The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Yea, that’s what was really impressive. They showed all the S3 chars at PSX, yet they were still more than able to hype people at EVO, so the silhouettes move is unnecessary and pretty shitty overall, and should be avoided in future seasons.


Sodom >>>>>>>> Honda


This one is a bit random but I thought you all would appreciate it.

Name: Yamato/Yasha Nadeshiko


Nickname: Split Personality Grappler (Nijūjinkaku Resura)

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 5ft 7½in (1.71m)

Weight: 159lbs (72kg)

B/W/H: 36-27-36 (91cm-69cm-91cm)

Hometown: Hakone, Japan

Appearance: Nadeshiko is a stout and powerfully built woman. She short black hair in a bob hairstyle. Nadeshiko has dark eyes and wears a two piece, midriff baring wrestling leotard. The top piece is long sleeved with av-shaped neckline that shows off her cleavage. The left half of the piece is white with black kanji, 大和ナデシコ, (Yamato Nadeshiko) running down the arm. The right half of the piece is red with a Japanese Flag logo on the shoulder. The neckline and the base of the piece has red border. Nadeshiko has a red sash tied around her waist. She had on a white bikini bottom that shows off her legs. Nadeshiko has red knee pads and long white boots with red laces on her feet. When she becomes Yasha, she puts on a white kabuki mask that red eye shadow and black eyebrows painted on it. There are nose and mouth holes in the mask. Red lips are painted around the mouth hole.

Likes: Wagashi, Shiba Inu, (Cruelty)

Dislikes: Ball Games, (R. Mika)

Fighting Style: Professional Wrestling

Tone: Yamato Nadeshiko is a fiery yet humble woman. (Yasha Nadeshiko cold, brutal, and merciless woman)

Origins: Nanae grew up in Hakone, Japan. A tourist town about an hour outside of Tokyo known for it’s hot springs and traditional Japanese inns. Which is fitting because she is the only daughter of innkeepers. Nanae was reserved and quiet. The “ideal” daughter. The kids in the town teased Nanae. Her family was well off and she was “perfect”. They called her Yamato Nadeshiko. A usually endearing term denoting the “ideal woman”. However, they did not mean it as a compliment. The inference was that Nanae was perfect and thought she was better than them.

When she was a little girl, a famous wrestler stayed at her family inn. She’d never seen a wrestler before. As the wrestler and her training partners practiced in backyard of the inn, Nanae peered curiously out her window. She was completely enamored with what she saw. The wrestler noticed the curiously little girl looking at them from her window. Nervous, the meek Nanae quickly hid under her bed. A few moments later, she heard a knock at her door. Nanae remained still, trying to stay as quiet as possible. She could hear the door open and foot steps coming toward her. She closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard a “whooshing” sound. As Nadeshiko opened her eyes, a large woman was standing above her, holding up her mattress and box spring with one hand. It was Yoko Harmageddon. She smiled down at the frightened Nanae, offering Nanae her hand. Nanae took her hand.

From that point on, every year Yoko would vacation at the Sato family inn. Nanae would anxiously wait her return. Each time she visited the inn Yoko would show her a new move. Nanae would catch would ever matches she could and try her best to emulate what she saw. When she was old enough, Nanae decided that she would leave with Yoko. Knowing her parents wouldn’t approve. She wrote a long letter to them. Nanae left the letter on her bed and departed with Yoko for the IJWPW.

Her Rival: R.Mika

Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 2 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4

950 stamina 1050 stun


Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only

Petal Slam – LP+LK: Nadeshiko picks up her opponent and scoop body slams them.

Nectar Suplex – B+LP+LK: Nadeshiko snap suplexes her opponent behind her.

Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only

Blossom Breaker – LP+LK: Nadeshiko grabs her foe by the side of the head, puts her head under their chin, jumps into the air, and slams theirchin onto the top of her head. (Jawbreaker)

Rose Thorn – B+LP+LK: Nadeshiko picks her opponent up by the waist, turns 180°, and slams their groin onto her knee (Inverted Atomic Drop)

Pollinater – LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Nadeshiko grabs her crouching foe by the head and knees them in the face, lifting them off the ground. (Shining Wizard)

Unique Attacks:

Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only

Yamato Lariat –F+HP: (Hit Grab) Nadeshiko grabs her foes by the neck with her left arm, pull them in, and uses her right arm to floor them with a standing lariat. Attacks causes a side switch.

Flying Nadeshiko – F+HK: Nadeshiko hits her opponent with a flying body splash, attack leaves her opponent standing. +3 on Hit, -5 on Block

Bloom Elbow – D+MP: (In Air) Nadeshiko executes a flying elbow drop from the apex of her forward jump. Bloom Elbow halts her forward momentum and she descends straight downward.

Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only

Brain Freeze – B+HP: Nadeshiko executes a quick head butt that leaves her opponent standing after it hits.

Bad Touch – B+MP: Nadeshiko drops to one knee and strikes her opponent with hammer fist uppercut to the groin. Attack must be blocked low. (Low Blow)


Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only

Flower In Bloom – F+KKK: Nadeshiko kicks her foe in the gut and plants them face first in the ground with a double underhook face buster (HHH’s Pedigree)

Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only

Eye Poke – F+PPP: Nadeshiko pokes her opponent in the eyes causing them to stagger backward. Leaves the opponent standing.


Spring Time – MP+MK: Nadeshiko handsprings toward her opponent. The handspring is Projectile and Strike invincible frame 3. If no button is pressed, Nadeshiko returns to her neutral stance with 8 Recovery Frames. Three follow ups. 2 for Yamato, 1 for Yasha

Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only

  • P - Spring Breeze: Nadeshiko strikes her opponent with a flying back elbow to the head. Attack knocks down opponent.

  • K – Spring Shower: Nadeshiko converts her handspring into kick that hits overhead. Attack must be block high. -6 On Block.

Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only

  • LP+LK – Yasha Buster: Nadeshiko grabs her opponents head with her back facing them and drive it into the ground. (Handspring Bulldog)

V-Trigger 1:

Full Nadeshiko – HP+HK: Nadeshiko throws off traditional pro wrestling classifications and comes at her opponent with her full wrestling arsenal. Nadeshiko can now us her face and heel attacks at the same time. Her Yamato (Face) Throws are still done with MP+MK. Her Yasha (Heel) Throws are done with HP-HK and B+HP+HK. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent

V-Trigger 2:

Heel’s Heat – HP+HK: Nadeshko goes full heel and pulls out a chair to assault her opponent. All of Nadeshko’s punch attacks gain increased range, damage, and frame advantage. Grey life damage of all MP, HP punch attacks is doubled. LP attacks now do a small amount of Grey life damage. Nadeshiko gains a new special. V-Trigger duration 1600F

  • Chair Toss – F+HP+HK: Nadeshko throws a spinning chair at her opponent. Attack costs 1/3 (535F) of her V-Gauge.

  • LP Attack Cost (100F), MP(160F), HP(200F)

Each punch attack drains the V-Gauge. 2-Bar V-Trigger


Bow Breaker – 360°+P: (Command Grab) Nadeshiko grabs her opponent, spins behind them, lifts them overhead, jumps into air, spins 180°, puts both of her knees into her foe’s back while pulling back on their head with her right hand and ankles with her left hand. She then drives her foes into the ground while maintaining the Bow Hold. Grabs range, damage, and landing distance from the opponent is determined by the punch button pressed. All versions have 5F Startup. LP(Most Range, 180 Damage/200 Stun, Lands ½ Screen Away) MP(Less Range, 190 Damage/200 Stun, Lands ¼ Screen Away) HP(Least RANGE, 200 Damage/200 Stun, Land’s Point Blank) EX(Most Range, 240 Damage/250 Stun, Land’s Point Blank)

