The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

Looks like the fucking sexbox and packs a punch. It’s been stable for so long. I wonder what’s causing issues.

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Alright, here’s part of what I’m working on.

This is something I just started and is subject to major change over time as I develop more experience and match up knowledge. For reference in case any Ken mains (or Ken opponents), I’ll post the very alpha doc here. I’ll be adding more and more buttons, specials , etc. to the doc, but this is a start.


Bless you friend

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No worries. When I stop being lazy and the stuff gets rolling, I’ll do more in-depth stuff. Unfortunately, the 3S tech out there is way too much in one go, and while these docs are more for my own reference, I do aim to cut the fluff. I don’t need to be told, for example, that cornering Chun-Li is a good option when she has meter because it reduces her chances of using it. It’s redundant because I know this. I’ll be filling this up with general directions and gameplans.

Hopefully once I get good, I can develop this shit further and I can open it up to a larger audience for reference. If you want, I can also do short paragraphs on what to focus on in matchups as Ken.


Hi guys this lock down and I revisited some of my previous concept, something about a different style arcade mode but for a dream match(all star game like KOF98) that is semi tag team or for a team base game.

The objective was to make it casual always trying to discover a combination of team and to avoid joke endings and what if endings as much as possible, while keeping them to explore stuff.

It also doesn’t even lock a specific character to another because there is no default team like KOF.

The playthrough is more on seeing past events and interactions. it’s more on historical and inspired by AE mode.

Here is it.

The Story and Plot

But the difference this time it has “no plot”, but the ending isn’t about generic what if events that happened on like winning what if tournament in that game.

I want some new and different but doable. Everyone that I knew wanted a fixed team and endings. No need to rethink and write stuff critically other than doing redraws of the previous illustrations.

The endings would be something different from traditional that many had been used to in other crossover and dream match a like title, because this time it would be flashback ending base on the pair you choose.

So capcom wouldn’t need to create new endings other than redrawing illustration of the past relationship of characters. Something like in SFV AE.

Example: If you had Ryu and Birdie as your chosen pair you get an ending of Birdie in SFV AE which both of them appeared together.


But what would make this game different from other crossover is for not having a single default team or everyone is not fix to each other in order to have an ending.

And for the character that had multiple interactions in the past would have multiple possibility of endings. So each character can have multiple pairing and not restricted to particular pair.

like you can pair Ryu with Ken, Ryu with Bison, Ryu with Sagat, then Sagat with Bison(sfa1), Sagat with Dan and etc.

Like for Bison and Birdie

or even Birdie and Karin


For Akuma being paired either with Gen, Bison or Ryu


For Sagat being paired either with Boxer or Claw


For Ryu being paired with either Rose and Chun li


So that casuals would try to match and try to pair different characters to each other because there is no fixed and default to each other.

So there is no drama and question about the age of the characters or whether they are dead etc. Since it’s not set on a fixed timeline and plot because the endings are about the chosen pair from either interaction and the about the relationship of the pair.

It’s more of retelling the history like SFV AE but instead about the chosen pairing.

If the pair had no relationship or interaction on the past the ending illustration is simply the typical base being crumbling like KOF 98 and KOF 02.

Any thoughts, criticism and suggestions guys? Thank you

I voted for arcade stick guides, I have been clueless in that area and only know few types of lever and silent buttons, I don’t which is which is better that would suites your gameplay and playstyle.

When I was young american top in lever were rampant here, then in late 90s everything changed to ball top because of Japanese candy cabs and clones which had became the prominent machine here later.

I remember I was more defensive with the american one. I have read sometime that the ball top was more execution friendly. I don’t know if that is true?


A motherfuckin bug crawled in my ear as I was asleep.

I’m dead serious, this is maddening. Anyone got any experience with that?


An ant was on my ear when I was 12, My ear swelled and the hearing went weired. So I was rushed on that clinic that a doctor has a devices like mini hose or pen that blast fast running water in it until the ant went out.


With this kinda luck, good thing I don’t waste money trying to win the lottery.

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I used to play lottery a bit but I never do now, it’s just a tax on the poor.

Higher chance you get hit by a meteor than winning.


There’s no er ear doc where I live and I ain’t risking the Rona trying my luck in Rio or any large hospital.

I’ll have to drop cash on this. This is the stupidest thing. I’ll lose money because a fukkin insect crawled up my ear at 3am.

I’m so mad rn.

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In Italy we have a whole re-dub of the 3 movies but everyone is a stoner.

You know how people watch “the passion” when they go on a massive stoning marathon? I watch that instead.

I have shown you the solutions. You just have to implement one of them.


The dude who leaked Lucia,Honda,Poison pretty much said these are the 5… It also coincides with the Tarot cards Capcom released.

The Makoto meme lives then.

going through endless steam queues to find a game that makes me go “that’s the one!”
I found the one for @Cipher


Just started playing Terraria.

Man this game is good. I thought it was just 2d minecraft but it’s almost like a collection based metroidvania.

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Played it as well.

I was proud of my cactus armor.

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Capcom tried

we got Rashid

yeah I think you’re right

I love everything about El Fuerte except his gameplay. He’s an old school style character design, his theme is great, his character is great, his voice casting was great, even the way his moves look are all great, but his actual gameplan is cancer.

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So Rolento returning ?

Someone really had a boner for Final Fight.

Wait are we gonna have to pay for these new characters?

The whole reason I copped CE is so I could have (almost) everything for one good price.

Not only are you paying for it, you’re also gonna like it.