The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

I loved Gouken’s “FOOL!” or “oooohh”



Thats an impressive roster.
However does it have the most important character for a FG in existance? Kiryu Kazuma?

Probably there, look harder !

New characters, stages, costumes and more are on the way!

Expanding on the V-system maybe?

The web page says that Samurai Shodown V Perfect only adds a new story and ending to Special: “The gameplay of SAMURAI SHODOWN V SPECIAL has been left untouched

Early on, there was indeed a claim going around that Capcom wanted to release SFV under something like Steam’s “Early Access” label, but Sony refused. Of course, that could have been entirely unwarranted fan speculation. And, as you said, Capcom certainly wanted the game out for CPT.

The game was certainly rushed out, though. Disregarding everything else that was barebones or outright missing, don’t forget that the game shipped without its planned support for a premium currency and shop. You know the game had to have been rushed to ship without that system firmly in place. And it wasn’t just an “almost completed” feature, Capcom had to keep announcing delays, appeasing irate fans by making DLC characters playable for free until the system to buy them was implemented, and finally just giving up entirely on their own custom premium currency.

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hes got new routes for everything and does more damage across the board

that said still a bit peeved. the f34 change was a complete false bill of goods its special cancelable sure, but now its punishable on block when it wasn’t before, and the massive very easy to flawless block gap is still there, and when flawlessed you can’t special cancel it or do the grab followup and you just eat shit. Basically zero sum.


If the next set of characters and costumes aren’t top of the line then there’s no doubt in my mind the next capcom fighting game is going to be questionable…call it experienced foreshadowed paranoia

Rolento as the hanged man makes a lot of sense. They actually thought about this

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they are prob just gonna shit em out
no doubt sf6 already on their minds

also you and all of us are gonna buy it all so lets not pretend we are any better than lowly pigs for papa capcom

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Blue Mary’s not my favorite from SNK, but


Not a bad addition the jacket, but I don’t think those green and brown colors don’t mix well with her original red and blue colors


Link to MU chart plz


Now that you said it, it does really clash with her design. I only grabbed this image because

  1. I know Pertho likes Mary and no one on here posts her.

  2. I’m a sucker for abs.

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5-5 across the board.

It’s a very balanced game.

How is this possible lol.What the actual fuck.

Pettiness from the company making the railroad and the company responsible for the pole taking too long to move it.

It’s actually quite common. Nobody is delaying a road because of a pole, so they usually build around it and fix it later to avoid delays.

Edit: Dang, that resolution tho.

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Seems to me that it looks like the roadmap for SF5

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That is Mary’s original color scheme. Red top, blue pants, green jacket, brown belt. Games would later show the jacket interior is light brown, similar to the brown used in the image.

The jacket is normally a lighter, brighter green though. Meanwhile, her pants have ranged from a faded light blue (Fatal Fury 3) to a dark purple-blue (KOF97).

The issue with the picture may as much be that the jacket is over complicated with its half green and half brown design. The brown of the jacket may be a bit too far from the brown of the belt as well.


Nah, this was the SFV roadmap.