The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

Anyone here have any other hobbies outside of playing fighting games? if so, how do you juggle them?

I usually only get like 3 hours a day to play games or do other hobbies… Granted, I probably spend an additional hour throughout the day on here, but I like that. Anyways, I find labbing and playing takes up all of that time, which leaves no room for other hobbies.

I also love music but have pretty much abandoned it. I’m trying to get into making fighting game OST type instrumental tracks, but I almost feel like I have to pick one or the other, and if I go with the music, then I’d pretty much just play games casually every few days and not bother labbing.

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Hey guys, this is one of the GDers who plays 3S heavy. I ran into him in OE a while back and he bopped me mercilessly. Only on PS4 but if you wanna catch games, he is happy to oblige with some asswhoopings.


Yes. Shitposting and playing other games.

I don’t. :rofl:

It’s really pissing me off as of late, every time I’m actually in the mood to lab, I get sidetracked by some political nonsense. :rofl:

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Guys, I have decided and signed up for courses on how to trade in the FOREX. Gonna become corrupt AF!!


@Lantis feel free to add me on PSN at Mattatsu_.

Full disclosure, I just started getting into 3S (been playing somewhat seriously for the last few weeks) and am not great (probably not even good lol), but am working on improving.

Drawing is as much a hobby as a job. I do it because I have a routine set in stone every day for what I’m going to do, and I never deviate because that’s the kind of thing that I had drilled into me. Additionally, I watch a lot of documentaries to broaden my horizons, though those don’t really account for full courses. I read a good amount too. Cleaning is an enjoyable pasttime, but if I’m real, my favourite thing to do outside of drawing and 3S is studying ahead. I was a really bad student for a really long time, and now that I’ve matured a little more, I like honouring the investment my parents put in me. I reserve an hour each for everything (save for drawing and playing), but don’t do all of them daily.


Remember me when you become famous. I’ll always be looking to scrub your floors for >min. wage.


I’m sorry, who are you?



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That’s probably the best thing to do.

I think maybe 1 hour music and 2 hours for games may be best for me now, which works because with my music, my brain kinda burns out of ideas or inspiration quickly, where as fighting games take a bit longer for me to get into (probably because I start labbing for a bit and then it takes a few games to be warmed up)

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Yeah that sounds good. I feel like any concrete schedule with incentives can achieve a lot more than pre-existing motivation with no base. “I’m going to do it because it will achieve x,” is far more convincing to me than, “I’m going to do it because I really wish I could get good at it.”

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I do music, but bands are hard to keep up when everyone gets married and has kids. I run a lot too.

FGs have been nice cause I can build sticks and stuff which is a fun hobby on top of everything

The way I see it, if I give it any time and are reasonably consistent, I’ll improve or at least not decline.

I’m not trying to win Evo, play MSG, or win a marathon. So as long as you’re having fun, don’t sweat it


Eating Chinese food right now and it rocks. Barbecued stingray with lime and chilli!




@Alkipot the My Hero Academia game is on sale.

Looking at that thing like :eyes: :sweat_drops:

Edit: also PS+ renewed. @PlusFrames @KingTubb y’all gonna catch hands soon.


It crapped out so much and so fast I assumed there’s a more complicated setup than just hitting a button. Didn’t work on vhozite either.

All you kids and your complicated gadgets.

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Damn dude you could have saved the hassle and joined us to spectate the games normally.

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I don’t because I always ended up gaming too long :man_facepalming:t4:

I want to get serious about drawing and exercise but those take more effort than sitting in front of a screen and niggas tired after work.


So it turns out that I skip one of my downfowards when doing double QCB to super activate on the 2 player side.

That is incredibly weird.

Not really. You’ll find a lot of people have different execution changes based on player side and that’s even if you’re naturally great at execution. Well at least it’s the case for Arcade Sticks due to how they function. Sometimes the differences are subtle and affect very little, and other times it’s night and day. For example, me personally (and I’m going to use a Marvel 3 example for ease but this would also be relevant for other games) I struggle when doing Thor’s TK Mighty Strike on P1 side but I can do it with ease on P2 side. However I’m better on simple directional execution for P1 side, usually related to command normals in strings, compared to P2 side where it’s a bit messier.

Basically I can input motion far more fluidly on P2 side for whatever reason, but I’m generally more precise on P1 side.