The Zombie Apocalypse

I read your name as “BIG MAD DOG” 4 times in a row.

I need to get off the computer.

That sounds like a children’s book to discuss anger issues. “The big mad dog” and how being mean can hurt your friends.

Hey man, next time post a picture that’s 4500x8000 pixels so it can take up the entire thread space. :coffee:

Hey dude, I enjoyed your sarcasm. I’ll be sure to do it for you again. In fact, any time I see you post, I’ll post a large picture.


Really, dude? You expect all those stores you mentioned to be stocked full of supplies three days after shit goes down? You would be faced with hordes of panicky non-zombies trying to grab whatever crap they can find or just looting, shooting, raping and burning the hell out of everything.
Your nice leisurely drive downtown would be cut short real quick when you’re surrounded and dragged out by a non-zombie mob.

Like I’ve said in all these zombie threads, humans are a MUCH bigger threat to your survival than the living dead. :bluu:

Step 1: Find a Corner
Step 2: Get into the fetal position
Step 3: Cry
Step 4: Piss myself
Step 5: Cry some more
Step 6: Find a gun
Step 7: Blow my brains out

I would make meth cause

1- no more sleeping so I can always be alert of danger
2- the world is ending so why not try meth?

My only problem is a lack of weaponry. My only weapons are melee weapons, so I’m free to guns and arrows. I know how to make a nice PVC pipe bow and I can make arrowheads out of knapped beer bottle bottoms. That’s hunting and a bit of protection, but from a dedicated gun attack, I’d be free due to not having guns nor being properly trained. My survival would depend on other people to protect me. In return I offer the ability to forge metal objects and non-homosexual companionship. :tup:

I think it ironic that you complain about me, but now look at your own behaviour. I’m disappointed.

Big picture shit: I’m pretty sure bans or at least infractions can go out for that shit. Stop it. :tdown:

Those pictures literally lagged my browser for like 5 seconds :coffee:

After three days, I doubt that there would be constant brutal and barbaric fighting over those kinds of things. I have a lot of options seeing as how there are three walmarts where I live, 3 safeways, 2 King’s Soopers, countless convenience stores, Albertsones, gas stations, ect ect. In all probability they would be pillaged and whatnot, but all the food in my entire city wouldn’t just be coveted in a matter of 72 hours. Also seeing as how I have a full fridge and pantry, I think I’d do alright at least for a little while.

I’m a coward, therefore I’d be the first to die.

Your plans will fail.

wait, is op’s scenario the scenario we’re going by, or are we making up our own scenarios and then saying how we would survive it?

because slow dumb ass zombies would get easily bopped. if that happened where im at now, it would be pretty bad. the wind off the pacific coast would turn thousands of people into zombies in no time if its an airborne thing. an airborne scenario would be super bad in most major metropolitan areas, and definitely bad here.

if we’re not talking airborne infection which could spread like wild fire in just 1 hour, and we’re just talking 15 infected zombies. that shits fray

how can they infect you?

okay, someone give me a zombie scenario, and i’ll play along. but as of now, we have a gun and mad bullets to do work to get to safety, but im slightly unprepared, and my girl would die pretty fray. shes puny. lol. if i were back in vegas, shit, those zombies would last ten seconds. outside of the weapons my boy has, most of that place is armed the fuck up and bored. lol

Oh hey, look at that. I’m gonna die even faster.

We’re talking slow, bite-spreads-infection zombies. And it would spread fast because people are stupid.

how did they become zombies? then i can better address the scenario

You don’t need to worry about that. You just have to deal with it. They got bitten, weren’t fully consumed, and have turned. Your goal is not to join them. Nobody knows where this shit started, and even if we did, that wouldn’t help jack-shit.