The Tallahassee Thread: The only things served at Logan's are beatdowns

Yo boys I got some breathing room from the med school noose and want to throw my scrubby tactics down! Let’s go where we meeting tonight?!

Chris asked me about this last night, we don’t really have room. The only free area is the kitchen table (after kicking your TV to the floor), but that actually gets used for eating. If you wanna leave it here and take my smaller TV that’s on the coffee table that’s cool, but I’m not looking to have TVs laying all over the living room (remember, if we ever REALLY need it Logan and I both have ASUS monitors as well…we’re not really hurting in that department).

This should be standard knowledge. I do it all the time.
Really if you are hitting the TC anytime and have meter for the EX to Ultra its a desirable choice.

did you tell him this last night?

Yes, though I didn’t mention the TV swapping if you really wanna do that…I’m sure it is a better TV, but not really necessary.

Well chris what do we do with this TV now?

im with jay what do you hos think about Dark Souls.

-shrug- donate it to Goodwill? Eh, ill think of something. Probably replace the one in my room and sell the Apex I have.

EDIT: TV swap. Trash the small one and replace it with my Apex. Its not obnoxiously big and doesn’t need an RF adapter to be played on.

Andy: nah bro, I’m not talking to spread hate. I really like using the MF; but his gameplan is damned solid, and he just gets wayyy too much damage and set ups for all the shit he can blow up, turtling or not. I’m not saying he doesn’t take work, or the rules or methodology of getting good with a character don’t apply to him, but I will say that it takes the rest of the cast (sans grapplers) more work to beat him (twins) than it does for him to beat them.

Son of Korhal: its pretty quiet on Wednesdays homie. Best bet may be tomorrow at the SLC, if that even kicks off.

Jay/Matt: that Dark Souls looked DAMNED fun as hell. Hard too. Mike J was getting tossed around by what looked to be the first boss of the game.

Fuck Dark Souls. First ‘real’ boss fight is insane, harder than almost everything in Demon’s Souls. (Targus mofo)

you do it

Beat the damn Taurus demon, then ran into some enemies in the next section that can do moves only the player can do: parry+riposte and fucking backstab. Got hit twice and died from full health. Fuck you, Dark Souls! (This game is pretty fun.)

Man nothing about that game sounds fun… I had Demon’s Souls and it was frustrating more than fun. But not even a fun frustrating. Just… frustrating!

i like some stupid hard challenge. fuck that shit jarv. that shit sounds GOOD! Im gonna have to pick that junk up.

well andy no those characters are only equal to yun in the fact that they are top tier. But marvels big four do not use unique game mechanics . They just optimize the same system mechanic’s everyone else has. in 3s yun is the only one who really benefits from a mechanics no one else has. No one in that game forces you to guess on every single poke they have except gief( except gief sacrifices that mix power for a lack of reversal and mobility). Not to mention the pressing buttons works against everyone. He has built in option select off of every single one of his pokes used in his guard strings, which allows him to continously attack once he gets going with little you can do to counter it without getting hit. He actually negates the effectiveness of blocking.

If you want to see how effective he is just look at his representation at SBO where there where only 5 major character representation in the whole tournament outside of foreigners. Its not a problem of us playing against top tier players but you considering your play of yun to be the optimum base of the character. Im not trying to knock you but in truth there is only really one decent yun player in america, but no good or great yuns exist in the states. The character is bullshit this is a fact not an opinion. Its a fact verified by the action capcom is taking to fix it. There releasing an entirely new game because they see that it is a problem and the players see that it is a problem. In fact yun was intended to be a problem in the first place. Ono trolled us with the twins, now fei and viper are just by products of them buffing shit that didnt need to be buffed on those characters, while nerfing over half the cast.

Meh I’d rather just try and get better at Marvel or Starcraft. Or try and beat the last more-frustrating-than-fun game I bought, Super Meat Boy lol.

The more I read about twin nerfs the more I think Yang really got the nerf-bat.

dude i just checked the review. im gonna have to pick up the game in the next month or so. I love damn hard games that are deep. Looks super good.

Jarv you can get good at sc2. Just have this game on the side and take a couple months or so to beat it. A hard game like this strewn out over the course of months actually makes it feel super satisfying when you finally do beat it. Just put it to the side if you ever get frustrated with it then come back to it later.


i heard when you ‘save’ via bonfires you respawn all those hard ass enemies in the area lmaoooooooo

5 characters? That’s not true at all…just off the top of my head there was Iyo Ibuki, Nemo Yang, Daigo Yun, Itabashi Gief, Fuudo Fei, Kyabetsu Viper, and I’m sure there was a Sagat and Dhalsim too. I believe Tokido was in there was well.

well i saw the game and its really hard to get a feel for it with just the video’s. Thats why i was kind of looking for someone’s opinion on it that got it and i was pretty sure that someone was ron…looking at ron.

Besides that they had a stream of umvc3 last night and man i have to say the damage in that game is really fucking high. I know its cause they nerfed everyones life but the day one stuff with new character’s was consistently killing in a single combo. I just imagine how bad it will be when people get some pmode. The only thing that was meh was the wesker buff where seth said wesker can have xfacter lvl speed/damage when his glasses break. also xfactor is not really normalized for all characters the duration is different for everyone according to him. DHC combo’s might not be missed…