The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

They made him kill Gen to show you that he isn’t the same as the Akuma we’ve come to know. That he is becoming quite a monster.

They made him spare Ryu to show that in spite of all his big talk about his “Evil”, he’s still holding on to one last sliver of humanity (so he is contradicting himself). We don’t know why yet but it probably has to do with Ryu being his son if you ask me.

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That made him trash that he needs to do it, he doesn’t even feel like a monster it’s like that the one that decides to write in killing Gen just took in a shortcut just to give him a impression rather than the previous appeal which is more of a warrior that awaits for the greatest to face him.

Akuma does not need Ryu to be a son. that is another meh cliche that was link in the anime.

Ryu is fine without connections and Ryu will get complicated later the same thing with Akuma. Akuma should never give a focus about Ryu.

The mystery and ambiguity of this characters made there appeal along with the journey for being the true warrior while the other waits for the fight of the life. They are not into revenge or proving a point to each other, not also following orders from a personnel or saving a nation/planet/etc.

It makes him less than Ryu and the rest of the characters that he needs validation to that person even how many body count of villains and bad ass character he kills, yet his new motivation of existence in game and relations to a particular character makes him inferior.

What makes Akuma better than Gen is that Gen seeks Akuma’s validation in writing appeal standpoint, even without the need of explaining issues of power level.

Bison has a different reason for seeking out Ryu as his replacement body that makes him badass and doesn’t care about him other than being a tool.

All of this but also keept Ryu alive as he seen he (Ryu) just started a new path for power and want see what kind of challenge he will offer in future

Will not be surprised at all at the son thing though

Fun thing is it will be Star Wars as fuck, and capcom already admitted to have took that route with Ryu/Oro (Luke/Yoda).
Omg Gouken is the fucking Obiwan, Ken Han Solo and Bison Palpatine lol


I’m really entertained by this thread! I have question though.

Where was it spilled that it is Ryu who officially won the SF2 tournament?

The SF2 tournament setting very likely unravelled at the end, so no official winner could have been declared. I would imagine Ryu made it to the end, and while fighting Sagat, Bison intervened, dismisses Sagat, and revealed that this whole tournament was a sham just to get Ryu among other strong fighters in one place for easy pickings.

A grumpy Sagat gets pissed that Bison stole his thunder and discovers Bison’s true plan for the first time.
Bison reveals Violent Ken to Ryu to get his blood boiling and also to test Ryu.
Ryu fights Violent Ken, and beats him.
Bison and Ryu fight, and Bison subdues him causing the SNH to awaken.
Sakura in the background tearfully yelling Ryu’s name.
Ryu resists SNH/PP to Bison’s surprise and then Guile, Cammy, Chun-Li, and Unviolent Ken join for the final showdown.
Bison is cornered and blows up the entire base, leaving no trace of himself or the other Kings.

That’s how it looks like in my head at least.

I don’t think we have an official tournament winner for any SF tournament?

SF1 = Was it really even a tournament? Can of worms here.
SF2 = No official winner. Unofficial winners are the Avengers.
SF4 = I’d like to think Zangief was the “official” winner of the SIN tournament, and Bison is the unofficial winner.
SF3 = I believe it was Alex who won the Illuminati tournament, but Urien is a good candidate also.


For how i see it

SF1 - Ryu won, whatever was the whole story dynamic he fought some then def Sagat, who was the undisputed king

SFA - Was a fucking brawl lol

SF2 - No idea, read so many possible endings lol

SF4 - Zangief was declared winner, though he never fought the actual Seth but a generic cyborg of same series. Btw Seth got ass kicked by Akuma, Ryu and Bison lol

SFV - Ryu if SFV don’t go beyond ASF

SF3 - Alex won, but Gill let him win. Also no way Alex will have defeated Ryu (see SF3 ending) let alone Oro (who can likely beat Ryu + Alex at same time lol) if they did’nt left the tournament together, making Alex jump straight to final


How do you know that Zangief was declared winner?

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Personally, I’d want the game to do the Xrd/DBFZ thing, using Bengus’ Alpha 3 art for the style.

But…that’s my personal opinion. I think it would actually be a better IDEA for them to do the Xrd/DBFZ thing using the SF2 Anime movie art style.


