The Thundercats thread

Great episode. LOL@ Game Genie Magic. Mumm-ra had troll face when he busted out that lantern of his.

it felt off at some bits in the middle, but the end with mumm-ra locking down jaga with high level mind games was awesome :sunglasses:

i think next week is about plant people or something

Hell yeah. Jaga is like Obi-wan…but without the pretentious douce-iness.

And that part where Lion-O basically told Tygra to fuck off… Driving a ship then turns around to him and says that. Plus Tygra throwing up over the side of the ship. :rofl:

Yesterdays episode currently up on this channel though I don’t know for how long.

Third episode was pretty good. Seemed trite at first, but Lion-O’s obsession ties into the guilty he felt for the previous events. So far so good, Thundercats. Though some Korean animator is probably all giddy they got to give Kit a bikini.



Jaga’s alive! Which is good because he’s got a few things he’s got to answer for. Specifically, why he didn’t just tell Claudus where the book was in the first place (because from Grune’s reaction, he didn’t even give him and Panthro the same advice he gave Lion-O).

Seemingly “trite” maybe, but necessary. This way, we don’t have to deal with an angry, vengeful and possibly emo Lion-O for most of the series.

P.S. Intro may have only been 10 seconds, but damn hearing the old leitmotif (which I believe they’ve been sneaking in here and there) sure got me hype.

Even if they weren’t the only survivng citizens/cats, there seems to have been enough time passed between this weeks and last weeks episodes that the lizards could have either mopped up or taken any other survivors as captives/slaves.

Got around to watching the first three episodes and I’ve gotta say the scope of this show feels so much better than the OG series. So far they’ve stuck in the Odyssey and the Trojan Horse, some Julius Caesar shit, Jaga was on that Gandalf flow, and the clerics were on some of that Dead Men of Dunharrow shit. The second ep was on that Old Man and the Sea and Moby Dick type stuff. Hopefully they can keep the rest of the series as strong or even better than first two-parter.

No one’s mentioned the true lesson we should all learn and pass to future generations:

Don’t ever try to eat Lion-O.

So the kittens have tails, and the adults don’t. I can’t see the tails being lost naturally, you figure cutting off the tail becomes some ceremony, akin to “leaving childhood behind”?
If one of the kittens becomes a giant ape staring at the moon, someone needs to get GOT.

I think it’s one of those “only POOR people have THOSE” things, since the poor probably wouldn’t be able to afford disinfectants or to go to the healers to close the wound (I assume they have magic that can heal it in moments), so the cub has to run around in pain until it heals, with a high (poor = dirty) chance of a spinal infection. So it’s just safer if the poor DON’T dock their tails.

Either that or there are different races of “man-cat.” Like maybe the cat Hispanics have tails, the cat Caucasians don’t, and the cat New Zealanders have only one long fang like Lex.

Watched all three episodes, so I’m caught up. Very good so far. Let’s hope this series lasts long so it can fill the void left by Spectacular Spider-Man and Wolverine & the X-Men.

Remember how Clawdus made that speech about how the Thundercats brought civilization to a planet of warring animals. With that in mind, tails are probably seen as bestial, and not the ideal for the enlightened, civilized society the cats see themselves as. So they make with teh snippy either at birth or by a certain age…unless you’re the underclass, or orphaned and living on the streets. I’m kinda surprised they don’t shave and trim their claws to further distance themselves from “lesser” creatures. You’ll more than likely hear Tigra make some snooty jackass statement to someone regarding their tail in a future episode.

What about the fact that he’s voiced by Clancey Brown? Didn’t that tip you off as well, lol.

Watched ep. 3, so far so good, looks like they’re trying to get the character development over and done with as quickly as possible.

Forgot all about this. Just watched the first few episodes. love it.

Finally got around to seeing the first 2 episodes and DAYUM! I never was a big fan of OG ThunderCats (like I said earlier the intro was the main draw for me) but this revisioning was spectacular.

The animation is animated feature quality, the character, clothing, and armor designs are really cool (Tygra has a badass design!) and the storytelling is nice, very karmic in a way. lol

It kind of sucks that they have to keep it TV-PG (amazing how hundreds of arrows and bullets never hit anyone) but good storytelling can add to the drama without adding to the body count. If CN don’t act like complete bitches this could be their animated “Golden Goose” a la Nickelodeon and Avatar.

Please kiddies, please buy lots of toys and keep this show afloat! Since CN doesn’t care as much about ratings as they do about they selling merchandise.

Didnt know it was Luthor until i read this thread lol



Remove the part at the end for the link to work. I don’t know how to fix this yet or if it’s something to do with the forums.