Warning: incoming wall of text.
I doubt there’s anything worthwhile for yoshimitsu in terms of dash cancelling. His forward dash is really fast but doesn’t move him too far, and he can’t cancel off of any Hp, so I dunno. Plus the charge is a half circle back motion which wouldn’t make things any easier.
The guide says the earliest he can cancel the charge is in frame 5, with a forward dash duration of 16 frames, and a backward dash duration of 27 frames. I would say you could use the dash cancel for pressure, like cancelling out of cr mp or cr mk pokes to windmill and dashing forwards, but you’d be crazy unsafe and would be better off just cancelling into poison breath anyways since it puts you at the right distance for yoshi’s mid-range game.
I don’t know much at all about law and ogre who desk was using in that video, but they seem to be some of the characters that benefit from the charge cancelling dashes, similar to how Ryu can cancel sweeps into fireball cancels for better frame advantage. That doesn’t seem to be the case since yoshi can’t cancel off of sweep or any hp. Dunno.
However, because of how windmill works and has crazy range, he benefits from staying far away and charging windmill. It’s pretty safe to charge the move full screen and catch the opponent jumping in from too far away. Also because charging a move to ex and dash cancelling gives you automatic counter on the next move (whiffed or not) you can do something like finish a combo with srk, teleport to the back of the screen and charge to ex, cancel if they don’t get close or throw a fireball, and use the auto counter properties to get extra damage on any jump in you can punish with srk or whatever. The auto counter properties will stay with you during teleports too.
On another note, I posted this in the combos thread, so I’ll make a shorter version of what I said there here.
Ending a combo with a chain combo like srk> lk, st mp, st hp will put you at a good range for a jumpin cross up or cr mp, st mk pokes while sacrificing some damage. For use mid screen. Ending with hk instead pushes you too far back because of the animation. Ending with an srk or ex windmill is better in the corner (remember that ex windmill has good damage but will put you in the corner, so use it for kills mostly).
If you finish a combo with srk, a meaty mk poison breath will force a block from quick standing opponents, and leave you in range to poke with c mp and st mk, try an overhead or jumpin with a cross up. It SHOULD force a block, it’s possible some characters can srk or ex messiah and whatnot from quicksand but I didn’t test it, but you shouldn’t be messing with those characters anyways, after an srk on them you’d want to take a step back and then jump forward for the cross up or teleport out depending on the situation.
Ending combos with one light and one medium attack is often more damaging than lk, lk, mk xx srk. I prefer cr. lp, cr mp xx srk, but really any light and then medium is the same. This is better for combos off of jump attacks. if yoshi is coming in off a tag or switch cancel, it’s likely that the best option is to just cancel off a cr lp to help with scaling.
I like to confirm jump hits with close st mp, then I link into a lp (st or cr) cancel into uppercut. If you’d rather tag, you can jump in, confirm with close st mp, then link into the chain combo of your choice. Confirming a jump atk hit with close st mp is better than confirming with a st mk or really anything else IMO. You can also do something like confirm the hit with close st mp, then chain st lp, mk/close mp(the chain will bring you close enough) xx ex breath or ex windmill or super.