SVC Chaos concept art style had the right idea

But really, anything so long as I get my hands on Ikeno’s Old Snake Bison…


So the guy that’s been getting all the leaks right for Smash Bros. has said that Ken is going to be Ryu’s echo fighter in Smash. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Makes sense. Ken is the original echo fighter.

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I prefer SF1 and SF2 not really a tournament to avoid raising more doubts and confusion like whose who and what happened with this and that encounter, this include highly questionable invited participants not just match-up outcome like victory or possibility of defeat and survival.

Lets make a analysis on SF1 vibe

SF1 was invision like it was a deathmatch not that they end up with a time bomb when defeated.

It felt like it was meant to occur in Sagat territory because of the TIGER symbolism all over the places even in the bonus stage, but the other characters except Adon feels dis-attached to the event.

As of the character of now the most popular iteration of Sagat isn’t fitting for a guy that sending invitation to popular warriors to organized a tournament.

And it doesn’t makes sense that Bison or Sagat would even invite the likes of Birdie, Joe and Mike. what amazing potential did either Bison or Sagat saw with this guys.

It’s more like Ryu’s journey and quest rather than a tournament.

Both Gen and Retsu is inappropriate candidate here.

Since the only relevant information is that Ryu won against Sagat, while the rest of SF one characters that appeared in Alpha has no conversation and dialogue about the events or any harbored feeling against each other even Adon against Ryu.

  • Even Ryu under SNH victory against Sagat now is doubtful,
  • There are also interpretation of cheap shot shoryu instead of SNH
  • and another is that Ryu won fair and square.

I prefer that Ryu won against Sagat under SNH influence but not cheapshot, because SNH is significant and vital every where in the story.

As for SF2

I prefer also the world warrior take, but no tournament, Ryu went to seek out Sagat regarding about his invitation.

Again lets talk about participants and invitation if this was a tournament,

We all know that Deejay, Honda, Feilong and Blanka has nothing against personally concern with Shadaloo and Bison wouldn’t see them essential compare to the other fighters that exist in the universe… The likes of Rolento would become a better minion if he want one.

HERE is what would do if I will make a a SF2 story game.

This begins with a regular show disrupted by Shadaloo Satellite, which jams every television signals worldwide challenging the man that scared Sagat.

Both Ken and Ryu(sponsored by Ken) traveled to Thailand, both of them planned to meet with Sagat before confronting Bison, This time Sagat is not involved with Shadaloo anymore.

but Ken was kidnap and attacked personally by Bison in Thailand(ala SF2AM) and When Ryu was asking where to find the king of Mu thai.

Ryu find Sagat as ask about Shadaloo, Ryu was surprised to know that Sagat organization which he is a former part of. Ryu returns to the hotel to meet Ken but was surprised of finding monitor cyborgs having a message. Ryu returns to Sagat and tells him the situation of his friend.

Sagat decides to mentors and trains Ryu to prepare him facing Bison and save his friend.

The invitation of Bison to Ryu alarmed the British forces and Russia that they sent their representatives to track down the terrorist.

So the British forces sent the Delta Red with Cammy a freed doll secretly as their guide to infiltrate the Thailand Shadaloo base.

Both Guile and Chun li was sent by there respected nations to investigates and search anything about Shadaloo… Both of them insist to their superior to personally deal with the investigation.

Guile investigation leads him to the person named Balrog and defeats him. Then his next stop is to Spain.

Chun li was sent by the Interpol to Spain to talk and interview the man named as Vega, which she is supposed to investigate but leads to a confrontation, which Guile successful saves her.

Then latter Chun goes to US and introduce herself formally and offer a collaboration work with US and their representative. (like the SF2AM). But this is different… this time Guile ignores her and threat her as a burden that would slow him down and blow his cover because of what he needs to save her, both went separate ways.

While the british Delta Red with Cammy infiltrate the Shadaloo base, the Delta Red deals with the Shadaloo Dolls and Army with Vega and Balrog, Then Zangief and Thawk helps the Delta Red against Vega and Balrog to make sure Cammy will get to Bison and settle her score.

Guile takes advantage of the situation and successfully finds Bison and confronts him alone, Guile wants to dispose Bison alone and personally because of the hate and wanting to revenge Nash but he was defeated… in near defeat before the final blow Chun li suddenly save Guile, They fought together with each other and went on an agreement to help each other.

