Strangely… Quite a few times this past week people have asked about a A1 thread… So well… I decided to make one.
A1 is defiantly a game that gets a undeservedly bad rap. Complaining about things that basically arnt true, or at least exaggerating. One common thing being guy ruins the game and has broken dizzy combos, and redizzy combos. Guy isnt even the best character in the game, and although he does have a redizzy combos. The general one doesnt even work in most versions of the game, where you would redizzy them a regular combo would kill them in most cases. Whats more his redizzy combos needs a jump into to start off which, doesnt happen off a dizzy combo ethier since your not in position for it.
Someone just picking guy and dizzying you the whole match is just not how the game in reality works. And in many situations where guy can dizzy you, a good number of characters can dizzy you as well.
There are some diff versions of the game but the one that is played online is the last arcade version. Off the top of my head main difference being from most people probably played is, guy can only redizzy if he does a stand jab, hk, walk forward stand jab, hk(good luck), and sodoms unblockable does not work. So saying that its pretty much the same as saturn version or the version most people played in arcades(although sodoms unblockable did work in saturn that I remember). That is unless someone actually had the beta version of the game in there arcade were charlie could cancel all his normals besides backfist and guy could redizzy with a jump in mash jab, stand hp, running overhead. Shrug Theres also a gameboy version of the game… Its in black and white… Its on the game boy… It has 2 buttons… Also just to say if anyone tries playing on that ps2 anthology thing jig, the game is off, moves are harder to do(good luck doing akumas demon flip consistently), you can charge for the same combos anymore, cant combo birdie off acs. Just a little off…
I started playing the game again last year on and off randomly online and here are the tiers imo. Contrary to opinion as well people do play the game, and you can usually find people to play on 2df more so. That is of course… Unless you are for some reason a known turbo user like me.( … -____-…) Anyway so yea there are people that play but finding people that will play more then a match(at least for me)is pretty hard. If people disagree id love to hear opinions and better yet prove me wrong online? lol
Best man tier
Akuma and ken
Not much akuma doesnt do. Dizzy combos, redizzy combos, Baits and punishes rolls just as hard as any one else. Hard to think of flaws he has… He does take more damage the normal. His alpha counter theoretically could be a disadvantage if someone is chipping him to death. And his roll is ass. Ass to the point of it probably was only put in the game for the off chance you might miss something it get it instead to… well punish you for fucking up your command.
Kens roll is too good for what it is. Although a lot of people talk about a roll trap with duck lp,lk,mk lp roll stuff that extent. You can actually just do duck hp lp rollXn and it is very hard to discourage/counter for what it is. A lot of characters unless they have a dp just dont have a move that has enough priority to beat kens duck hp, and are forced to take a air hit, or if they have meter try and ac it. Again not some fool proof auto win tactic, but very hard to stop for what it is. Other then that hes basically a shoto, and shotos are very good in this game. Only major disadvantage he has compared to akuma and ryu is he does not dizzy like they do because off his air hurricane kick, and fireball does not combo from max range stand fierce. He does not have the unblockable/ambiguous cross up like akuma and ryu have either.
