The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

I remember telling somebody that furries always want to put/inject their furry stuff everywhere.



What’s up with that “they/them” thing? They just pick whatever shit is trending just to feel like a special snowflake now?



Instead of actually referring as “he/she” because that would imply a gender, people refer to other people as “they” since it’s a gender neutral pronoun.

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Actually, Sonicfox said to address him as they

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Man, that was a long reunion.

See? It’s easier to block Jin’s 3S Ibuki mixups than to guess the right pronoun to address people nowadays.

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I don’t like this stuff because it just adds to confusion. Like I was listening to a podcast and they were discussing Seth and there were three guys and one was referring to Seth as “he”, the other was saying “she” and the third guy was saying “they”. I felt like they were all trying to get the others to use their preferred gender pronoun.


The worst part is that if you call them out on this bullshit, you’re calling them out because you’re homophobic, not because it’s stupid.


I understand their point, but what bothers me is that they use “they” to refer to a singular individual.

Like, come on man, English has a neutral singular pronoun (it), why you complicating things?

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Parries can go EAD.



Oh man I actually hit somebody with TK Youzansen and it felt so good. No conversion because because I had no meter to RC (in hindsight that wasn’t smart) but I was still feeling myself.

When I’m not getting mopped up in .5 seconds I really enjoy this game.


Also fuck I-no.

Every character in this game besides Baiken is complete bullshit.

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Parries on delay based netcode are bullshit

My guy, that’s a 9f Overhead. :rofl:

Anime is bullshit. Embrace it.


The way 3S parries work, and a lot of the stuff that turn upside down because of it, is legitimately bad.

But its the price of admission to the game. I’m gonna figure it out eventually, but to me its onw of the worst mechanics in the game. Probably one of the worsr SF mechanics.


It’s the most esports hype generating mechanic that Capcom ever Invented.

But when I can’t fucking parry a fireball cause the netcode is booty ass wee wee garbage, I get pissed

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30th is rollback, fortunately. I can’t account for PS4, but I can parry pretty easy on PC. Just need to adjust some stuff coming to 30th online because the speed is different.

Also, speaking of that tournament, I’ll create a thread for the 3S version.


Gonna stream an arena game again, maybe other games later.

I actually played a Q because Spin accidentally left the lobby open once.

It was laggy af. Like, SFV 3-Bars laggy.

Dude could parry every single fireball I threw.

I still don’t know how he managed to do that in that lag.

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Really?! Shit, I just suck. I couldn’t get fireball parries against plusframes earlier this week and I went full scrub and blamed the netcode


I have that problem sometimes too. It’s something to work on. I can’t parry fireballs sometimes, and DPs are my parry enemies. Can’t parry them for shit.

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