Awesome stuff, guys! A couple quick questions:
- How do his Fierce and RH’s fair as pokes? What do you think are his best poke options in general so far?
- Can you combo into his Forward HHH at all?
Awesome stuff, guys! A couple quick questions:
Thanks, well at least he can combo off a jump in. His jumps / crossups seem pretty nice. I guess that’s one benefit for having most of his specials draw your opponent toward you. Cool stuff, can’t wait to find out more from you guys.
Can you combo into Suicide?
Honestly I don’t care if he has some problems, he’s cool as hell and crazy so I’m gonna use him no matter what main or otherwise.
making my opponents go “damn” because I did something epic is much more satisfying than making them go “damn” because I bodied them with an S-Tier team and cheap* moves/combos.
*Cheap is really opinion based, but by that I mean moves that are insanely good to the point of either being broken or borderline broken
thanks for the info
question, by “spins” do you mean “Slap U Silly”?
Because all strengths of Slap U Silly should be safe, if not you can mash for extra hits, Yoshi will knock himself down and won’t be able to be punished
Yoshi’s sword normals are still messed up. Compare his sword to Rolento’s stick, Claw’s claw, Hibiki and Haohmaru’s sword normals in CvS2, and its obviously Yoshi got the short end of the…sword.
I agree that Yoshi’s normals aren’t promising, but I don’t think it’s not the first time they tamed sword normals in their street fighter games.
rolento and claw are the only characters with weapons in SF I can think off the top of my head, and theirs are both really really good
I played Yoshi/Ken a long time ago, that will probably be my day 1 team. However I’m also thinking of possible pairing Yoshi up with Jin, Poison, Ibuki, or Raven…and maybe others.
Windmill is an awesome tag cancel, with Ken I would do his overhead a lot while Yoshi keeps them in place, and mix in a low after they block it. also, Ken’s ex tatsu lets you get a j.hp and combo in as a tag cancel.
I’m liking this, i’m liking this alot.
short, simple, flashy, high damage combos.
From what I can see and hear in this video he is no where as bad as people are making him out to be, especially with his great damage output and safe special moves.
also i’m going to troll so freak’n hard with the runaway stance and suicide, I’m glad to hear that it has a constantly active hit box, it seems like something that is really useful if you take the time to learn how to be good with it. In fact that could be said about Yoshimitsu as a whole in this game, I just don’t know who I should pair him with though.
Yes you can combo into Suicide during a juggle, but it’s corner only. (Gehosen, st.LK x 2 > st.MK xx Suicide)
I discovered some good ambiguous jump in setups for people who like to roll on wake up. I’ll see if I can make a little video on it.
Can you use it as an anti air?
contrary to what I would’ve thought, they made tekken’s craziest character into prolly the most boring. really disappointed with his moveset/playstyle/costume (tekken 3 really?).
hoping someone can come up with some juice for him…
the most boring? he has a sword, that glows! he stabs himself in the stomache as special move! He breathes black smoke into peoples faces! he teleports! he spins in like everyone of his attacks! he’s a ninja samurai! his name is freaking Yoshimitsu! he’s a cyborg! HE USES A LIGHTSABER AS A POGO STICK!
come on, boring? no way!
Plus everyone knows T3 Yoshi is the best Yoshi.
You got his play style figured out already? damn your good.
Glad they picked T3 yoshi.
But I would have accepted T4 or TT2 Yoshi, too.
t3 yoshi is awesome, I hope for one of his alternates we get a new style yoshi.
His damage looks pretty solid and that was the one thing that kept hanging me up on him in videos I saw, his damage looked bad, but after seeing the numbers he looks at the least middle of the pack.
Now all we gotta do is figure out all the fun stuff and we can at least make him mid tier lol :).
An updated version of one of these would be sick as hell:
his Bison costume is just badass
EX windmill and super are GDLK whiff punishers… overall I think that Yoshimitsu is quite meter-dependant, but has very good options with meter. He’s not easy/straightforward as other characters, but after playing him a bit I don’t think he’s a weak character.
btw, did you guys find a reliable grounded normal for AA purposes? (his air to air is quite good)
Well, if we’re counting SC Yoshis, then I have to agree SCV Yoshi is pretty sick. Never was a fan of SC2 Yoshi though.