Guy tier
Guy is in his own tier probably below akuma and ken. Sometimes I think he should actually be in a tier with rose and ryu. But guy has that sorta 50/50ness to him where sometimes you will get hit by a ambiguous cross up or trick, and he will win the match automatically more or less. Saying this guy does get a bad rap, as in reality in real matchs he just doesnt dizzy you from a single chain like people want to belive. It just doesnt happen. His hurricane kick is good, but its actually punishable from every distance but max range just by walking up and hitting him. A lot I think guys stuff is like that, hes not intuitive to punish off hand, but in fact a lot of his stuff is punishable. Also although he has just a ridiculous amont of anti air options(air throw, hurricane kick, duck hp, stand lk, flip kick, air super, duck mp, duck lk to go under cross up…you can go on and on)a lot of these actually all aim at the same spot, and dont win consistently unless its a flip kick from max range, or hk hurricane kick and punch super. Which HK hurricane kick has start up, and punch super hits higher so, in reality jumping around like a jack ass with high priority moves can actually be pretty annoying for guy. You have to basically guess when there going to jump, use a normal that has a good chance of trading. Anyway it sounds silly I guess but really there are certain things you can do to counter to guy that actually are pretty effective for what they are. Purposely putting yourself in the corner can also help stop some of his stuff. And if your character has a move with a huge hit block you can “safely” mix it up easier vs him as well since his hurricane kick loses to throws, and his hurricane kick invincibility wise goes lk=low , mk=mid attacks hk=high attacks. So say ken can actually roll trap guy with duck hp, and guy cant hurricane kick it to beat it. Just a random example I guess…
Next tier
Ryu rose and sodom
id say guy could be in this tier again if not for the random sometimes guy just wins factor that can happen. Ryu arguably dizzys the fastest besides guy, and its really easy to count wtih him your stuff. Ryu theorectically has a 50/50 chance of killing you after almost any knock down, guessing roll or going for his unblockable cross up. And at the very least a ambiguous mix up. He pretty juggly friendly as well, although none of it is gaurenteed but again, theres a good chance if ryu guesses and times it right, he dizzy combos you to kill. Super fireball might be the best super in the game as well. Rose has slide, duck hp, very chain friendly and shadow unblockable dizzy stuff. But a lot of her stuff is rollable and she gets punished for it as well. Sodom kinda iffy on. If he has the unblockable hes probably in this tier, if he doesnt maybe in the next. Basically any time you can time his stand hk meaty its unblockable, so after any knock down, or some random air hit/throw tech to stand hk, stand hk, fierce scrape. I personally think its probably better to link 2 hks together since its safer imo, and even if you miss the first one you actauly have a chance of the second one hitting, as the hit box exstends a bit at the end. Hes a pretty huge target though, and you can try and roll to throw off his timing. So again if he doesnt have unblockable probably not with ryu and rose…
War against drugs drama tier
Charlie and Bison
I think the japanese actually rated bison as the second best character in some tier lists. I personally dont see it. Maybe him having double fireball makes him that much better? Charlie is a pretty solid character all around, has some of the only legitimate juggles in the games, and actually does good dizzy as well. Unfortunately he cant really force it on you like ryu, akuma can. Bison does good damage, has a really power super, and can be pretty annoying by basically doing nothing but running away and alpha countering you. But I think when you think about characters above him who can out right win matchs from knock downs, he doesnt do that…
Not as good as everyone else tier
A cluster fuck in some mix of chun li, adon birdie dan sagat…
I think the game is a flawed but relatively balanced in terms of this character can win somehow way. I dont think any of these characters are that off from each other in terms of how good they are. Chun li is pretty decent all around but all of her stuff is rollable, and her throw is rollable to on hit and she can be comboed after it. Adon is just sorta there. Doesnt have many combo options and has to rely a lot on random hits. Birdie was a white guy in sf1 and is now black dude. Dan has one of the best cross ups in the game, and he and can have the most powerful regular combo in the game. Which is really his saving grace, since dan basically runs into the problem of… how the fuck am I going to get in? MK hurricane kick in this game actually also goes over fireballs if timed right but hard to use consistently. He does not bait rolls well, can not punish rolls well, and some of his combos are rollable and get him punished in the process. He also does the worst dizzy out of the shotos. Some matchs really feel hopeless with dan(cough akuma). Dan has some alright stuff but the problem is getting in before the guy can push you out with a AC. But combo to hurricane kick saves him from being raped…Probably sagats worst game. And even saying that I dont think sagat is out right horrible. He sorta is like charlie to me, a solid sorta all around character, but where as charlies moves actually win in his favor, sagat kinda does his thing, but loses. He actually would be a pretty easy character to make better if they just changed him to how they did in the Hyper version of the game(besides the nerf to his level 1 tiger raid)so thats saying something. Sagat is just missing that little extra something to keep him competitive in the game. He and birdie do probably have the best jump/normals in the game. He might be the best of jobbers against akuma though when I think about it, so that might be saying something… But not sure…
To much typing ill stop there… Anyway A1 is a fun game, although I think a2 is a “cooler” game. I think a1 is actually the funniest alpha game. shrug…