But both isn’t enough to stop Bison alone so later Cammy surprises everyone and introduced herself and help the two.

I have made two version the other one with Violent Ken to exist in the universe and the other without the need of Violent Ken.

Setup A

While Ryu went to the desired place that Shadaloo invites him, the place was full of crowd (SF2 thailand stage) what he sees was Ken in a brainwashed state and both in engage to fight while a cyborg monitor hidden was with the crowd that analyzing both while fighting.

As Ken snaps out and breakout the control. Then the Cyborg hops in to fight them both, having both of their combined techniques. Bison’s recorded voice (or Senoh) introduces the purpose of the cyborg and said that Ryu is not anymore essential to his(master) plans.

Setup B

While Ryu went to the desired place that Shadaloo invites him, the place was full of crowd (SF2 thailand stage) what Ryu sees was Ken beaten and almost defeated by a Seth clone, Ryu was surprised that the cyborg has all of both their skills and techniques, that used it against them.

Ken says to Ryu that the cyborg was recording all the world warriors techniques to becomes Bison’s ultimate soldiers and replacement body.


When Ryu and Ken beat the cyborg/seth clone, Ken escort Ryu they both went in the place nearby underground where there are explosions, both Ryu and Ken joins the fight against Bison.

Then the Viper aftermath, then cyborg march in metro city declaring an invasion, while Bison recovers from the explosion in another hidden shadaloo HQ. Viper kills Senoh to gather data, This leads to SF4 events later.

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Iirc was kinda accepted as canon and not “what if” the SF4 ending where Zangief goes into the HQ, meet one of Bison’s cyborgs (all identical to Seth), piledriver the fuck out of it and take the pic with his defeated opponent as proof

Then return to pro wrestling idolized by kids around the world lol

Ps: an alternative could be he found the actual destroyed Seth AFTER Bison fucked it up, took a pic with him and left

I always liked the idea of Gen dropping out of the SF1 tournament because his illness started to surface. Based on what we know, that whole tournament would’ve been easy peasy for someone at his level. Same goes for Oro during SF3. I can just imagine Oro seeing the remaining competitors and just deciding to go home instead of wasting his time.

Back when Super SF4 was released, I remember when I assumed it was another S.I.N. tournament. Main reason why was because Ken says to Seth in his win quote: “Why did you resurrect yourself into the same lame body type as last time?” The “last time” in particular was how I came to that conclusion. When looking at TTTB, it only makes sense for Ken to be referring to this particular time since we know the S.I.N. tournament was a single event.


I’ll create another revision if I have time by merging some of my past post, about SF1 and ALPHA combined with this one.

I was confused and never thought before that SF4 was a tournament too, until SSF4 and that ties that binds is a canon thing?

What about the Juri OVA? was it a canon of some sort?

I remember seeing a manga staring Viper in a SF book from japan? correct me if I’m wrong.

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The Aftermath trailers, TTTB, and Juri OVA are all canon, and they all take place months before the actual SF4 tournament.




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Yeah, many aspects of TTTB is canon. There are some inconsistencies such as Cammy and Viper first meeting in SF4 despite Viper beating the crap outta her in TTTB. Chun-Li learned about the BLECE project in TTTB, which we see her mention was still taking place in Ryu’s SF4 prologue. The Juri OVA is completely canon and mentioned in Super SF4.

Basically, all of what took place in the prologues and endings of SF4 stands, but Super told the story from a different angle. For example, SF4 has Chun-Li’s prologue basically revealing nothing other than she’s teaming up with Guile again. Her ending has her being saved by Guile and Abel when Vega tries to trap her in the room with gas. In Super SF4, Chun-Li’s prologue has her talking about Seth’s escape, the fact that he was hosting a tournament not too long after the “Juri incident” (Juri OVA), and the connection to Shadaloo. There are other endings that are continuations to the ones seen in SF4. Similar to Alpha 1 and Alpha 2.

So while there’s no Juri in SF4, with the way SF4 and Super SF4 were structured, it was easy to add her in along with her story without it creating any issue. There was enough room for her arc to take place before the actual tournament.

So, it’d look something like this: TTTB–>Juri OVA–>S.I.N. Tournament


Not a Menat player but smacking fools upside the head with a teapot sounds fun.


EDIT: I thought the nurse costume was Vega until I released it was Kolin :sweat:

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