The Zero MvC3 "Team" Thread

I was testing out some Rekkoha DHC Devil Trigger combos, and I’m not sure Acid Rain is really the way to go. I couldn’t get more than 2 shots of it off and found some more damaging stuff. These are the damage that gets added when fully scaled:

1 Acid Rain: 45,400
3 Thunderbolts: 55,200
4 Thunderbolts: 73,600
2 Acid Rain: 90,800
3 Thunderbolts, Killer Bee, Reverb Shock, Fireworks: 106,900
3 Thunderbolts, Killer Bee, Twister, Tempest: 128,000
3 Thunderbolts, Killer Bee, launch xx Charge Shots x 10 (slight delay) xx Stinger xx Bold Move, j. S, Twister xx Tempest: 189,300

I didn’t test it, but you should be able to replace Twister xx Tempest in the last one with Volcano xx Bee Hive xx Million Dollars if you want to spend the extra meter. That last combo does more damage than a DHC into Rekkoha (180,000), though, so I think it breaks the barrier into the good DHC damage range.

Wouldn’t the standard ender of j.:s:, Cold Shower>Stinger>Bold Move>j.:s:>Volcano~Bee Hive>Volcano~Bee Hive>Million Dollars be the best ender??

The Killer Bee eats the ground bounce, so you can’t do two Bee Hives. The first Stinger eats the wall bounce, so you can’t really do another Stinger into anything good. I was also trying to make a combo that doesn’t require you to end in Million Dollars, because you aren’t always going to want to burn 3 meters in a combo.

you use million dolalrs before the last axe kick on the 2nd beehive

i still use bee hive>jet stream instead of double.

Yes, so you can get one Bee Hive, then cancel it into Million Dollars, but you can’t follow Bee Hive with anything else, so you can’t get two, or Bee Hive then Jet Stream.

1 acid rain>corner ender=210k
2 acid rains>corner ender=250k
(super adds 175k dmg to above combos)

just want to clear that up @@

anyway, because of how stupid the flying screen knockdown requirement is, i adjusted my zero combo ender

OTG dive kick>jam session hits>TK M lightning blade>buster>rekkoha

sometimes in the more common combo the last dive kick just doesn’t knockdown, making me sad (because i just autopilot the rekkoha if i see it hit, derp)

Right now the team I’m running is Zero (Handeki) on point and then Ryu (Tatsu) and X-23 (Ankle Slice). It’s working out alright but I have no OP assists. X-23’s is useful for otging and mixups but I don’t really know how to use tatsu.

Oh, you were talking about the combo following the Acid Rains. Yeah, I guess adding the follow up it does that much, although it would still be better to end in Twister xx Tempest after the first Bee Hive if you aren’t ending in a hyper, because it does 4,300 more damage. So, Acid Rain still beats Thunderbolt for now.

So a bit of Info for people ( assist wise ) To help lesser players build a team.
TOP assist Ive Used
Sentinel ( A ) Dr Doom ( Hidden Missles ) Akuma ( Tatsu ) C viper ( Burning Kick)
These I feel like are TO valuable to not have one on your team.

Sentinel, The amount of time his assist gives you is so great, 2 to 3 seconds of them in hitstun gives you a LARGE amount of time to do a few mix ups, Its mostly just for a screen clutter also so it helps your mix ups even more

Dr Doom, Again similar to sent but More on a defensive level. IF you do it during rushdown make sure you know the timing because if it hits mid combo it may hurt or help you

Akuma, Instant Assist, you can catch it with 6C for a combo or use it mid combo for an extender. Just a good assist

C viper, WAY TO valuable to not use, Her BK is Overhead… OVERHEAD. If you do it right you can set up an unblockable ( its easier if you do sougenmu )

Just a few notes from the past month.

Not sure if anyone has tried this yet, (I’m sure it has been done before) but I’ve been messing around with Zero/Doom/Phoenix today. It works a lot better than I first anticipated. Zero and Doom build meter very fast and very well, making them good batteries for Phoenix. In fact, you can even get away with using a few meters without having to sacrifice Dark Phoenix. It seems to be fairly synergistic and stable enough so far. It probably will not be my main team, but it may be my secondary.

