Also on that Bison alt, his sword should have been dark purple with purple flames around it for added epic-ness.
Agreed. Do you see Yoshi as a point character or secondary? I kinda picture a sample team like this: Raven, as the point character, loads up with meter building gems. Raven does meterless combos, tags in Yoshi, then Yoshi goes to town with Proficiency gems and speed gems.
What do you guys think of Yoshi’s teleport? Can you punish a fireball on reaction like the reveal trailer seemed to suggest?
Character order strategy will take time to develop. I want to main him but still haven’t decided the partner (my options as for now are Bison, Hugo, Poison, Ibuki). But sure I think I’ll stack Yoshi with proficiency gems. Speed gems, I’ll have to test how much he does benefit from them
His spins seem really easy to alpha counter, so even if they’re safe, couldn’t people just get out of blockstun and screw you up?
Don’t the alpha counters cost meter? Maybe you can use that to your advantage and bait the counters out, costing them a meter and setting you up to punish.
I’d put Yoshi as a secondary, if you can get a character that can open someone up like Kazuya and ground bounce yoshi can jump in and get a nice chunk of damage and set up for his mixup opportunities with Flea and Bad Breath.
I’d put damage gems and meter on Yoshi personally, speed gems don’t help him out in a major way. Perhaps one speed gem and damage or meter would be best.
As for the teleport, I dont think you can punish most projectiles on reaction. The recovery on the teleport is fairly long, just having Ryu throw Hados and following up with mp/hk stuffed all attempts unless it was predicted.
Edit: Also, didn’t know you could but you can combo out of the Flea>sliding headbutt with MP/MK or HP. Flea might not be completely useless after all.
yes I agree with everything you posted rythor,
secondary is better way to start him going since he is way too slow and will most likely have problems on point versus solid characters. When he comes in off launcher you get at least one juggle to knockdown then can start your mix up game.
his teleport is awful besides maybe for positioning and it cant really punish anything because of the recovery, both punch and kick versions.
I don’t really know how you can hit a competent opponent in flea unless you are setting it up as oki and if you have your jump in set ups down then those are way better to go for.
Spin moves are definitely not scary enough to waste a counter (yes it costs meter) on. You are better just blocking and then starting your retaliation afterwards, it is definitely not safe for light and heavy versions so they are definitely not at advantage to keep doing it like a bison SK block string. I’ve tried it in training [spin, cr.light xx spin] repeatedly and the gap is big enough to get you counter hit by an opponent doing a light attack at the same time.
Oh I modified my bnb thanks to the revelation of being able to juggle after non-anti air DP
j.MK, MP, cr or st. LP/LK xx DP , LP/LK xx DP
does about 300~ some damage which is not bad for a meterless knockdown combo.
I have no idea why it won’t let me do the full set of juggle normals before the second DP as posted before (LK, LK>MK xx DP) since the juggle counter should be the same as I am doing everything on ground before the first DP, but the inclusion of a light attack before it makes it not want to juggle more, which I am thinking is hit stun decay. I’ll have to try again replacing the normals to revise maybe a better maximum damage combo.
Also I don’t know what I was smoking before when I said to go for light xx spin on incoming tag launcher when it would give you a guarantee cross up. It does not, I will go back and delete that part. I must have been hallucinating because it causes knockdown just the same. Just sets up cross up attempt if they quick rise.
After the first DP u can do mid screen down LP, then stand LP, then stand MK, then the second DP.
Also guys, if someone jumps and you anticipate it, throw ur DP early, u can follow it up with not 1 but two DPs, for ezpz 300 damage lol.
Thanks for the info. Considering it’s better to start him second, I was wondering if searching for point characters that could set Yoshi up for a free charge super on tag-cancel would be useful? One I was thinking of was Law’s LP Fury Fist Rush as seen on Levelup Your Game’s Law demo. If there are viable options that allow Yoshi to get a charge super that would give him decent damage on a tag in, delete your opponent’s recoverable health, and potentially leave Yoshi with a enough remaining meter to use EX Windmill or Super to punish whiffed moves or raw tags.
