The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

Yeah, if you like getting your shit kicked in.

I don’t know, this tweet from them seems to allude there will be connectivity between FC1 and 2…

“ yes will be a “forced” update, and there will be cross-play between FC1 and the new version”

Edit: unless the version code for the current old version is literally FC1

Like you could do it. :rofl:

No idea how the hell they would manage to enforce that, and the reason I say it won’t happen is because they were explicit in that it would affect everyone.

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You seen JoJo? Little men can get bigger men to do shit for them. Maybe I’m bodying you proactively by fucking with your internet from here. :eyes:

You will never know…

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This is the work of an enemy stand! :open_mouth:

You bet I’m the one with Killer Queen.

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And the inability to kill characters through normal chip damage continues to make this game fraudulent as all fuck.


Why do you keep playing SFV?


Taking a break from grinding Yun execution for an hour.

Wanted to see how I felt about parts of the game now after playing a lot of 3S. Got some thoughts on some of the design decisions.

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I take MKX Mileena over any Kitana tbh.
Hell, even MK9 Mileena :rofl:


Damn Discourse censoring my likes.

No way Mika fits into Elena’s costume without a bunch of double sided tape.


Board and messing around with plus R. Millia seems pretty good!

Prepares for all you nerds telling me why she’s trash and that she’s minus on everything or some shit and that my instincts are always wrong about characters

I actually agree(on MKX Mileena anyway) but I think you get the analogy lol

If you don’t like all these broads rocking the MK2 look…you didn’t grow up in the 90s.

Who trying to catch hands?

I mean I was literally born in the 90’s so idk what you want from me. And besides I love the masked up look but unless she plans on wearing it for the rest of her life I need the full picture. Not dating no crimson chin looking broad.

Who said anything about dating.

Pretty sure she ain’t trying to look at your ugly ass either, squigga.

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360 sold 84 million units, PS3 sold 87.4 not a big margin, expecially considering 101 million units for the wii. And still all of these consoles selling less units than both PS1 and PS4

I don’t know plus r as well as accent core but it’s usually a fair bet that millia is good

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