I am similar except I use Zero / Hulk / Wesker. The synergy is sickening once you get rolling.

And if you start off Zeromustlive’s combo with a H Sentsuizan, you can get a 800+k damage combo with Rekkoha and no X-factor.

Add Hulk’s Gamma Crush and Wesker’s Phantom Dance on the way down, you break a mil easily.

I need 1 more person for my team

i am running wolvie, zero,sent
but i dont really like wolvie so i need some 1 else any suggestions?

sometimes i swap out wolvie for arthur and run zero on point straight trying to rush down
if zero dies im f*cked lol

dunno i usually run Ryu, Zero and Cap aka Team Beatdown and or Ryu, Zero and Akuma aka Team Fireball or Ryu, Zero and Dante aka Team Cap “Com-down”

You’ve gotta love the OPness of Wesker, he makes every team instantly better lol

I’ve since switched up my team a bit. I’ve removed Hulk altogether and replaced him with Shuma-Gorath and yes the DHC damage has decreased a bit but the raw damage output of combo’s has gone up ALOT. I can easily squeeze around 550~k without using a hyper and Shuma’s Beam assist is also OTG so it functions just like hulks gamma wave except you can’t avoid it unless you teleport and that’s kinda predictable xD. The DHC options between Zero and Shuma are very good also.

My only predicament now is if I should keep Trish or switch her for good old Dormammu. On the one hand Trish is just so tricky, has nice damage output and traps are great. However Dormammu’s Black hole assist is amazing for screen control and his overall Anchor ability is just ridiculous when you pop X-factor and start throwing his Hypers around.

So I’m torn between the two, personally I think Dormammu is the more logical choice especially as he has more health that Trish (1mil for a keep away character is ridiculous) but I feel obligated to Trish because I’ve played her since release >.<

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Currently using Zero on point with Wesker and Spencer as assists (sometimes replacing with Deadpool and Skrull respectively)

Zero is such a great combo maker and the things I’ve been working on is syncing hyper combos together with the most damage. I’ve seen that using a combination of these works well when trying to make massive combos and burning meter. Plus Wesker is great for OTG combo continuation.

Currently using Zero, Sent and Trish.

Suggestions for replacements?
I def need an OTG assist.

Also, I can’t play Wesker for shit.

Hi guys i been using zero since the realesed i team him up with maggy , tron\ sent … N is workin nicely i just want to try new character with zero i dont want to drop maggy cuse i like him very mutch sow if anyone recomend other character i watch that lighting loop n im thinking using maggy ( on point ) zero , doom

It really hasn’t been mentioned but I wanted to ask you why captain america. (I’ve read enough on the others in this thread) I’ve been practicing him for another team but I saw moderate potential with Zero and doom. What im seeing is the two hits on shield slash give adequate time for characters with command dashes like zero or characters with teleports, to get in and get nasty. Double shot assist from zero also helps the cap backflip.

What benefits did you see in a Cap assist and more importantly the DHC potential cause that’s where I’m stumped.

I know you posted a while ago but I’m still interested.

Why do you need an OTG assist? Zero can OTG by himself. As can Sentinel. There’s no need to force a teammate into your squad just for an OTG.

Learn to do the OTGs yourself. It’ll open up a ton of possibilities. I’m learning myself as well.


Tron’s Flame Assist is a good assist for Zero’s style of fighting. Since he needs to be up close and personal, you need something that can allow him to come closer without fear of being hit back. Plus, that assist interrupts a hell of a lot of attacks (Cap, I’m looking at you and your Hyper Charging Star.)

As for Sentinel, I use him as a projectile assist, but also because he blends well with Zero. I can combo into Rekkouha and then cancel into Plasma Storm for a safe tag and shave off lots of life, even on block. On the flipside, if I connect with Hard Drive with Sentinel, once the final hit flips the opponent, he’s fair game for a Rekkouha.