The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I believe whatever jap SFV material sources probably would conflict this.

By the way are the info exact similar or rephrased to other previous western SF biography books with just added bonus?

Rumor of upcoming Ryu alt costume.


Zeku new costume, colors and code version

Remind me Retu (FF2), should have been one of the colors imho
Fun thing in my wishlist there was a FF2 Zeku alt where old is Retu and young is Carlos

Arthur (GnG) Ryu, i guess just to oppose him to Astaroth (GnG) Bison

From the dozen of request of having kabuki Sodom and Honda, This alt and it’s code version probably confirms that we wont get Sodom and Honda or even any thing Kabuki like anytime soon.

This information only further muddies the waters.

When will we have peace?!


I just hope Capcom Japan would release something of a compilation update as follow up to confirm things.

If this would tie-in for future Jap source material this would cement the cased to justify and conclude that this is the chosen route, but if the future newer source material from Jap became more compromising with the more recent Jap source material that means we can ignore a large portion of this stuff that creates conflict.

Jap > US in info.


@Phantom_Miria Yun in general was a criminal offense in 3S, along with Chun-Li. But it does make sense because it was stated that through their connections to the underground, they found out about Gill trying to takeover Hong Kong in 3S.

@YagamiFire Supposedly, Safu was the dog barking in Final Fight too and was later found by Guile’s family at one point. This makes me really want to see Capcom make a short film about Safu’s entire life story and how he/she was behind the scenes in FF ending with Julia/Guile finding them, Courage the dog style:

When Capcom will reboot the series and tell the story from the beginning again.

Aka, something I don’t think they’re planning to do at any point in the future and I actually don’t want anyway because it’d be one hell of a joke to reboot the series now that we’re getting close to a game set after Third Strike.


Actually I’ll prefer a separate parallel than a series reboot, because there are already great stuff establish that ain’t that complicated and likely if a reboot it would end out as a sell out to appeal with trends and teenagers.

I’m already imagining Evil Ryu sh!t, Alpha was something great and I don’t want them to ruin that series. The only part I’ll probably consider a reboot is SF2 timeline, while both SF1 and SF3 only just need a few retcon tweaks.


To be honest, prior to SF4, SF’s main audience was teenagers. SF3 followed the “rebellious teens against organisation” trend that the 90’s and early 00’s had and Alpha had more emphasis on mysticism and schoolgirls prevalent in the mid-90’s.

I think what you should mean is following a trend that would age terribly and make it the main focus. SF thankfully hasn’t done that yet appear from maybe pre-ASF SFV.

@Phantom_Miria Especially since the anthology has come out, if people really want to know about the SF canon prior to 2008 then buy that and have them carry on with the series. If they do get past 3S then I think that their storytelling skills are going to improve since they have more freedom and no barriers blocking them

Arthur costume in action


Hopefully it’s not true. It contradicts what’s said in the Japanese material, which only mentions Ryu using a Shoryuken on Sagat, and SFI has yet to be officially stated to be a tournament.
I’m wondering what Sagat’s SFI ending in AE is gonna show.

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That’s legit? I just figured we were being trolled.


Hah yup! I was surprised too!

Tbh IF they really needed they should at least have released it with Astaroth one imho
This Ryu alt is only a joke, most of other alts are cool

For Ryu still waiting


@Cestus_II TBH Jin=Ryu and Devilotte=Karin are going to come at one point, especially the Jin one. Hayato is a possibility, because one of the character’s SG2 ending had Ryu make a little cameo in a nightclub.

I think that in the end of the year, we’ll be getting Megaman theme ones to go with MM11 coming out.

It is teenage audience for gameplay with mostly 30s adults characters from SF2 in 90s fantasy setting.

What I mean was not going by the trends that will throw away everything that made SF in 80s and 90s era from vibe of environment and people personality. Let the modern characterization be with the likes of neo shadaloo and etc teenage characters.

Going away to the personality and character then replace it with modern trends entertainment.

You’re basically asking for the SF2+Alpha characters to not be flanderised while everyone else can be modern.

The thing is, teenagers aren’t dumb and will know if you try to be “hip” with them. It’s thankful that the game’s haven’t done this yet but the UDON comics are so guilty of this, with dabbing and selfie jokes that are going to age in a matter of months. Nowadays, trends come and go much quicker than they do a decade ago so it’s best for Capcom to not chase trends unless if it benefits them. The thing that most game companies miss is that they need to treat the teen audience like adults because they just as smart, if not smarter, than the people who started playing with SF2+Alpha.

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Because everyone else is exactly in the right era to act fitting and appropriately that way. Like Ed, Menat and Falke. I like what they did with Zeku his like a 80s hip character vibe which fits him, his unique but he represent the era he is lived through.

When people acting not appropriate by there culture, environment, discipline, where they growup, age, era and etc thats meh writing.

Yup not to be out of intended design, many reboots nowadays our meh and everyone start to be complicated then another reboot then another.

SF2 characters are not meant to be relate into by the current teens and early twenties people.The problem with current standard of trends is to make every character relatable to the current audience even they will make alienate it because it is to sellout, archie was another meh.

Characters like Ibuki can concerns those selfies, but Chun li and Cammy no they are tragic characters that have a large portion of there life in a different sense of living. Even Karin and Sakura are not people that concerns social validation so selfies isn’t something for them other than if that is a cased of a moment of a lifetime but not so frequent.

SF2 characters are not meant to be relate into which is the current trends standards. There’s a big difference in the era before than now. Before characters back then were written to be idealize or to be admired not to be relate with. SF2 characters were meant to be idealize not to be relate with.

IF you put some writers, even how good they were in their previous project that doesn’t see that cased you be seeing meh version of characters trying hard to appeal and sellout.

It’s not the teenager but it’s what the current trends and standard is, Udon isn’t that bad or worst since probably some guys there are still fans of SF in the past not just what people would say “professional, good or experienced writers” but has no loving heart to SF in times that SF was in it’s prime that would be a mess and everything would be written for the sake of appeal.

Legends of Chun Li, bullied goku in a live action DB and many cartoons nowadays.

I’m glad with the current Gief and Dhalsim in SFV than what they were before. While they mess up with Nash, Guile and Tantrum Akuma.

You’re trying to tell me that Menat, Ed etc can get away with using social media. The younger SFV characters don’t have a ordinary upbringing, I doubt most of the characters do, so it’d feel plain awkward of the characters were doing things like that.

Why would Ibuki have to pander to the 2010’s audience, in SF3 she was a girl who had a conflicted lifestyle with being a ninja but really wanting to be a normal girl but took her heritage seriously. That could make for great character writing but instead we get “SEXEEE BOYZ”. And don’t say that it’s because of the current time because story is more of a valued thing in today’s video game climate.

This also goes to most of the other SF characters. The only exceptions I think of are probably Sakura in Alpha. Part of SF’s success was because everyone could find a character to idealize with whether it be for gameplay, design or nationality. EG I liked Cammy as a child because of her story in Alpha 3 and I loved playing with her.

TBF, SFV has been really hit+miss in regards to their re-designs. Some like Alex and Ken was due to miscommunication from modellers and some are a complete insult to their character like Ibuki.