The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Lord Marshall got killed by Dominic Torretto. Shockdingo > Lord Marshall

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The way he says “level by level”, just pure evil that man. @Shockdingo <3


I can see why Sakura believes the source of his power comes from his chin :grin:


Here’s the SF1 translation that I promised awhile back. It’s from the SF1 flyer where a short description of every fighter in the game is given. The Height/Weight/Action stats are from the SF1 Gaming Simulation Video VHS tape by Pony Canyon released in 1988 (the cover is after the post). At first, I tought that these stats were made by Pony Canyon, but they are present on the SFV: AE at Menat’s Lucky Charms gallery. For some reason Geki‘s weight is different, a typo perhaps? But from who? Pony Canyon or Capcom of Japan? Strange enough, these stats weren’t published anywhere else. The SF1 Story published on All About Capcom is already in the guide. But I posted it here for convenience:

“Learning a variety of martial arts from an early age, the young martial artists; Ryu and Ken, have finally established their own style. The two rivals are preparing to travel the globe, both striving to be the best fighter in the world. Who will claim the title of worlds strongest; Ryu, or Ken?”

Now, here’s the flyer and it’s translation:

  1. We will reach the top of the martial arts world!

  2. Story

  3. From childhood, they learned various styles of martial arts, until finally they developed their own fighting styles. They are two young and talented fighters: Ryu and Ken. The two are rivals, but are together in pursuit of reaching the top of the martial arts world; so they set out for the fighting world.
    Amongst many street fighters from around the world, with a first-rate strength and a technique to make their home country proud, who is going to be hailed as "the strongest man in the world"? Ryu or Ken?

  4. Ryu
    Height: 180cm (5’11”)
    Weight: 76kg (167lbs)
    Action: Psycho Fire, Dragon Punch, Hurricane Kick
    He is a very skilled fighter, who since childhood has learned various martial arts styles, until finally developed his own style of fighting. Ambitioning to become the strongest man in the world, risking his own life, he leaves for the world of street fighting.

  5. Ken
    Height: 180.3 (5’11”)
    Weight: 77kg (169lbs)
    Action: Psycho Fire, Dragon Punch, Hurricane Kick
    Like Ryu, he is also a very skilled fighter, who, from a young age, learned several martial arts styles, until finally developed his own fighting style. In terms of technique, it is equivalent to Ryu. He also wants to become the strongest man in the world, and sets out to pursue that goal.

  6. This is the group of Street Fighters!

  7. Who will conquer the [fighting] world? Ryu? Ken? Or it will be…

  8. Retsu (Japan)
    Height: 181cm (5’11”)
    Weight: 76kg (167lbs)
    Action: Jump Kick
    He was a master of Shorinji Kenpo in a monastery. To test his skills, he repeatedly engaged in personal fights until he was expelled. To this day, to prove his strength, he continues to street fight.

  9. Joe (U.S.A.)
    Height: 185.2cm (6’1”)
    Weight: 81kg (178lbs)
    Action: Rolling Sobat
    Using extraordinary strength and speed as weapons, at age 24, he is the king of the underworld martial arts style. He has a lot of self-confidence, because even the street fights - which brings risks to his own life - he faces having fun, as if it were a training session.

  10. Mike (U.S.A.)
    Height: 196cm (6’5”)
    Weight: 103kg (227lbs)
    Action: Left Hook
    An ex-boxer. He had more than enough conditions to become a champion, but ended up killing an opponent during a fight, so he disappeared from the boxing world. Nowadays, he acts as a street fighter.

  11. Geki (Japan)
    Height: 180.6cm (5’11”)
    Weight: 72kg [76kg in the SFV: AE gallery] (167lbs)
    Action: Jump Shuriken
    A man who inherited the blood and techniques from the ninjas, and who lives in the world of shadows. In order to show the world the strength of the ninjas, he follows in the street fight. Also, he’s a master of the shuriken.

  12. Lee (China)
    Height: 178.8cm (5’10”)
    Weight: 96kg (211lbs)
    Action: Step Punch
    An excellent Chinese kenpo fighter. If the opponent is someone recognized as a true fighter, he fights with that person. And if it is a serious combat, he will make no concessions; there is no guarantee that the opponent will leave alive.

  13. Gen (China)
    Height: 179cm (5’10”)
    Weight: 68kg (150lbs)
    Action: Arc Punch
    More than a Kenpo fighter, he can be considered a "assassin”. From the Chinese kenpo, which he began to learn as a child, he developed a new style of his own: ansatsu-ken. To overpower and defeat his style, it takes a lot of skill.

  14. Eagle (England)
    Height: 182cm (6’0”)
    Weight: 78kg (172lbs)
    Action: Rolling Attack
    Hired as security for a new richnob, he uses iron rods. His past is shrouded in mystery, but if we look at his technical level, we may think he has trained hard. If, on the one hand, he has such chivalry, on the other hand, he has enough cold blood and truculence to kill his adversary when in a dispute.

  15. Birdie (England)
    Height: 201cm (6’7”)
    Weight: 114kg (251lbs)
    Action: Head Bat
    He was proud to have no opponent of his level in the world of martial arts - boxing, professional wrestling and several others - because he is very strong and his opponents vanished. Now he works as a bouncer at a bar. He still has an endless strength pulsing strongly in his veins.

  16. Adon (Thailand)
    Height: 181.2cm (5’11”)
    Weight: 73kg (161lbs)
    Action: Vertical Rolling – Combination Attack
    He is the main disciple of Sagat - who is considered the fighting king of the illegal thai kickboxing. His swift attacks are recognized by Sagat.

