The Yoshimitsu Thread

Hey, I was originally using Julia / Abel but I was using Yoshi today for fun and I love him. I had him on point and Julia on follow up and I had suscess. I like this team. Now my question to you Yoshi experts is what gems do you guys set up for him. Im not to big on the gem system but I hear Yoshi builds meter quick so should I focus on meter gems for him or defensive gems or attack ?

Yoshimitsu doesn’t deal damage and doesn’t open people up. Your partner ideally should do that. What Yoshimitsu does best is setup combo and pressure opportunities for your partner. So imo power gems are not worth it.

He is good at building meter, running away, whiff punishing and overall just annoying the opponent. So with that in mind I would say meter gems would be the best gems for Yoshimitsu (he needs meter for everything so you can never have too much of it). Speed gems could also be interesting. They make Yoshimitsu even harder to anti-air and people already have trouble dealing with his jump ins without them. It would also make his air target combo even dirtier + facilitate run away and escapes since you get up, backdash and jump faster.

Defense/life regen gems if you’re planning to gain life lead then lame it out till time out.

Welcome to the Manji clan btw. :slight_smile:

Kool. Thanks…this surely give me a start on what to do with Yoshimitsu as far as gems and playstyle. Nice way of breaking it down to me

I’m having execution trouble which is annoying me because it isn’t even that hard. It’s just a basic j.hp > > hcb (Windmill). I’ve tried using a lp instead and I can get it, just not consistently. Is there a better windmill confirm? I don’t think there is beside catching them with a raw one.

Only done this simple combo like 5 times out of tons of matches… TC > cr.hp, hk. qcb (With Juri, I know there are stronger ones but I can’t hit that jump cancel dive kick 100%).

Also can anyone recommend a fair easy TC combo for Yoshi? I know there’s the triple descending gehosen’s and jp. hp, st. mk, gehosen. I know there’s a way to use the triple roundhouse, that’s the one I’m most interested in.

You can’t “traditionally” hit confirm into Windmill. Light normals can only combo into Windmill on counter hit. But j.hp has the advantage of hitting early and hitting multiple times, so by the time Yoshimitsu lands on the ground, you already know if you’re hitting the opponent or if they’re blocking so you can still hit confirm that way.

For your execution problem, there’s not much I can tell you that will help. You just need to practice hcb motion I guess. But if you’re often getting Poison Breath instead of Windmill then that means you’re holdind mk too long and negative edge is screwing you up (negative edge is when the game reads an input from button release instead of button press). So if you release mk right after or during your hcb+P, it’s possible that the game thinks you’re trying to do a hcb+K. So if that’s your problem you either need to let go of mk early or hold it down until you complete the hcb+P (to prevent Poison Breath from taking priority over Windmill). No sure if that’s clear…

I only use Triple Roundhouse in the corner for various reasons/preference. But it does low damage and scales damage a lot. Ideally you should always do, xx L/M Gehosen from a Launcher. From a tag cancel, it depends what move your partner was using. If it’s a move that sends opponent high in the air you can probably j.hp, xx Gehosen or Gehosenx3. Those are the most important ones. The rest is mostly for setups and position advantage.

Oh yeah that helps, I should of mentioned it but an occasional poison breath does come out and I was truly puzzled by that. I also plan to test Yoshi x Hugo so hopefully I can contribute something to the synergy thread when I start playing.

Is there a guide to playing Yoshi? What exactly does a basic Yoshi player do? You know how, for example, Ryu’s whole concept has been about cr. mk into hadouken? What’s Yoshi’s version of that? Thanks.

Well first you need to understand the character. He isn’t the kind of character that opens people up and he doesn’t have amazing pressure. What Yoshimitsu does best is build meter, run away, annoy the opponent, bait/whiff punish and most importantly: setup pressure, combo and reset opportunities for your partner.

For example: Characters like Marduk/Kuma/Asuka/Lili can have a hard time getting close to the opponent. But once they’re in their face they become super dangerous. Yoshi’s job is to get his partners where they want to be (up close and personal). To do that you use Windmill /, mp / Suicide / j.hp / Flea Slide / Stone Fists but you also need meter to be able to tag cancel your partner in. So managing meter becomes even more critical when using a character like Yoshi. With the partner, you don’t want to waste too much meter on silly things like EX reversals most of the time and never use more than 1 meter on a combo for example. You want to keep most of the meter for Yoshimitsu to use. So whoever you choose as a partner should ideally be a battery or a character that isn’t too meter hungry.

The most important tool Yoshimitsu has is definitely his Windmill. His whole game revolves around using that move to build meter, play footsies, get the partner in but it’s also used to condition the opponent. On hit you get 440-478 damage for 1 bar and on block you can still be safe and get some pressure/mixups with your partner so it’s a win/win situation. Windmill is unsafe vs jump ins though so you need to always keep an eye on spacing and be ready to dash cancel when they jump.

