The TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES) Thread: TF Revelations

Cant you just jump out of wakeup? I mean I remember all characters (or at least Armaggon) havin like invincible frames when wakeup-jump. This prevents chip damage deaths from Supers like Leo´s. Dont remember too well.

(I’m almost certain I posted the C.Shred tick throw OS in here somewhere) But yeah, this is not new (to me at least). The last few ppl I was teaching TF were subjected to this or I explained to them how to use it and yes, it does in fact work 100% in real matches.

As for the wingnut case, it does apply here as well. It’s “significant” in this match and very much as you’ve assumed, the player has the option to eat the jump lp. sequence to avoid being thrown repeatedly (but risking dizzy). IMO this won’t help out C.Shred too much because he first has to establish that ground. Glide Punch…really is that good against him. He can’t aura crush, wakeup knee loses to meaty glide (and sometimes in neutral), and jump out gets tagged often to reset the situation

C.Dome has wake up C.Spark that has high invuln.

The ppl I play competitively in this don’t give a fuck. It’s all play to win by any means. Also, Art would just CB your ass on wakeup lol.

Yeap. And now you understand why he’s ass-tier lol. He can still win some matchups if you’re gdlk.

Lol Nah, buddy. This game has meaties and the C.Shred tick can be setup to land this consistently…just not vs Armaggon though (lol @ 0f jump)

Found it.

Thx, I didnt remembered that just Arm had taht shit lol.

Zee Tee Bee:

Yeah, I got the OS bit from you. I had “discovered” the j.LP -> tick throw bit before (I thought it was a CPU thing only but I did it by accident, but couldn’t get it consistently before reading this thread), but I only started OS b+HP xx Aura Crusher after I read your post. Which is funny, because I had started doing c.s.HP xx Aura Crusher before I read your post as well because I thought it looked cool, but it didn’t occur to me put the two tactics together for one pattern. :stuck_out_tongue:

The OS throw is really dumb. I’m LOLing at the fact that it turns C.Shredder into O.Hawk against Wingnut.

I played this game at season’s beatings and it was sick. What are c shredders combos? I was using j. rh, st. fp, fp aura crusher. I was trying to go for cr. lp, cr. lp knee, but I would only give me a lp aura.

Good amount of BNBs in this post

I am currently working on my second TF combovid, shit will be tight. At least I hope so lol.
Will post it here as I am sure a few of u might be interessted in the new things that I have discovered :slight_smile:

El. Oh El, I can’t believe there’s a 29 page thread for this game! XD Guess I’m gonna have to download this and check it out!


We played this at a meet a couple of weeks ago and decided to see if the legend of Rat King’s brokeness was true. Fuck throw invincibility indeed.

I’ve been playing this like mad on my PS3 lately (SNES9x on PS3 CFW), the guy who’s coded the emulator said that netplay will be supported in the next revision. I’d love to have some unofficial tournaments for this, game is fucking awesome on a lot of levels

If the netplay turns out to be decent, PM me if this should ever happen lol

Been netplaying this a bit.

Quick questions to anyone, with chrome’s unblockable off of lp throw, if you land it on a turtle or War is that just GG? It seems that if you time it correctly it hits you before you are in the reversal window, then he can just redizzy you.

Also I swear I’ve landed it, or crossup j.hp vs. Shredder and Arm in the corner, though when I try to block the other way I can’t ever block it. Might be a SSFIV style unblockable, or just a really stupid jumpin.

Also sometimes chrome sparks are just not blockable. Generally after a move has been blocked, then another move is blocked and canceled into spark in the corner. The guy I play with usually plays shredder and I’ve dizzied him multiple times with a spark after blocked j.lp, cr.hp xx spark. It’s really weird. Any setups or other unblockables?

Man it sucks there isn’t a sequel for this game.

The thing is in this day and age it’d probably lose a lot of the charm. If anything I would like a psn/xbl release.

Clean up some of the glitches(blockstun throws, unblockables), possibly tweak frame data a little bit, and make War not terrible and you’d have a good game to play.

This neuters my main, but I think for the most part would make for a better game.

Don has a redizzy vs. Raph and Mike.

any dizzy, then crossup, st.lp xx hp bo strike.

Does anyone have another way to see these matches, the link is broken for me, I mean it is a few years old haha. Thank you in advance! TMNT TF forever!!

Made a vid of the redizzy. Just to show off that lk x3 combo that I am terrible at doing. I think thats the hardest combo to do in the game, haha.


Always nice to see them though :smiley:

haha, wingnut can do hp moon buster, land, jump dive, and continue to combo.

Also does anyone know what all of the P1 vs. P2 differences are? I know P2 Mikey is strictly better than P1 because he gets the redizzy vs. Chrome and Shredder. P2 wingnut seems to have different dive behavior in the corner with it having the ability to cancel them if he touches the boundary of the stage at certain places. I know stages aren’t symmetrical either, which is pretty apparent with Wingnut. On the right side Aska, Chrome, Wingnut, Shredder, and Arm can’t block his, or super, but on the left side they can block either way, but I have no idea what the full scope of this is. Someone who has been playing this game longer than me should know.

Edit: that boundary of the stage thing also works for diving into P1’s sprite, it instantly cancels the dive. P1 is free to dive through P2’s sprite at all times.

Edit 2: okay wingnut’s redizzy is the hardest combo in the game. having to space the moonbuster and the air dash is so much work.

Me and some friends dug this game out last night and it was fun as shit.

That being said, it was literally the first time most of us had played TF.
Any way I could get a rundown on more or less how everybody’s supposed to play?
Like some basic day-one stuff plus some more middle of the road stuff for everybody so we’re all not flying completely blind.