The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

I mean everything in fighting games is about balancing risk vs reward. Throwing out a fast jab is a relatively safe option, throwing out a slow heavy is less safe but offers a higher reward. Of course lag has something to do with this because it affects button press timings.

Are there no kara throws in this game?

I don’t think I’ve died from throwing out jabs midscreen against CC buttons. But they’ve made the hurtbox on jabs and on certain specials get rid of them as a defensive option.

Like you can’t really jab against honda’s headbutts, blanka roll etc. Its also why EX tackle is so good. You can’t proactively defend yourself by putting normals out there. It also doesn’t help that Urien has a 16 frame dash on top of a good CC button and a that can force you to stop hitting buttons.

Not a fan of how a lot of that works out.


Idk what it is about SF5 but you know there’s a problem when the game has 40 characters but don’t feel as fleshed out as 3S. What I do like about 5 is all of the new comers but other than that? The mechanics feels empty… Hell you don’t really play the game until you or your opponent pops v trigger tbh.
Give me Universal parries/overheads,kara throws and good ass normals any day of the week over what sf5 is offering. Btw I think the reason why alot of people can find matches os because of the world map bug. I’m on the east coast but for some reason my location is in Cali. It took me 10 minutes to find one laggy ass match and I turned it off.

Think it goes back to that. In 3S everybody is playing under the same system. SF5 everybody has their own snowflake thing they’re trying to do.

What’s funny is that if you take 3S Ken to SF5 Ken, SF5 ken does a million and a half things more. But 3S ken is out there with basically two combos, short short super and kara DPs, and he feels strong overall.

That’s honestly one of the weirdest things about SF5. People talk about not having much to do, but for the most part characters have a fuckload of tools. It isn’t SF4’s army of links, but a lot more things than they are doing in ST. But somehow the game feels poorer for it.

Still blame it on how shitty it feels to play the neutral game in SF5.


Yeah, you kind of have to hold a lot of charge moves in this game. In IV, you could jab check them out of specials. I think that’s part of the reason that charge characters are more viable in V though. Most charge characters in IV were weak.

Urien has some dumb stuff, no denying that. I just don’t like the argument that lights and mediums are useless in neutral because of CC and the priority system. Like how did Nauman when EVO Japan with Sakura weaving in and out buffering st. LK? Shouldn’t he have been crush countered to death and drowned in pools?


Ehhh, I dunno.

Sure, you can actually use VT1 now that Fireballs don’t cost V-Meter and you don’t have to burn VM on DPs that aren’t invincible, but here’s the deal.

You’re still zoning with bad buttons, which means neutral is still kinda ass. You’re also burning your comeback gauge on fireballs. In SFV. Just let that sink in.

VT1 imo is best used on offense to make his offense more threatening and using those LP DP juggles to actually crank up stun.

Though honestly, I’ll always take VT2 over it since I’m weird.
You get cancelable St. HP for longer, meaning you don’t need that shitty Cr. HP for pretty much every hard-hitting combo and it’s a solid poke that can get you a nice CC.
It also reinforces Ryu’s strong points, damage and defense.

If even I can get a lot of mileage somewhat consistently, (at least one per set most of the time even in lag.) someone good can probably get them fairly regularly for hilarious damage dumps. And boy, does that hit hard. So you can get actual comebacks with it.

Should have spaced those sentences better; I mean you’re supposed to zone with him outside of VT1, and the issue with normals is reduced when VT1 is on because you can lock your opponent in with much better systems like the Hadoken loops or that nice st.HP cancel.

So while I do agree with you on the VT1 stuff, I am not qualified to talk about VT2 since I haven’t tested it.

Actually I’m not qualified to talk about SFV in general because I never play this shit.

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UNI has a fair degree of things to keep in mind and mid combo choices wtheck

Maybe these things aren’t so obvious but uni choices mostly go back to system mechanics. Do you risk destabilizing your combo to cash in a cs for meter at the end of a round? Do you change your combo to steal a grd cycle by incorporating assaults/ character specific grd theft or just cut it short and charge grd to steal cs? Do you use meter to do damage/standard meter ender or pop vo to strip vorpal, which is usually a different route? Use cvo to safely get a combo from an awkward confirm, or save your valuable resources?

All questions with no right or wrong answer u know? Though maybe you don’t consider resource management via combos the same as what you’re saying

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Like I do. :rofl:

Hell, I’m literally the worst SFV player in the world.

I’m serious, look up my CFN stats. Volt-Ikazuchi will always hold the record of worst-ranked player in this game. :triumph:


The risk/reward balance between light and heavy normals was just fine in previous games without crush counters or a priority system. How does lag, or a lack of it, hinder or help to avoid trading on the same frame during footsies? You throw out a poke and it’s completely up to chance whether or not your opponent hits on the same frame, lag or not.

Dunno, I always felt my character in that game (Vatista) pretty much only had one real combo with a few meter tack-ons, and a few suboptimal routes that you could do if you suck (like me). Might just be her, admittedly. Or my unfamiliarity with the game, I didn’t go that deep in the game because, again, it was too combo heavy for my taste.

My grandma would beat volt at SFV.


Nobody is getting zoned out by Ryu. That’s just a stop gap till they can hit you with seizure dash into throw


I see. Any advice?

Is not the same.
The clash happens strictly because the hitbox interaction, where 2 hitbox collide without interacting with a hurbox, the same as GG.

For Ryu? Use fireballs as long pokes. From too far away they aren’t all that and basically everyone can burn a bar to avoid them


It’s more up to chance in lag because you can’t play reactively. You’re just doing stuff and hoping it works. That was the whole point of reducing the input delay, so the games neutral would be better and less random.

Oh, you tryna start shit? Wanna rock that Berlusconi AV again after I free you up like Zio did? :rofl:


Tbh, you can also say that trying to zone with Ryu is also a stop gap until he can seizure dash into throw.

His dash is ridiculous. :rofl: