The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

In a future timeline, Bison and Kage will meet in the astral plane and Bison will offer Kage a physical form for everlasting servitude.Kage will accept, and a new Shadaloo King will rise. You are no longer needed Balrog. Goodbye.

That is so stupid but also cool

That does not guarantee that Capcom will continue to make Street Fighter games, though.

Capcom makes what it believes will make it the most money. If that doesn’t include Street Fighter, then they’ll throw Street Fighter back into their version of the Disney Vault. Don’t forget that there was an eleven year gap between SF3 and SF4, a period where Capcom backed away from fighting games in general. Capcom has previously stated that it stopped making games like Onimusha and Dino Crisis not because the games had become unprofitable, but rather because Devil May Cry was so much more profitable. Similar attitude drove the changes they made with Resident Evil 5 and 6, where they felt “survival horror” couldn’t achieve the sales figures they wanted, and thus they tried to turn the series towards more mainstream action.

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Additionally, it will be revealed that it, Ryu expelling his darkness only for it to be recruited by Shadaloo, was Bison’s plan all along.


The esports scene is what’s likely to stop that from happen. Capcom constantly makes a lot of noise about esports and wanting to invest in it, and Street Fighter is pretty much their card to easily dominate the growing field of fighting games. Giving up Street Fighter now would mean to leave the field open to competitors and being unable to catch up even if they return to SF in the future.


I dont know. Reducing FM and this whole ad testing thing doesnt give me the vibe that the game is doing that great. Sure it wont be cut short, but I dont see them expanding beyond the initially planned 5 seasons.

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I see the in-game ads as Capcom testing the waters of what they can get away with and not as a sign of game’s health. If Capcom gets the fanbase to drink the kool-aid it will show up in other games and be far more egregious.


Those, plus how deliberately clumsy his tatsu looks are waaay too much coincidences. I’m guessing the following happened:

:man_bald: (Ono): dev, it’s that moment in SF to “appeal to wider audiences”.
:man_red_haired: What!? I thought SF was all about not degrading the franchise to squeeze extra cents. Where are those principles that we stood for?
:man_bald: I guess youÂŽre right. Go design Dan then.

(3 months later)
:man_red_haired: Whoa! that was hard but fun. Here is the model, with some of his old moves plus some extra clumsy new ones. The tatsu is my crowning achievent.
:man_bald: Ohh I see
 textures guy, turn this into Evil Ryu.
:man_red_haired: WHAAA
 but you said

:man_bald: Evil Ryu pays our bills, Dan does not.

But whatevs, hope the characters keep flowing next year.


I like his tatsu and his regular hado it reflects his monstrosity and rage. which is supposed to be careless and wreck

I didn’t like his win quote it’s edgy and interaction since he talks too much.

Did you even see the cinematic trailer and Kage’s story mode? He was made with foresight and intentionality, and was likely planned to be included from the beginning.

You guys are so desperate to rationalize Capcom’s behavior, but Capcom will do what it wants always. The quality of the character gameplay, model, animations, VA (Japanese) etc, is actually great.

Oh god, sftu with this garbage. Max is one of the realest guys around for video game content.

Yes it’s a VAST CONSPIRACY that Capcom released a shoto character into an SF game and that happened to be what Max wanted.


Oh, btw, Max has shit all over Kage’s look and rates him worse than G and Akuma for fun.

REAL great shilling their, Max. Do you think Capcom will demand a refund?


Some people try so hard to defend this garbage reskin’s inclusion, I can’t even laugh at the attempt anymore. Let’s see if they’ll include anyone whose story is worth discussing or if Capcom will keep stuffing this game with joke characters.


Even without the polls the huge casual fans will be routing for ERyu and Daigo thing, because the majority of the generation now are influence by evo moment and sf4. lol

I’m just hoping right now that their won’t be dark sakura or any form.

Agree very much on this.

Explains everything clear. It’s about the majority reaction and feedbacks.

Who writing on this?

in other news

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As he should, G got a great character design and SFV Akuma’s while not the best is far above this crap lol

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Somebody that misunderstood the char, as he’s not “He is the physical manifestation”

He does’nt actually appearr in front of people, he appear in people’s mind and only in the mind of who he’s interacting with
 example the lil thai girl from outside will see only Sagat having a heart attack like experience, will not see kage in the physical world

But in his defence the chara design does’nt help being based on two (E.Ryu and Oni) physical characters, without any hint of kage being an actual ethereal spirit

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SFV done great for the shotos is having different expression of tatsu that reflect their personality.

The best is Ken’s update.
I like Tekken7 Akuma tatsu more than SFV version which is more relative to his older tatsu but still they it still looking good.

The rest was

Widening Akuma body
Making different ken standing stance that is more aggressive

I hope those were kept in future games.

Basically the game is near the end of its life cycle. Theyre pooling all dat development money into sf6.

Unlike usf4 where they could just transfer the xtekken assets over, they need to do something else. Hence eryu was a way of saving money.

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eryu is irresistible for majority of casuals, as if he was Daigo revenge lol, still want to hope that there would be a big expansion upcoming if that is the case for the assets instead of new title. I think it’s time for SF to ditch number like it used to label it’s games.

I like how SF3 did there game label like 2nd impact and 3rd strike. It’s more creative.

actually Daigo won’t be play Kage he’s back to Ryu, because Kage doesn’t have the gameplay style that Daigo wants. Ryu has receive nothing but buffs for Season 4 especially to his fire ball game . Kage fire ball game is pretty much non-existent, all Kage has is his red fire ball but since Ryu got buff Ryu got out fire ball Kage all day every day. Kage pretty much seems tailor to be a rush down character.

as for the air fireball game Akuma’s is better than Kage’s because it goes vertical instead of horizontal. from what I read as far as the fire ball game goes Kage loses to Sagat, Ryu, Guile , Akuma and Ryu. yeah I hear Kage’s fire ball game is terrible.