The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Cody upgraded from boring ass 80s blonde biyatch to hot ass nerdy redhead who can take your head off wih one kick and is probably super aggresive in bed.

He didnt fk her she fked him!


Very good


Will buy the first 2

BTW i still need


That Vega costume is FIRE


Best alt he got by far, in comparision Story/Battle alts he got are depressing crap lol (never let kiki design your shit reminder)

White vest still own it though

SF2/SF4 alt still best


@Cestus_II Karin’s alt is just a white dress… Literally a plain white dress, have Capcom run out of costume ideas.

It’s a reference to Karin’s transformation during Demitri’s Midnight Bliss in Capcom Fighting Evolution. Quoting myself from August 2017:

That’s Karin as Reika Ryūzaki, from Sumika Yamamoto’s seminal manga Ace o nerae!. In the comic, Reika was the star of the tennis club, renowned for the grace of her game. She came to resent the potential abilities of the protagonist Hiromi Oka (a short-haired brunette, very much like Sakura…), but in the end Reika helped Hiromi and became her friend. This is the manga that started it all, the whole “rich and elegant princess at the top of her game becomes jealous of the commoner girl’s raw talent” plot back in 1973. You all should thank Reika for Karin and Lili Rochefort.


I don’t like Karin at all (almost bad as Sakura), but to me, they fixed Karin’s slot with this

and this

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@Midgardsorm The reference doesn’t look as clear with with white one, if they made it purple with patterns at the bottom of the dress then I’d allow it.

@Cestus_II Those costumes work because they each showcase her Japanese heritage and wealth respectively. Though I disagree with you, I like Karin and Sakura is one of my favourites in SF.

Man, if the collection was Japanese produced, no doubt they would’ve pulled out all the stops. They wouldn’t just stop at having arcade perfect ports, they would probably add the home versions and give us the option of whichever we wanna play. They’d probably throw in a bonus game or two like they have previously.

It’s a nice collection, but just feels like such a largely missed opportunity.


Oh, how a collection with SFA2Gold, Saturn Alpha 3, the arranged CD for New Generation and Gill playable in SF3 would make for a better game. Would also love if they translated the “secret file” flyers for the game. They have some nice info about a game’s development.

I do think it’ll be translated into European languages+Arabic in a few months, if it was released in the UK then it’s definitely coming out in PAL regions.


The reference IS clear. You don’t need a similar colour, because Reika herself shifted between purple, red, pink and even white… But her costume has always been very simple.

Although actually, the reference becomes crystal clear as soon as you notice the racket behind Karin’s back.


Noticed it some time after I posted the comment above you. I thought it was her ribbon at first but it seemed like a racket.

By no means perfect, but this might be better than nothing


Cool to know but yes, it’s still far from SF2/4 style

Vega is awesome even if most colors suck, bought
Zeku only change wig in young form AND most colors are bad, did’nt bought

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Guess its time to update that nostalgia mod…

Got the game. You can change the language for the menus and profiles.
The main question here is who wrote the profiles. Capcom of Japan, Capcom Of America or Digital Eclipse?

The profiles focuses on the storyline from the 90’s, but there are certain parts that mentions S.I.N. and the Black Moons event.

There are a few artworks that I’ve never seen before. But some of the artwork sets are incomplete, like the SSF2/SFA console artworks for the character’s moves. Some of the artwork quality REALLY sucks (like young Guy, Ken and Ryu together in SFA), but in general they are pretty good. SF2WW Mike Bison’s artwork was “censored” because of the word “Bison” on his trunks.

And… to make some of you really happy… Ingrid isn’t in the SFA3Max gallery, not even mentioned. Unfortunately, Gill also doesn’t have a profile :tired_face:.

I’m gonna make a video with the profiles and artworks from the museum.


If it’s not too much of a problem, could you please upload some of the rarer artworks? I have a feeling that I might have not seen them either.

Courtesy of Vulcan422 from; new and revised stories for characters according to 30th Anniversary Collection (has some pretty interesting new bits of info):

Characters in SFV

-It is acknowledged that he only managed to put Gouken into a death-like state with the Raging Demon.
-Despite Gen being severely weakened due to his leukemia, Akuma did enjoy fighting him.

-Grew up in poverty, and is the youngest child of his family, hence his greed.
-Trained by getting into fights with other boys in his neighborhood, hence why he fights dirty.
-Did not get banned from pro boxing. His vicious nature resulted in him critically maiming his opponents and landing them in the hospital. Everyone was too scared to fight him, so he couldn’t book money matches anymore after a while.
-Ended up as a casino and bar bouncer after he realized he couldn’t get paid anymore. It was here that Bison recruited him.

-Reaffirmed as a former wrestler. He got banned for cheating and his violent attitude.
-Was planning on betraying Bison at one point, confirming his Alpha 2 ending as canon, and lived off of his employ as a grunt for as long as he could. Then F.A.N.G showed up.
-Hates Zangief because of his mohawk, not because he’s a wrestler.

