The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

I’m in the kitchen. About to whip up some sesame chicken.

We’re specifically talking about 30th, but I think most of us are on (yuck) FC too.

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Let me know if you want an invite once you come back from Sesame Street. :rofl:

Ken has other supers?

Lol, I’ll have to have a look at them. I don’t even know what they do

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Sounds good. I think we can do it through the party app on PS4. That or discord’s voice chat…

I haven’t used either so I don’t know if one is better than the other.

Y’all ever run into an Italian player who I’m sure knows he already has a shit connection because all Italians do and then he has the absolute fucking gall to pick Field of Fate like “Nah my connection is fine what are you talking about?” like holy shit who do you think you are get blacklisted you absolute cretin I have 200 confirmed kills.


Sorry just saw this now. Yeah, let me get my laptop setup. I’ll be on in 10-15 mins

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Should’ve played 3S with us. :rofl:



Asteraoth commanding his legions in his corner of hell :metal:


Literally the whole point of that discord channel. Just there so we you can voice chat and actively help each other while playing.

If you arent going to use the voice function, then there’s no point to it.


We’re already using it.

Btw, you joining in or did you leave the game paused?

I can’t short short super so fuck that game.


I can hardly limp my way through a super on 2P on hitbox, but double motions on 2P are cake on stick… it’s annoying.

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Hey at least you know how to do motions. I’m stuck here looking confused as hell.

So Spin got 30 wins, Plus got 10 and I got 0.

We need communism.

[spoiler]GGs :rofl: [/spoiler]


GGs guys. Being able to talk to you guys made it better… But having you guys hearing my mashing made it worse :rofl:

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This was a good beat-em-up.


Sounds like you should stick to stick

I agree. All of you get Ls.

That was fun! In all seriousness, as usual, I really enjoyed! See you guys in bracket. It’s going to be killer I think.