  17. Sagat (Thailand)
    Height: 213.5cm (7’0”)
    Weight: 119kg (262lbs)
    Action: Tiger Attack
    He is the illegal "fighting king" of thai kickboxing. He is considered the strongest barehanded fighter in the world. He has fast and strong blows and no one is a match for him. As a child, he eventually wounded one eye, which was a reason for him to make a firm decision to become a strong man. With an unsurpassed combat spirit and with a great commitment, currently, he continues fighting.

And below, the cover for the SF1 VHS by Pony Canyon (they also released some of the SF CD Dramas):

Hope you guys enjoy it. Please, any translation or grammar mistake, I ask you to point it to me. I’ll be updating the guide with this portion soon.

And all his possible subistitute bodies done by Shadaloo are blond and blue eyed.


And of both sexes. PSYCHO POWER KNOWS NO LIMITS!!!


Good stuff dude! hmm, it’s interesting to see what has changed. Things like:

Sagat being blinded in his other eye as a child being the impetus for him learning to fight being retrconned into an attack from Gou Hibiki.

Is it just me, or did this imply Ken and Ryu were both from Japan (“make their home country proud”)

Hmm Sagat and Adon being mentioned as being involved with illegal Thai kickboxing? What’s that about?

Birdie went up from 6’7" and white to being 7"+ and black hah


It’s always nice to look at the older material and compare it to what we have today. Street Fighter has come a long way.


So basically Lee was supposed to be the Akuma of SFI.

Maybe, erm Bison just has a thing for them. Besides you can have blond and blue eyed Arabs and Latinos so this only narrows it. But his clones don’t look anything like those ethnicites so hm…

I always thought he was Caucasian anyways.

As said many times, if eve revealed imho the best background for Bison will be him being one of these nazis into esotheric shit that travelled to asia in search of secrets

This will connect so many points

But i guess they will ever keep it a generic mystery, wich imho is an error

ps: of course, it works if we ignore the very first chinese Bison design


Ryu and Ken went from nearly 6’ to 5’9". Sagat is 6" shorter yet and more realistic 86lbs heavier. Hell in general, the height’s and weight’s of the cast are reasonable. WTF happened between SF1 and SF2. Did Ryu’s DP stretch Sagat’s spine 6’ and rob him of all his muscle mass? :rofl:


I think the eye thing wasn´t fully retconned more than altered, if I recall correctely the newer canon since Apha is that Sagat´s eye was wounded (lost a lot of its vision, but was not completely gouged) when he was a child and that indeed became impetus for him learning to fight. Many years later Go Hibiki fought him and discovered his damaged eye as his weakness, which he attacked and finally gouged it out.

EDIT. Just to talk how much I love Sagat as a character and his evolution, I know not a lot of people here aren’t fans of Udon (I like them for the most part), but if there is a change that Udon did from canon that I quite liked is the fact that in a short story from their original SF run, they show Sagat and Adon’s fight shortly after Sagat was scarred by Ryu. What I liked from Udon’s version is that Sagat ends up beating Adon instead of the opposite (like the actual canon states). Coincidentally I never bought Adon beating Sagat no matter how lost or mentally messed up Sagat was at that time so that was a change I gladly welcolmed.


I liked them intially but halfway into their first story it turned to trash VERY VERY fast. I also despise their depiction of Zangief.

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Halfway into their first story seems a bit to harsh IMO, but to each his own I guess. Now I gotta confess one of my biggest disappointments from UDON was their Akuma graphic novel, so much potential squandered there; just so you get an idea, I MUCH prefered what the live action series SF Assasin’s Fist did with both Akuma and Gouken story than whatever the heck UDON was trying to do.


I heard a lot of the same criticisms the Akuma story as well.

The main gripe I have is that they try too hard to be “funny” and “current” (which is ironic because the only people who read this are SF fans who tend to be around 20-40 yrs old) but instead comes off as really shallow and patronising.

However there are some good parts every now and then. The first one that comes to mind is when Dan finally beats Sagat in the SF3 tournament.


About Sagat, canon version with Adon beating him is better, as extremize the vortex of crap is life became after Ryu fight, giving fuel to his obsession/revenge desire.
He is like a wounded tiger getting harassed by smaller predators that will never dare in his prime… that’s how low the king fall has been and was necessary for the char

About Zangief as much i crap on udon, must be honest and say that nobody in decades ever treated Gief fair untill SFV happened


The true, horrifying secret behind Gouken’s teachings, mutagenic mischief! *Ryu throws hadouken at a spider he hates, it in turn travels to New York and bits a young Peter Parker in the MvC blended canon lol

Ah, good point, it’s been a long while since I read that, thanks!

I actually did enjoy their works and only had minor gripes here and there, but I really wasn’t a fan of them having Ryu go next level and be the one to beat Gill and whatever happened with Alex…also, I love Darkstalkers a ton, but I never liked the idea of them crossing over. If it was an elseworlds I think that would have been better, but it just throws things off for me. I’m just waiting for them to start telling stories again now that it’s over and so I can come back.

The Q and Ibuki short was pretty cool though. Hope to see more SF3 stuff and I’d like to see what they could do with G.


Hi guys something that probably not posted here,

This is a license SF game by Capcom exclusive for Tencent China.






That’s cool (shame Capcom never makes anything like this for a Western market, i’d love a SF beat 'em up), but at the same time it makes me sad. That footage EASILY would be perfect for a bunch of quick cuts for a Street Fighter animated series! I’ve started making Pitch bibles for shows as practice for a personal SF project and now I want to make one for SF, augh, I really want another show! Be it Western or an anime!


Yeah we need an SF beat em up…

The aesthetics is more SF4 in vibe along with the characters yet this was just release late 2018.

I hope will get a new animated SF even just a mini series re-telling of SF1-SF2 like the 3d KOF destiny.

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