Maiden Scorn – QCB+K: Nadeshiko hits her opponent in the head with a twisting jump kick. (Enziguri). Attack goes over low attacks. All versions knock down. Startup, damage, and advantage on hit, determined by the kick button. LK (12F Startup, 75 Damage/150 Stun) MK(18F Startup, 100 Damage/150 Stun), HK(24F Startup, 125 Damage/200 Stun), EX(18F Startup, 150 Damage/240 Stun)

Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only

Heel Turn – D,D+PP: Yamato Nadeshiko turns into Yasha Nadeshiko

Yamato Buster - 360°+K: (Running Command Grab) Nadeshiko runs at her opponent , hops at them, spins behind them, grabs them by the back of the head with hand, and drives them face first into the ground. (One Hand Bulldog). Distance traveled and damage determined by the punch button pressed. LP(180 Damage/200 Stun, 1/3 Screen) MP(190 Damage/200 Stun, ½ Screen) HP(200 Damage/200 Stun, 2/3 screen) EX(Gains Armor Frame 3, 225 Damage/240 Stun, Land’s Point Blank)

Peek-A-Boo Driver - QCF+K: (Anti Air Grab) Nadeshiko jumps into the air , performs a full split before slamming her feet onto the sides of her opponents head, and backflipping to drive their head directly into the ground. (Hurricanrana Driver). Attack causes a side switch. Kickbutton determines the startup and damage. LK(6F Startup, 140 Damage/200 Stun) MK(8F Startup, 150 Damage/200 Stun), HK(10F Startup, 160 Damage/200 Stun), EX(Full Startup Invincibility, 6F Startup, 180 Damage/200 Stun)

Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only

Face Turn – D,D+PP: YashaNadeshiko turns into Yamato Nadeshiko

Green Mist – HCF+P: Nadeshiko spits cloud of green mist in her opponents faces causing them to stagger backward. Leaves the opponent standing. The punch button pressed determines the duration, damage, and advantage on hit. Has projectile properties. LP (12F Startup 60 Damage/150 Stun) MP(16F Startup 90 Damage/180 Stun, 2 Hits) HP(20F Startup 120 Damage/210 Stun, 3 Hits) EX(12F Startup 150 Damage/240 Stun)

Shinai Blitz – QCB+P: (Rekka) Nadeshiko pulls out a shinai (bambo training sword) and pummels her opponent with up to three strikes. The first swing is a two hand horizontal strike to the left side of the head, second swing is a two hand horizontal strike to the right side of the abdomen, and the final strike is homerun swing to the jaw that sends the opponent sailing through the air. Punch button determines the startup, damage, and distance traveled. LP (7F Startup, 160 Damage/160 Stun, ¼ Screen) MP(9F Startup, 170 Damage/170 Stun, 1/3 Screen) HP(10F Startup, 180 Damage/Stun, ½ Screen) EX (7F Startup, 200 Damage/200 Stun, ½ Screen)

Critical Art:

Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only

Maiden Embrace – 360°x2+P: Nadeshiko grabs her foes, spends behinds them, locks them in a cross face chicken wing, jumps high into the air, and back suplexes them directly on their head. ( 3 Hits 380 Damage (2x50, 1x280)

Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only

Extreme Rules – HCFx2+K: Nadeshiko slams a steel chair over her opponents head and tosses it on the ground behind her. Hits them in the gut with a Shinai (bamboo training sword) breaking it, She grabs her stunned opponent, jumps backward, high into the air, and slams them face first onto the chair with a sitout facebuster. 3 Hits 330 Damage (3x110)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Yamato Nadeshiko (Face)

With Mika going solo, Nadeshiko had to vacate her IJWPW (Iwashigahama Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling) Tag Team Championship. After a failed attempt to regain the titles with promising but green IJWPW rookie Maple Storm, Nadeshiko decided against a solo title run. Preferring the camaraderie of tag team wrestling, Nadeshiko enters the World Martial Arts Tournament. She’ll either convince Mika to return or find a new more capable tag team partner.

Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel)

Yasha Nadeshiko enters the World Martial Arts Tournament to break Rainbow Mika. Defeating Mika isn’t enough. She wants to defeat her precious “Master Zangief” and her wealthy sponsor Karin Kanzuki. After waylaying those closest to her, Yasha Nadeshiko will challenge Mika to retirement match and defeat her. After taking away Mika’s friends and her career, her vengeance will be complete.


If there has to be new characters Id prefer them not to be linked or derived from existing characters


Gen’s disciple the only exception tho since the original one is dead.

Also fuck Honda, dumpster material shouldn’t be given a free pass just cause he was in SF2. For the same age and body build, Hakan’s is the superior version in all aspects. One slot is almost guaranteed to be wasted in Evil Ryu since all shotos have been used up so having only 4 legit slots by default is quite bad.


Not all shotos.

Dan, Gouken and even his Daughter are all better deals than fucking Evil Ryu.


Had forgotten Gouken. Since he lacks a regular DP and his tatsu is vastly different I do promote him to uniquely enough character. If he fills the shoto slot then it’s awesome. Loved his heavy hitting combos.


Got you fam



Lol wtf is that. Would like S.Long but not in a gi and not as a shotoclone.

Something for Daemos, he’ll get it based on our previous conversations on the subject.

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I was asking everyone, I wasn’t quoting you or tagging. As for me i expect silhouette to return but I like it more this season.

Sheng long topic.

I won’t mind a Sheng Long direct character but as A joke character which people believe a legend or from tall tales but in reality is just a Mr Satan and Norimaru but as a shoto spoof.

Which also serves a tribute character that reflect sheng long in how people ans fans do percieves him in EGM.

Dan is not a shoto spoof he but more rather the AOF spoof. Sakura was a shoto and yuri spoof before but she evolve latter very differently.

Sheng Long is alive and should be added to SFV



I dunno about making him a joke character. It could be interesting, but he may just come off as a more ridiculous Dan depending on execution.

I’d rather that Capcom go in the opposite direction and make a rather interesting Kung Fu fighter, not shoto in the least, not another anatsuken-bros fighter. I want to see some ominous, Chinese grand master stuff. Heck with the power of the hadou and its reputation, I could even see a counterpart of sorts. In the way Sagat made his Tiger blow to rival the shoryuken, I could see a style being made to counter another style. In the end, I’d rather total artistic freedom and make someone totally new.

Shoryuken? Instead of a rising dragon punch, how about a diagonal energy kick that hits multiple times? Infernal Dragon flails?

Hadouken? What about charging tackles? Make Shen Long the projectile?

Hurricane kick? Conflagration wave slashes that travel across the battlefield and burn the ground?

I mean these are just ideas I threw out, but having something drastically different from what we typically see with direct shotos and loose shotos could be fun. You’ve got all these people doing fireballs and rising uppercuts even if they didn’t train under Gouken, so why not break the mould and start a teensy similar if you must and go hog wild?

(Ever since seeing Hak Fu in Jackie Chan adventures, I’ve wanted more of a comically self-serious, but TERRIFYING zodiac animal fighter guy, this would be fine for me. If the joke aspect came from his personality, but he was a legitimate, but insane and aesthetically threatening fighter, I’d be all for it. I don’t so much want to laugh at his moves, but rather aspects of his character.)


JCA was some strange stuff growing up as a kid. Thank God they don’t make cartoons glorifiing celebrities.

WHAT?! That show was awesome!


It was average I guess. I never been cool on those celebrity cartoons because most of them are “ooh, look how rich I am” but this show actually doesn’t do that. It was the end of an era. There’s better shows than that.

To each their own.

RE costumes: Huh, so this is the first alt that Cammy has pants? Lol amazing.

I’m digging these, was hoping for a Mr. X with battle damage for G. Normally I don’t take stock of what X-Kira said, but it seems like he’s been right about some things lately. I wonder what’s next.

That’s because it isn’t Cammy. It’s her stunt double Kammi.



Still not that hyped, give me real SF costumes pls

These day best shit come from fighting chance and these took ages to be released lol