Honestly I think Flea is kinda useless at the moment, I do like the sliding headbutt from Flea as it can be tagged/comboed from but other than that I see its main use for trolling or unless your spacing is impeccable you could probably get a really ambiguous crossup by pogo jumping right onto someone’s head, but you have no way to continue it or tag from it.
Also I tested the above combo with the normals so it’d be:
J.MK > MP > LP xx Gehosen >LK > LK > MK xx Gehosen
It seems to work, I’m not too sure why you cant seem to get the extra juggled normals.
I’ve used Steve a little bit on point and it is possible to supercharge during the animation however it will only connect in the corner, its kinda iffy like that but it does 515 damage off of 1 bar. A lot of those kind of specials that allow tagging like Law and Steve’s allow Yoshi to do quite a few things like using Windmill then following up (in the case of Steve) with a juggle afterwards for good damage.
I’m confused as to why Yoshi would be better second rather than first, his damage is not that good compared to other characters, but u can combo through the windmill, and cross cancel a character which can do a very high damage BnB because the opponent is standing. With both King and Law i was able to do damage in the 400s with with yoshimitsu’s blade, and by the time the combo’s over your bar is almost completely replenished.
Personal preference, I think he’s a fairly poor point character because he’s not really mobile and has a bit of trouble opening people up in comparison to other characters. I’d rather get Yoshi in safely to try and set up opportunities with windmill than go through an uphill battle at the start to get things moving.
That is a good point, i just don’t know how much damage Yoshi can do off a switch, his juggle properties aren’t good. I found myself to be much more successful with yoshi first, also because of the reason that his windmill is a mixup in itself with 1 bar with certain characters, and has such a long range. if they block it i can switch early and they’ll still be in blockstring while a character with good high/low mixups like Heihachi or Law can switch it up and get damage in. Meter can be veyr easily attained in this game.
I agree with you, I feel like Yoshi’s windmill tag cancel is such a good tactic it warrants him a point position. Also, if a player can properly utilize Yoshi’s pokes and normals, he can effectivley footsie foes.
I thought his damage was one of his strong points? He seems to do a lot of it
I think Ruhit was trying to get at is as a secondary his damage output is more limited than if he was on point.
His damage is decent even on point, it isn’t close to great. He can’t link off his LP/LK, and he can’t special off his HP/HKs. His only real juggle so far is through his DP. I’ve been experimenting with some other characters and they have both better footises and more damage than him. But not many characters have his windmill, which i think is gonna be an important part of playing yoshi.
Just a quick one, on CH MP can be linked into MK or cr.MK, kinda useless though.
Edit: You can get a fair bit of damage for a small amount of bar off of characters with the allow you to tag cancel during the command grabs, what I’m doing with Steve is:
Gatling Gun xx Tag Cancel > Windmill > MP > J.HK > Cr.MK xx Slap-u-silly
Damage: 502 midscreen with 1 bar
Gatling Gun xx Tag Cancel > Windmill > MP > J.HK > Cr.MK xxGehosen
Damage:519 midscreen with 1 bar
Gatling Gun xx Tag Cancel > Windmill > MP > J.HK > Poison Wind(Your choice of finish)
In the corner:
Gatling Gun xx Tag Cancel > MP xx Windmill Supercharge
Gatling Gun xx Tag Cancel > Windmill xx Ex.Windmill supercharge
Damage:587 2 bars.
I’m sure there are fairly similar combos with Law.
Being able to play Yoshimitsu in a 2-D engine is the only reason I decided to get this game, but DAMN if I’m not hype for it now…
Day 1 Juri/Yoshi spin you right round… Juri can open you up like a can of tuna and build plenty of bar while she’s at it (plus her meterless dmg looks great), which also gets Yoshi in for free through tag ins, with plenty of meter for EX Windmill/Poison Wind. Plus both Windmill and Senpusha both look like easy ass tag cancels
After some tests: EX Windmill is 6 frames startup, Super is 5frames. That’s gdlk considering the range