him who did not come online when he was supposed to and Prodigy had done nothing wrong.
Secondly I am sorry for saying you ran this tournament like complete shit, I only know what happened on my side of it and from what I’ve heard you ran the rest of it smoothly and well so again I apologise for that. That was ignorant of me and I had no right to say that since I had no clue what was going on outside of my fights.
However, I was and still am pissed off at a couple of things, firstly you said Prodigy and me lost to GJ on bracket-maker even though we did not fight. I do not know why you did this, I messaged you on Xbox LIVE and did not get a response and I was flaming it up on the team tournament thread without any response and I could not send messages in that chat room because of an error so I had nothing else left to do. Again there could be a reasonable explanation for this. You may have asked GJ to play me and GJ could have just lied to you saying he won, I heavily doubt this but it would excuse your behaviour. From what GJ said, you DQd Prodigy and me but again, why? We were both online and did not recieve any messages on Xbox LIVE nor was there any activity on the forum thread.
I would like to know what happened here if you don’t mind.
Secondly, and this is what really pissed me off, is that when we were talking in party chat and I was explaining the agreement between Prodigy and Lights Out, you completely ignored what I was saying and just repeated what you said initially which was that I had to play Cvital because Prodigy was DQd. You sounded as if English was not your first language so I asked you if you understood and you said “Yeah” but you continued to tell me I had to play Cvital without A) Telling me you knew nothing about the agreement and B) Apologising for forcing me to play Cvital and not being able to refer to the agreement when making a decision about what should happen for the match.
It was not your fault you did not know about the agreement but you should have apologised to me for not knowing about it and having to DQ Prodigy when he didn’t deserve to be. You had to do what you felt was best for the tournament like I said but you should have still acknowledged my anger over what had happened. Again this was Cvital’s fault, if he had any sense of fairness then he would have conceded the match because he knew exactly what was going on and didn’t say anything and he was the reason Prodigy, me and Lyghts Out could not finish the match earlier in the first place.
Again, I am writing this for a few reasons, mainly because I want to know what happened down there and why our team got DQd twice undeservedly. I also want to apologise for a lot of my angry flames on the other thread that led to me insulting you and a lot of other people undeservedly.
I would also like to use this oppurtunity to tell the people that WA is not a hateful clan, we just want to practice and compete to get better and contribute positively to the community. We were angry, annoyed and frustrated at what happened and regret some of the hate we may have posted here, we do however expect some understanding about what happened to us and just want to be treated with some level of respect, no matter how hard that may be for some of you to give.