The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode



Can’t wait to see what the contest produces.


Man, that game looks so much better aesthetically. I definitely see the SF4 influence, but it looks so much more lively. WTF happened?

In hindsight, it makes sense that the biggest proponent of SFV doesn’t actually play it

Samsho is probably the slowest paced, most defense oriented FG I’ve ever played.
Not saying that as a negative. You need to be really careful and methodical if you don’t want your face cut off by a heavy slash (or SSM, god forbid), and I really like that.


Oh wait. This one is even better.


Who knows.
One one hand, it could be possible that SFV was rushed in part by sony.

BUT, lets not forget that capcom was really interested on pushing sfv out for the cpt and evo.

It is why they announced that sfv will release in to waves, 1st with the basic functionality for tournament play and then add the rest for the casuals.

The problem is that if you were not on sites dedicated to fgs, that wasn’t know at all.

Also, live service was the new thing by that time, they probably thought that releasing it unfinished and adfing stuff later wouldnt be received negatively.

And lets not forget that capcom doesnt really think that fondly about fgs compared to other endeveours.

They were money hated by sony and still cheaped out the whole game :rofl:

As for the gameplay, i think they got cold feet on how much crazy stuff they would add.

After all they wanted a game easy to control, so the crazy stuff had to go.
They probably thought that vt would be a good way to have crazy shit but controlled, and we know how that ended.

What i wonder is how on earth the game still has so many damn flaws after years of feedback.

This ain’t early internet days anymore.Companies getting so much info from the community is a blessing,yet you only see a balance patch once a year that hardly fixes anything and at times makes it worst.

As for casuals , i don’t even know what that word means anymore. Is it the dudes that only play the single player campaign ?

V-triggers are flawed and one of the core issues of the game imo.The strenght difference between them is unimaginably high and almost impossible to control in a game with so many variables, how on earth these guys think G’s VT1 , Urien VT 1 , Kolin VT 2 are ok but also Juri VT 2 , Dhalsim VT 1 are also fine. Just baffles my mind how a game designer thinks this is ok.


My fellow European, do you get good online connections up there in Igloo-land? I want to pull the trigger and buy SamSho, but the delay-based netcode is holding me back.

Up here in Socialist Norway, our glorious communist leadership ordered that our internet infrastructure shall not suck huge donkey balls and bad providers will be sent to Gulag to eat surströmming and lutefisk. And so it was that our internet was… pretty darn solid, considering we have mountains everywhere.

In Tekken or Arcsys-games I usually get problems only if people are on southern europe wifi (I played an italian for an hour yesterday in it worked fine). Everywhere else is fine. I never tried Samsho online though. Rumors have it the netcode is… meh. Not terrible, but not up to snuff. But it’s not a game that’s super vulnerable to bad netcode anyways due to how the core gameplay works.


Someone post this on twitter please.

BEECH-NUT’S the tobacco you chew lol.

Wow this one… :rofl:

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They probably feel lonely in there. Let’s have the Wi-Fi players keep them company while we’re doing this Ethernet Cleansing.

In that case I won’t bother. I’d rather have poor rollback than great delay-based netcode.

G, Urien and Kolin are some of the offenders now, but you’d also have to add Menat’s Vt1 at 2 bars, Ibuki’s bomb, Abigail murdering people in season 3 and 3.5 etc.

Probably because once you’re deep into design, things just got sideways. Once they’re deep into making the gameplay and testing it, how do you fix Aegis Reflector being guaranteed every round? That’s the real issue they probably ran into when making the game. Once a bunch of stuff didn’t work out how they wanted, they were committed to this.

V-trigger, Grey Health and Priority System with Crush Counters are all interconnected. You can’t really mess with either without ruining the how those three things hold each other up. So it isn’t as simple as tweaking damage from ultras per say. If you’re comeback mechanic isn’t good enough, then you can’t justify how much damage you stack from grey health. Same with the v-meter gain from wack ass v-moves.

A lot of things are too tightly packed into a game that can put you in situations where you can take it or leave it based on how they play out. Its sort of like parries. There are these great moments that happen with parries where you play around each other’s tendencies six layers deep; happened one time in one of my games with Spinnerism. But then you have a bunch of moments where parries can get on your nuts; then you decide whether or not the big high is worth putting up with the nut pain.

So SF5 has the same issues. There are moments where things work out in cool ways with v-triggers, stacking grey health on people etc. Then other times G hits you with a xx EX rush punch or all the terrible car crashes of v-trigger activation happen to you. V-trigger stuff happens way more often in more jarring ways than parries so it makes it harder to deal with.

Why do I get the feeling your gouverment is walking around and hands those out to everyone you get lags with.

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I hope they don’t waste a character slot on another final fight character :face_vomiting:

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I don’t mind Maki actually.

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Bruh. That was marvelous. I salute you. Long and curly hair + thicc = :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


When your having that Sf3 tournament?
It on the PS4 or pc


On Steam, Saturday at 11am PST.

Are you interested? I can send the links to the Discord and another thread to you.

Also, if you only have it on PS4, then please send me a friend request at Mattatsu_


They don’t really hand them out. People just mysteriously wake up there, surrounded by plates of lutefisk.