The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

Sagat getting the zoning game he deserves. :rofl:

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In the old days of M:TG, it was kind of the wild west with some artwork. So they’d get a very general description or maybe not even that, and they’d draw something.

Now they squeeze the balls out of the art guide and description so it all looks kinda boring. Shit sucks TBH. used to be that you’d get a bunch of different artstyles in older sets. So if you looked at the art long enough, you’d find artist you liked and look forward to seeing them again. Now a lot of the art is very “samey”. Its all technically great but it lacks that strangeness that used to make M:TG awesome to look at.

Early WoTC was kind of a broke ass company. They were paying some of their artists in shares of the company. Imagine you commission some art, get that shit above and don’t have the money to replace it? Its very likely that they noticed they named the card after seeing the artwork as a “joke” (there are a lot of random jokes in the art and flavor texts…surprising amount of penis references).

They obviously aren’t letting the Hitler artist guy do any more artwork because its a terrible idea. But so is that goofy apology. Like I said, WoTC is a super goofy company. They already fixed the problem of not hiring racist people. So now its just apologizing for the sake of looking good PR wise.


so SamSho 2019 on PC (Samso 2020 I suppose) wants you to pay money for S1 after giving it for free on PS4, after releasing a year late.


PC install size for the Samurai Shodown Neogeo Collection is 10GB.

It isn’t that hard to see where the space is being spent, quite directly. There is a plain text manifest for the contents of the asset files.

The main offender is the interview section of the museum. The interviews are webm files, and take 4.5GB of space combined.

The music player boasts over 200 tracks. Those tracks are OGG files that range between 2 to 5MB each, so the music player should be responsible for somewhere between .5 to 1GB itself. (Music files are spread through the bundles, and there are a few hundred other smaller audio files for the menus and such as well, so it is harder to get an exact count for what the music player itself is consuming.)

There is only around 350MB for the webm tournament footage, those videos are relatively tiny.

Figuring out the size of the image files is more difficult than the audio, because the individual files vary wildly in size in addition to having the regular emulation package image files mixed in. But even with over 2000 files advertised, it has to take less space than the interviews.


Cool. I appreciate the info.

I never got into Magic. I bought a few packs 20 something years ago because the cards/art looked cool and the game sounded fun, but none of my friends at the time got their own decks, so I just collected it for the art itself.

We went about even stevens, which was fun. Sure, we were mashing, but neither of us have really played at all.

I actually went in last night without a team :rofl: Spent most of the first 10 matches or so just trying to figure out big bands normals.

Found out everyone has air throws too, which was nuts


Wait? They do? Lol. Okay, I want to try this game out a bit more.

Also, I totally knew you were going to play Big Band lol. You were good with him though, and started punishing my unsafe shit pretty reliably.

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I swear y’all the only 3 people in NA playing SG on PSN…


Anyone know if the frame data between the Steam and PS4 version of Skullgirls is any different?

I know the PC version has a few more updates, but AFAIK it’s just netcode and graphic updates.

We literally are. I didn’t realize anyone here had it. I’ve previously spent like an hour in total looking for matches without a snag.

The coolest character in the game. It’s not even close. :triumph:

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I kinda sorta want to get into one of the Rollback games but I really don’t have time to learn one. Skullgirls and Killer Instinct are the ones I’d go for, especially the latter, but when it was on a massive discount last time I asked here if questions about it, no one answered and I ended up not buying it.
So I blame all of you.

If I had a decent Windows 10 PC, I’d be playing the shit out of KI.

Invoke Prejudice, deserve it but

Cards like Cleanse shouldn’t be banned

because it is common sense that it was more specific on card color not race and this card also exist

and with the talk about crusade


  1. a medieval military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.


  1. lead or take part in an energetic and organized campaign concerning a social, political, or religious issue.

“he crusaded against gambling in the 1950s”

They could just ban the original art but not the other art especially the modern versions.

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Destroys all black creatures

Fuck that gave a good chuckle.


I have the game on Xbox (cue laugh track) and it’s the same thing. Though tbh even PC Skullgirls is close “discord fighter” tier.


I was joking what if feminist, peta and environmentalist started reacting that about women being beaten in some cards or some cards that destroying squirrels, cat, marine life or green creatures.

2020 made thing look wacky and weird.not just in my hobbies but my lifestyle. It’s like a warp reality lol.

There’s a whole history of color hosers. There’s a card named Tsunami that destroys islands:


Pretty sure I can make them apologize for this because of the few Tsunamis the world has had in the last few years. If you think that’s funny though, wait til you get a hold of this beauty which was printed in the Africa themed set:



That cleanse card needed to get punted anyway. I expected sunbeams smiting mother fuckers, light straight evaporating shit and turning into smoke…

Art is gosh damn tornado. Burn it. :triumph:


Wait you guys were playing SG on PSN? You mean I could’ve joined this entire time?