The TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES) Thread: TF Revelations

i’m really down for turtles even though i havn’t played it since x-mas nyclan tourney…just coach me art in the ways of ralph x 3, chest buster, jamboree, backdash, standing jab for anti air

done, you can now play ralph.


chibi, what are you talking about. raphs antiair is not standing jab, its low fierce, and you can use a combination of low fierce/far fierce/chestbuster or fireball for antiair, just depends on the situation u are in.

thyallmighty: good to hear u still got the hype for this game going :tup:

ninja turtles comes out friday…so whats really fucking good?

My bad.



someone buy me a laptop so I can host and record matches. :[

anyone wanna teach me this game over zbattle? I suck, but this game is too much fun :slight_smile:

So far it looks like i’m gonna use Don. Hes fun, but i’m having a small problem. His mash punch move seems really hard to do when using the fierce button. I’ll mash it as fast as I can, and it still won’t come out sometimes. Otherwise hes definitely my fav character so far. Turtle Power! :smiley:

Actually the same button speed for Dons Rapid Bow is the exact same of ChunLi’s in Super Turbo. If your trying to do it off the ground then you’ll of course whiff it then it will come out otherwise the best way to utilize this move is in a combo. Jump Fierce…Rapid Bow, best time to do this combo is after a dizzy for a meaty 5 hit! Then if you can manage to hit them with say a Standinf Fierce right after you can dizzy them again. The Rapid Bow has very high Stun!
He has an advanced combo…Short x2 rapid bow but its hard to do. Yeah but dont worry man you’ll get it eventually just keep practicing that shiii! :slight_smile:
I play Don hardcore and hes one of my mains, really good character and a GREAT counter for Armageddon but of course like mostly all, he has his bad matchups…The Super Turbo Factor! lol

Edit: TF at Evol East tight SET THAT SHIT UP!!!

Spoiler: Look at the Evo Series section sometime this week!

Hey guys, after I get off work at 10 pm eastern anyone up for some matches on zbattle? I wanna learn this game!

just had a session with IbanezNinja over zbattle, and i’m definitely a believer now. This game is too much. I suck ass right now, but i’ll get half decent eventually :slight_smile: C. Shredder ftw!

oh yeah, IbanezNinja’s Ralph is a freakin beast. Couldn’t touch it throughout like 30 or so matches

Yeah gg’s man, your Shredder was getting better with every match. :slight_smile:

Ps, if anyone wants to play on some Zbattle just him me up on aim at Darklink21

i have a super-secret technique for Dons Bo-stab special:
Rapid Bo-Stab (not official name) can be executed with simply 3 button taps. the second button tap determines what strength Bo=stab you’ll get e.g.:
lp, lp~hp [results in lp bo stab]
hp~lp, hp [lp bo stab]
hp, hp, hp [results in hp bo stab]
lp~hp, hp [hp bo stab]

the ~ indicates that you just roll your fingers (middle to index or vise versa) from one button immediately to the other (I believe tekken has commands similar to this if that helps). The last ‘shortcut’ i listed last is the method you want to use the most. once you input the command just sit back and watch the damage/chip. This technique is also good for not overtapping your inputs resulting in more recovery on a possible whiff. Don will perform 3 pokes and push you safety and results in immediate recovery.

edit: lastly, jumping in w/ hp then taping hp once more before you land then again on landing, produces the best results for his nastiest b&b.

edit 2: well it seems like i can start playing this on zbat again. those that are interested just look for ZtB

I’m about to play you, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

yo, go back on. everything is set now :wgrin: .

yo, I went out for a minute. You still there? I wanna play! :slight_smile:


If someone can make TF happen at Evo East I’ll make an effort to get out there.

Also, what do you snes fg advocates know about Ranma Chogi Ranbu Hen? NYC is about to start some shit up w/ the next lvl of povery gaming.

~get hype! :annoy:

i’ll definitely be having it there on my PC

Motherfuckers don’t know about my RANMA, son

Oh god no please stop! No more poverty!