-At the age of 10, he went flying to meet his uncle, but Shadaloo’s intervention caused the plane to crash, killing all aboard except him.

-Was planted at Delta Red as a spy for Shadaloo initially.

-Unbeknownst to him, likely until Kolin revealed to him the truth in his story mode, he’s been on Shadaloo’s s*** list for quite a long time. His former commanding officer was a Shadaloo agent and reported to Bison on his activities before reassigning him to try and throw him off the trail.
-Not seen in his story mode, but as Bison knocked him off the waterfall to his death he managed to leave a couple of final clues to Guile over comms: “M. Bison” and “Psycho Drive”.

-Much like Nash, Shadaloo’s influence even spread to Interpol, and they also deterred her from her pursuit of Bison. She became known as the “black sheep” of Interpol.

-Once again confirms that Travers is indeed his last name.
-Edi E. framing him for Poison’s crimes is confirmed non-canon. He got into prison of his own free will.

-His pet elephant, who Balrog killed with the Gigaton Blow, was named Kodal.

-His family owns a dog named Sabu.

-Reaffirmed as a member of the Glade of Ninjas, who have ties to the Kanzuki family.

M. Bison
-Confirmed that in the past, Bison was a martial artist not unlike Akuma who became infatuated with dark forces. Like Akuma, he killed his own master and turned his fighting style into a corrupted form. He invented Psycho Power by modifying Soul Power to utilize negative emotions, thoughts, and desires.
-Bison trained with one other student, much like Akuma did with Gouken, but their identity is still not known.

R. Mika
-Has wanted to be a pro wrestler since her childhood.

-Reaffirmed that he has replaced the Satsui no Hado with the Mu no Ken.

-Reaffirmed that he wishes to rule the Illuminati his own way. He has no intention of preserving its legacy, and he destroyed a collection of preserved brains which belonged to past leaders of the Illuminati to demonstrate that.
-His experiments on people like Necro and the creation of Eleven (whose parts were used to resurrect Nash) and Twelve stem from his belief in a theory that suggests genetic modification on people to accelerate their healing factor holds the secret to immortality. These experiments have proven almost successful, but there’s a negative side effect that he’s trying to remove: when healed, the user suffers from memory loss.
-Reaffirmed that he is a natural blonde, Caucasian male. His white hair and bronze skin is the result of him activating his powers.

-Gets his beauty obsession from his mom.

Characters not in SFV

-Reaffirmed that Guy is an American-born Japanese.
-Contrary to what Zeku’s ending shows, Guy started training under Zeku from a young age, and he was not a delinquent taken in by Zeku for discipline. That frame where Guy is shown in his school uniform overlooking a piece of paper? That’s him failing his college entrance exams. It’s from this point that he decides to travel to America to hone his skills as a warrior.
-The events of Final Fight made Guy come to the realization that he needed to modify the Bushinryu style for real combat scenarios. This is how he becomes involved in the plot of Street Fighter.
-Zeku predicted Bison’s arrival and activities, and Guy recalling his master’s words is what puts him into opposition towards Shadaloo.

-Confirmed to be a member of the Andore family.
-He came to America to be with his relatives before he was 20 years old. They are all street thugs who joined Mad Gear, and due to his low intelligence wound up in the gang’s service.

-Reaffirmed as the good half of Bison’s soul.
-It’s finally confirmed what her vanilla SF4 ending means. Bison was not only taking back his remaining power from her, but he was also showing her all of the horrible things he did while in control of her body.

T. Hawk
-Confirmed that he is looking for both Juli and Noembelu.

Yun & Yang
-The two of them have ties to the underworld, and were named by kingpins when they were born. Control over Hong Kong is their inheritance.


Nice find dude! Whoa there’s some really interesting stuff here!

Balrog, interesting that he stayed in boxing but everyone was afraid of him and he landed into being a bouncer. I like that angle, it makes sense why he’d have such a connection to that place. “It’s where everything turned around” I wonder what happened to the rest of his family.

Birdie: Nice that they acknowledge the former wrestling bit and him hating Gief. I remember finding that in a scene of special battles in alpha 2.

Blanka: the Shadaloo involvement is interesting. I remember from the ooooooold lore days that being in early SF2 mooks but hadn’t been referenced in ages. Dang, Shadaloo’s been around for ages.

Nash and Chun; I like these. IT would make sense that with Shadaloo’s influence they would be able to get into those organizations and deter their top agents. Never knew about Chun’s nickname

Bison: Yoooo, they did it! They finally brought back the master and martial arts angle.

Rose: How was this placed in context? Are they basically saying that she was a baby that got his goodness, or is it something else like he expelled his goodness and she poofed into existence???

Yun and Yang: Dang, did NOT know about the criminal connection!