The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

It may not be quite that much of a coincidence, but rather a phrase from one language being phonetically recast into a Latin-related language.

The Niger is a very long river that passes through a number of areas, and thus acquired a number of names in different languages that all pretty much mean “river”, “great river”, or “river of rivers”.

The believed root of “Niger” (as the river’s name) is a Tuareg/Tamashek/Berber phrase “ger n-ger” or “gher n-gheren” or similar (meaning “river of rivers”). Again, this was just one of many different names for the river, but it was arguably the name that Europeans were most likely to encounter.

When Leo Africanus wrote Europe’s definitive work on the geography of Africa in the 16th century, he called the river “Niger”. (Wikipedia cites this as the earliest use of “Niger” as the river’s name.)

As for the city Niger and the country Nigeria, they are 20th century creations derived from 19th century British Imperialism.


This forum section lost too many people over time.

Even now with like 3 days until reveal we are like 10 people.

Quite a shame.


When you are a white guy born in Niger and black person asks where you are from…


SC6 patch notes.
Mina still looks dumb but slightly less dumb so I’m fine with this. Also apparently 44A is now plus on block if you use it from lethal hit range, soo… what the fuck.


Played around in Rev 2 this weekend and that game’s got some funky shit.
So unlike SF (at least everything before 3S, don’t know about IV and V) when you hold a direction, it registers it as a repeating input.
Makes it so you can cheat some of the execution stuff a little.

Also, I can see why some people really hate Ramlethal, but I honestly might main her :woman_shrugging:

edit: inputs repeat in V, so I learned something today


For the PC players do y’all prefer Windowed or full screen when playing SFV??

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They were free for everyone, just check it out on the CAS mode.


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Boarderless windowed actually.You can force this with a few apps.

Basically full screen and still alt tabbing like a mad man.

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Also a lot of those sexual allegations apparently just magically disappeared.

Not really much of an also based on my last post but I check regularly to see if any new info comes out and nothing.

Well, some left due RL things, which is comprensible, with the years i have seen a lot of people and friends come and go, it specially sucks when is because they died :confused:

Others just left because they were soft bitchass niggas who couldnt handle people not agreeing with whatever shit they called their opinions.

Add the new sites/apps that serve as huds now, so is not surprising the low amount of people hanging here.


Might run and stream a Norwegian SC6-lobby later tonight.


I mean, it’s a forum.

The entire idea of a forum is to share ideas and discuss them.

Still, I remember the forums from a few years back it was more crowded.I kinda miss it.


There are a lot of people that cant really handle when someone challenges their ideas.
Just look at all the retards on retardera, twatter, etc.
Just recently Bea apparently left because some people here disagreed with her about the whole Iroha situation. (She probably left for more reasons, but for what we know, that was the catalyst, lol)

And like i said, forums as a way to interact are on the way out, everyone is on social media sites or discord now :man_shrugging:

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Umh, what Iroha situation ?

I haven’t followed.

Yeah, i think sometimes people use forums to validate their opinions and get discouraged when that isn’t always the case.

I don’t think that’s why everyone left though, but I’m not sure.

I will say that I do post on twitter quite a bit… Because it sucks for conversations, it’s pretty good for one-off clips, thoughts, and memes. Plus a bunch of non-FGC stuff (sports, music, movies, etc)

Also, my PS4 is linked to it, so it’s easier for posting footage like this (which isn’t great footage, lol, no great tech, and I made a bunch of mistakes, but i was excited).


She’s going through some IRL stuff.

Can’t confirm nor deny that she left because of that or the “Horny on main” debacle.


When some idiots on twatter made a shitstorm because someone on the official SNK twitter account made jokes about the fan service nature of Iroha.

Some individuals believed it was unprofessional, others said it was fine.
She was on the unprofessional camp.
Some people here disagreed with her and some (myself included) even called her out on the apparent hypocresy of complaining about that while comissioning boderline hentai fanart for the chars she likes, while calling other more fan service chars sluts, lol.

I don’t believe I’ve seen any new allegations in any industry lately. While it could just be that I’m not watching the right news circles, it could also be that this round of the “metoo” movement has run out of steam, and will need another “big” scandal breaking to kickstart another round.

For example, I remember Jim Sterling saying that we should expect more claims to surface against Ubisoft, because he personally knew people that had yet to speak out. But after Ubisoft distracted the gaming community with a number of game announcements and “leaks”, I don’t believe I’ve seen any more claims levied against them. I’m not a big Hollywood news fan, but I haven’t heard much in that arena either. Etc.