The Wrestling Thread v. 2013: Post your Best/Worst of 2013

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Anything that needs to be on the first post…let me know.

A bit late…….but let’s see what the smarks here thought was the best of 2012.
2012 IMO was a good year for “sports entertainment”.

I’m hoping for even better…………but at the same time setting myself up for disappointment.
Feel free to add categories you feel are important.

Male Wrestler of the year
Female Wrestler of the year
Tag Team of the year
Match of the year
PPV of the year
Newcomer of the year
Future Endeavor of the year
Welcome back of the year
Face of the year
Heel of the year
Promotion of the year

Your prediction(s) for 2013.

I’ll start… Punk will beat Rock on Royal Rumble.

Bravo Geese! Hopefully this is a good year for us, the last one kind of see sawed a lot.

Also, first important poster.

We should figure out Face and Heel people in here so I know who to hit with chairs if I see them in person.

This year will start out promising and then drop off after mania.

I’ll keep hope alive, but it’s not much. After Rock and Punk happens, and I just know WWE is looking for a way to have Cena in the match with the both of them so it’ll be a triple threat, I don’t really see what they’re going to do this year.

Not excited about “The Shield” anymore because they’ve already put the pieces into place to have them completely killed off. They’ve attacked too many top superstars and that won’t end well.

Hoping Ziggler gets the belt in a convincing way, and they make him look legit, but that won’t happen. WWE is still making him look like shit, and ended it as such. I can’t stay excited about Ziggler because I don’t know what they’ll do to him the next week.

Cena being more bitch made as the weeks go on. Some " upstanding guy", still mad because someone else took his girl. Great face.

Everyone else is in midcard hell and fighting for the same titles.

Also, WWE is having the same two guys compete in a different match on multiple PPVs with no signs of stopping. WWE has not built anyone else. Hell, this year starts off with no hope, because at least this time last year, we had new, hopeful people as champions… Yeah, that turned out really well too.

Already ready for “The Wrestling Thread v. 2014 - WWE files for bankruptcy”.

Aren’t you supposed to be the optimistic babyface of this thread RyuX? Or are you gimmick changing for 2013?

It’s like you joined the Stable of Stu.

2012 WWE Rant

[details=Spoiler] I want to be but it’s hard to be optimistic for WWE man. This trend just keeps happening. I’d love for WWE to be different and exciting with newer people being used. It’s sad when the only big draw is to bring a WWF wrestler from the past into your company for Wrestlemania, AGAIN, when there is plenty of underused talent. They’re so underused that WWE can’t even fall back on them in case something happens to Cena, Punk, etc. It’s even sadder when after Wrestlemania’s over, as Apathy Inc said, it’s going to go into the shitter.

It’s fun to rag on it, but I’d like for it to be good again sometimes. The Summer of Punk showed that WWE can do it, if they want, they just won’t.[/details]

You know, you’re right. I’ll give it a chance. I got my 2012 rants out to kick off the new year, I’m going into WWE this year with a clean slate. Maybe they have something better planned this year, I’m not sure. WWE’s seen the trends, they should know what’s working and what’s not.

Maybe WWE will shock me. Only time will tell though, but I’ll keep hope.

ADR really ought to bring the trollwink back, even if he is a face or tweener now.

Male Wrestler of the year
Daniel Bryan

Female Wrestler of the year

Tag Team of the year
The Ascension

Match of the year
Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk at Over the Limit

PPV of the year
Extreme Rules

Newcomer of the year

Future Endeavor of the year
Kelly Kelly

Welcome back of the year
Bray Wyatt

Face of the year
Hell No

Heel of the year
Big Show

Promotion of the year

Feud of Year
CM Punk vs Jericho. Booby Roooooooooooo vs James Storm is a runner up

Male Wrestler of the year: I honestly don’t know.
Female Wrestler of the year: Females wrestlers? What is that? I know they have Divas I think…they might be a myth…
Tag Team of the year: Rhodes Scholars.
Match of the year: Shield, TLC, many people wept at the amazing.
PPV of the year: TLC.
Newcomer of the year: Brad Maddox.
Future Endeavor of the year: K2.
**Welcome back of the year: **Devon.
**Face of the year: **James Storm.
Heel of the year: Big Show.
Promotion of the year: N/A.
**Feud of the year: **Bobby Rooo versus James Storm.

I look forward to the Rumble, no matter what happens I love the fucking Rumble match.

Two things: 1, not a prediction for 2013, and 2, it’s too bad the team is over.

2012 was a fairly good year for the WWE.

The wrestling itself was generally good, as usual. The booking and storylines were a mixed bag (with some really awful shit)…as usual. However, even there, it was an improvement over 2009-2011. So overall, good year.

Good wrestling all year from wwe and in wrestling all around

Road to wrestlemania brahs

That road is going to get real Shitty soon with the rumored taker punk match.

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Plastic hip on a pole match?

As far as nominations go, I’m writing in Dolph for all of the categories. Even the Divas, because he is the champion of all the ladies (but not for less than $10,000/day).

Also GP seriously bro do something about this thread title.

With the imminent return of the great one and the road kicking off pretty much anything is better then a B tier Womens wrestler in a C tier promotion.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2

Yeah, velvet isn’t even the hottest bitch they have. I am partial to brooke tessmacher and that ass

Going to an ROH show later this month and I found out Mick Foley is doing a comedy show here in town the same week. This year is off to a great start as far as I’m concerned.

Yeah…I really don’t like her neither.
I originally had Brad Maddox on the title…but I hate him much more.

Calling Velvet B-tier…you are giving her too much credit.