I haven’t had the opportunity to dive in like I wanted because I’ve been kind of sick all weekend… I’ll have to check out everyone’s creations, and put something cool together real soon, I hope.
To go back on the post about comments. Found the option to do it. I was just overwhelmed and eager to dig in and didn’t have enough time to do it. I’m sure everyone here has found it after 5 seconds.
On to some SMM…
I can’t wait!
I can almost get the third jump consistently so it’ll be awhile before I can get the last one, lol. I like Jump Control a lot. I forget the spin jump has those properties.
I have Super Meat Boy, Tight Squeeze and Jump Control download. Super Meat Boy is pretty therapeutic. I don’t know, I just love wall jumps.
Have 3 wips. Hopefully I can finish the first on on Tuesday.
Whelp, did my first course upload. Nothing major but I have a warm spot for it since, well, I made the dang thing. It shouldn’t give the experienced Mario play any real trouble but I had fun coming up with it and I’ll probably do more centered around this theme.
Jump Man: CD2F-0000-0035-BA8A
Also do I have to have a certain tool to make Mario be able to enter pipes?
So tempted to buy this and a Wii U. But financial freedom is so much more important…
But the idea of making my own sadistic Mario stages sounds just wonderful. Desires desires.
It’s one of the later unlocks: The ability do do sub-stages. Once you do have it, you just have to drag Mario to a pipe to make it enterable.
I SORTA get why they leave that one out until later on, since it basically doubles your potential stage size. Easy for a young creator to get lost there.
@Chadouken - Over/Under has promise and is a lot of fun to navigate, but it’s SO badly signposted. Very trial-and-error with no real idea where you’re supposed to be headed, and instant death and starting over if you choose wrong. Put some arrows in, some coins, something!
It’s also got a few of the cardinal sins of Mario Maker design: An enemy that will hit Mario after a second if he doesn’t move, and a couple of Kaizo Mario-esque hidden blocks that mess with your jumps. The one with the vine right at the start sent me plummeting to my doom, since naturally after I’d grabbed the powerup from the block underneath, I was on top of that block, and I was going to jump from that and onto the floating koopas.
As said, though, it’s got promise. Fiddle with it until it’s more userfriendly, and re-upload, and I think it’ll garner some stars.
@ReggieHadoken - Jump Man works gameplay-wise past the halfway point, but is a little samey in the beginning. A few too many of the same equally-wide jumps with pretty much nothing to look at, making it more of a chore to replay if you misjudge a jump in the later, more interesting challenges.
I enjoyed the chain-jumping between the koopas on spikes. Nicely balanced to feel like one just about makes it, without it being too hard. More of that!
@Zebster - Storm Bowser’s Fleet worked well. Just the right amount of tightness to the challenges, and a take on the giant Bowser battle I haven’t seen.
Also, as I commented on Miiverse, I do really like the combination of a mole and any other mobile enemy. Gotta make use of that sometime.
Hey thanks for the comments! I kinda just threw that level together to troll a friend of mine who came over to check out the game, and it turned out to be pretty fun. The hidden block with the vine was intentional, and so was the placement of goombas at the start, to elicit a “fuck you, Chad!” from my buddy. It worked in both cases, lol. But I can see how it’s a turnoff.
My intention was to have multiple paths to take to get to the first pipe on the top left. You could either go straight up the vine if you found it, or underneath to the platform. Then, in the sub room with the powerups and Yoshi, I wanted to make it obvious where the door is in relationship to the red spiked guys underneath. My hope was that folks would see that and then remember the door at the top later. And if they get the P switch and make it up to the feather brick in the top right of the sub world, they’ll see the door’s twin and know to fly back up to the left. I think I need to used solid blocks and ? Blocks instead of the flipping blocks. If you destroy too many you’ll end up fucking yourself because you can’t fly to the first door.
I’ll add some signs and stuff to make it a little more friendly and polished. It’s easy to lose sight of what a player sees compared to what I know as the designer.
BTW, that Tell-Tail Heart level is fun as hell! I love the sounds and heat beat effects. Great atmosphere.
@King9999 - I enjoy the mechanics in “Tight Squeeze”, but, man. That final jump is so very trial-and-error, and EVERY TIME you fail you have to redo all the others.
Give us a little break, wouldja? A pipe to go down so you get back to the final couple of jumps, or something.
That actually has me thinking… Mario Maker doesn’t have a checkpoint function right now. But, with sub-levels and doors, you can do makeshift checkpoints.
In a trial-and-error challenge like this (or any long level), instead of the instant-death drop, put in a door or a pipe at the bottom instead. If a door, simply let it drop you into the spot you designate as your checkpoint. Several doors can drop you into the same location.
If a pipe, let each pipe past a certain point bring you into a sub-level room with ONE exit pipe - the one leading to your checkpoint location. New checkpoint? New sublevel room with the same routine.
With that, you can at least let FALLS bring the player to a checkpoint, even if damage will still bring you back to the very start.
I don’t know, I didn’t have these problems. I got the shroom and jumped up once more and saw the vine. When I got to the Bullet Bill section on the top I didn’t see too much ground and put together that I’d have to bb dance my way to the checkpoint going by how many were going off.
The under part was different until I did see that there was a door on the other side (from the the warp pipe, that I didn’t go through the first time) that there was [details=Spoiler] door on the the other side.[/details] I feel like you can sequence break some of the parts where there are multiple ways to navigate, which made it fun as you said. The bullet bill section can be bypassed entirely.
So overall how do you guys like it? Think it’s something you’ll be playing for a while?
I’m thinking between this, Wind Waker, Destiny and FF Type-0, I’m set for games for a while.
I’ll keep this in mind. I will start implementing checkpoints where it makes sense to do so.
Love it. I can see myself playing this game for a long time. Definitely worth it.
Anyone feel this game is lacking in power-ups? Super Mario 3 and New Super Mario Bros games have a ton of power-ups but they only have two each. I was hoping for a water level where you know the frog suit to navigate.