The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

No problem fam, hope everything’s alright. :+1:

(Y’all know what this means tho. Mod’s asleep, post cosplay. :eyes:)


I’d talk shit to make you validated, but you forgot to leave ammo.

Quick, discuss why air parries are really good game design!

Oh Cosplay time.
Let me start:




S’all good, homie. Life happens, take care of yourself. This is just goofy shit we do for fun, no responsibilities here.

Whenever you catch up, get your 40 winks, and are ready to tango, let me know!

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I’m worried this might be a result of me getting salty he picked Ken in 3s last night, and as a protest pick (cause fuck Ken) I also picked ken and only dp’d out of salt.

My scrub ass trolling might of broke this man :eyes: :eyes:


Knee vs Lowhigh if anyone wants to watch some Tekken.


They aren’t.

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End of discussion. I’m glad we could all reach an agreement.

Bug is still living in my head rent-free. Earliest possible appointment for the ear doc is at Friday.

Dad decided it was a good idea to pour a bit of alcohol like the ER nurse did yesterday to see if it comes out now.

Except unlike the nurse, he pretty much did this:
tenor (5)

If I start posting rants more incoherent than usual, it’s because I got absolutely shitfaced. :rofl:


I know you don’t drink, but the ear is about the only hole that if you put booze in it, you won’t get drunk

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I know, but I wanted to kill some time because now I gotta lie down and hope gravity does it’s thing and evict this bug outta my head. :rofl:

Also, I do ocasionally drink a glass of wine or 2, I just make sure to stop as soon as I recognize my reflexes are slower so I don’t get drunk. :man_shrugging:

Edit: Come to think of it, you can literally get absolutely wasted through your ass but you can’t through your ear.

You’d think that the hole closest to the brain would do the trick, but nope! :rofl:



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See me in V, let’s see you talk that shit without them air parries. :rofl:

Let’s go then.

Goku’s a terrible friend


He still mad about that time they tied. :rofl:

Even if I don’t play the game I am extremely happy Yamcha is strong in DBFZ.

Afaik he was strong from the start and remains strong.Good.


Today, a sad day for Swedes :sweden: and metal fans, 16 years ago died metal legend Quorthon of Bathory. He’s considered one of the founders of black metal laying the fundamentals for this genre and that even more than 30 years after its birth bands all over continue to make tribute to that sound.
Constantly innovating, he’s also considered the father of viking metal, incorporating the sound and tales of vikings and folk tales of the region.

Crossing the river of death and water cold
Slowly walking up the bridge
The jeweled bridge I walk for what seems a lifetime
In the night it’s jewels glow
There on the other side
On shore of no return
The one for me awaits
Cannot avoid the eyes
In which the fire burns
Comed this far it is too late
And He calls my name
First a whispering then louder
And he wants me to follow
And to Enter the Eternal Fire :metal: :imp: :metal:

edit: @Skort sorry I replied to you


Don’t worry man,you forever a bro.