The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Whatever it is, the hint is lame.


Whatā€™d I miss?

We were watching the North American finals at Red Bull Conquest.
The teaser was really stupid tbh, if it was one at all. But that means weā€™ll see a TON of new stuff at Capcom Cup.

Just hope they reveal all the characters in one go like they did last year.

Really hoping for a sick ass guest character. Nothing less than Terry Bogard or Scorpian would do for me

Edit: blue yellow red and white is also Terrys colours

Might be an entirely new character to start the season, you know.
Especially possible if theyā€™ll anounce the rest of the characters right afterwards. This is, announce a new character to get peopleā€™s attention and then show the portraits/names of the returning fan favorites to please and hype everyone.


Season 4 is still Arcade Edition, meaning a new opening isnā€™t needed right now, but it will be needed for Season 5 aka Super SFV. And since theyā€™re most likely gonna reveal all the S4 chars, I think they will do that through a story mode 2 trailer.


So do you expect Capcom to do silhoutte again? And make people speculate and do fake leaks?

TBH this season was better because it is honest and straight forward no gimmicks that are misleading that fakers prey upon into while everyone is satisfied with the results.

I could see them returning to the silhouettes

What silhoutte tease format? Season one or two?

I donā€™t see a return to silhouetteā€™s. Capcom canā€™t get away with doing it with out huge amounts of bitching. Meanwhile, the FGC will suck Haradaā€™s dick for some silhouettes.


If you were referring to me, I expect Capcom to show all the S4 chars in the story 2 trailer, like I said (thatā€™s the only way to show them since thereā€™ll be no new CG opening yet). In any case, there will be no silhouettes, otherwise Capcom will be destroyed for not adding any big content since August and then refusing to reveal all the Season 4 characters in December.


Kira was right once again


Silhoutte builds more hype but i hope they avoid it.

Itā€™s pure bullshit to demand money for season pass without knowing what you get in return.


Not a big Honda fan but wouldnt mind Honda. Only one of the original SF2 left


Honda or Sodom as sumo rep, give me dem martial arts

So tired of this Xmas shit

I mean i love Xmas and Xmas vibe, but in SFV it just waste opportunity of get decent alts

Same for hallowen, summer etc

Will prefer proper alts, will buy none of these


Also i doubt they will go for silhuettes again

It was a bullshit move to begin with

Last Season got peoples hyped without need ā€œmysteryā€ crap

Also was interessing have G visible since begin for months and STILL be surprised af as soon he was released

People will see theyr Rose/C.Viper waifus, a SF3 fetish, iHonda or Sodom and 1-2 new chars to guess about

S4 will be fine without capcom crap marketing shitty secrets

PS: playing SC6 these days, season pass is mistery too, without even silhuettes or release dates.
Iā€™m hating it to no end lol