I made a video guide a while ago but some things on that are outdated and not as effective as I first thought. But I’ll try to sum up how I play Yoshimitsu:

-Build meter with CADC
-Store counter hits for c.hp, and
-Bait reversals and pokes and whiff punish them with Windmill/Flea Slide/
-Look for when the opponent is walking forward/dashing/backdashing/pressing buttons in the air and let Windmill go.
-Control ground space with Windmill charges and Flea Stance Slides
-Control air space and air-to-air with
-Anti-Air with c.hp
-Counter-Footsies with Windmill charge and Flea Stance
-Counter poke/Punish with (since it’s 7 frames)
-Fish for buffered specials/launcher at mid-range with and
-Counter zone with LK Poison Breath, Flea Stance and Teleports
-For pressure, use xx CADC into throw / bait / neutral jump / frame traps
-Frame trap using xx Stone Fists / (CH), / EX SlapUSilly
-On wake up and for defense, use a combination of Teleport, roll > teleport, EX SlapUSilly/Alpha Counter or nj.hp.
-For Oki, use meaty HK Poison Breaths / store CH for mixup / use air target combo for ambiguous cross-up / CADC for ambiguous cross-rolls etc.

I might make a new video to illustrate all these things to better understand them…

I hit training with Akuma and Yoshimitsu, the team I originally wanted to make when I first heard of the game. What do you think of that team, is it viable? Akuma is good against keep-away, has solid footsies, good walk speed, and doesn’t need meter.

I had some Windmill > TC > Demon Throw setups in my head that sadly did not work. :frowning: Anyway, I found a guide here which I assume might be yours? Its quite good, I’m going through it right now.


Check the video thread. Lewis24 is using that very team. :slight_smile: He hasn’t posted in a while but he did some really cool things with Akuma and Yoshi. Check his matches to find inspiration.

I don’t know much about Akuma in this game tbh. But he seems really strong and his only real weakness is that he has low health. They both definitely seem to be covering each other up so I think it’s a good team. Plus they both have teleports so you can run away with a life lead and Akuma has a good AA and fireballs to build meter. That’s a strong combination.

Using Akuma on point with Yoshi as sub, strictly because I just started using Yoshi yesterday. The character is so much fun to play, I don’t care how crappy he might be. The good news is he can only get buffs with this upcoming patch, right? This was the team I originally wanted before the game even came out. :smiley:

Will be uploading some videos tonight of team combos and setups.

Yoshimitsu is one of the most fun characters I’ve ever played in a SF game. This video is only the beginning, I got more damaging combo ideas for my next vid. Maxed out at 577 damage, 3 bars.

Its a good team, definitely check out Lewis’ videos in the vid thread. Some cool combos from you here, especially like all the teleports to the other side during yoshi ex SUS and stone fists.

Still hoping this game makes a comeback by the end of the year…

Yoshimitsu’s jump arc is pretty dumb. I was messing with this before I left, but today I was playing a friend’s Cody and if I jumped at the same time he did neutral jump fierce, he’d whiff the hell out of the thing. I fiddled around a bit, it looks like jumping fierce raises your hitbox even more, got over Alisa’s saws consistently.

I’m thinking of trying a Yoshimitsu/Heihachi team. Yoshimitsu seems like a great character to build meter and safely tag in Heihachi to start his insane close-up game. My only issue with him is the fact that he seems to be a giant cross-cancel magnet. While his multi-hitting specials allow for easy safe-tags, they also seems like they’d be insanely easy to cross-cancel.

On that note, is sliding headbutt safe if you tag cancel it? I know it is very unsafe if it’s just blocked.

Slide Headbutt xx Switch into a 4 frame poke is a true blockstring I’m pretty sure. So they can’t even mash shoryuken in between.

But the best thing about tag canceling Slide Headbutt is that Yoshimitsu is taking a big portion of the screen so your character can stop his run extremely early. Try it. Slide xx Switch then mash something with your partner and see how far away from the opponent he can stop. That’s a neat trick to use in combination with a delayed switch cancel.

Yeah, Windmill is easy to cross-cancel. But it can also be hard for humans to cross-cancel it on the earliest frames, this means that you have a good chance of being able to block or backdash with your partner and punish their cross-cancel attempt with a jump in or Super.

Also, HK Stone Fists is nearly impossible to cross-cancel. The timing is just too strict. If they don’t know this and still try to f.HP+HK, you can get a free combo into Switch for like 400+ damage. :smiley:

Thanks for the input! I’ll definitely be checking out Yoshimitsu then. :smiley:

…but please tell me that you don’t actually do what your title suggests…flea stance tea-bagging just seems mean. :bluu:

Someone has not been watching my matches. :rolleyes: Yes, I always flea stance tea bag whenever I get the chance.

Tea bagging with a sword is not mean, it’s a long lost martial art technique of the manji clan. :china: But seriously, you need to master the art of trolling to be good with Yoshimitsu in any game. So tea bagging is lesson #1: Always tea bag when you’re in Flea Stance.

Any reason why st. mk is used as opposed to cr. mk for cancelling into windmill and gehoshen? At least for me its easier to do on a d-pad since I don’t have to go to neutral, otherwise his overhead comes out.

Got my online back after about a six month absence and looking at old post, dont know if its your main team Norieaga but i also use Yoshi Akuma, nice combo video.
I believe st. mk is a better poke but in combos i think its just what u prefer. Vulcan would know better them me and i see he hasn’t posted in a second.